Womb work came to me after experiencing an abortion. I had no idea what womb work was nor did I have a concept of what the womb meant to me as a young woman a few years into her marriage. Come to find out, women and womb work go together like peanut butter and jelly! (or toast and avocado!).
Seriously though, if you are a woman on the conscious or spiritual path, you will have to eventually descend into your womb and do this work.
Today, after working years with this topic of womb healing and the feminine path, I want to share with you the top signs that make it very obvious for any woman to know that it’s time to explore womb work!
Top signs it’s time to do womb work
My job with sharing womb work with you today is to wake up to the importance, beauty, and power of what happens when we bring awareness and love to our wombs and begin to walk the path of reclaiming our Womb Wisdom.
The power of the womb has long been repressed, and unfortunately, women’s understanding of it has also been lost along the way. It is so important that with the rise of the Divine Feminine, women begin to return to Womb Wisdom. It is what keeps us rooted in our body wisdom, expands our intuitive capacities, live out our deepest desires, and most importantly, reclaims the magic of life. So if we desire any of this, we must engage womb work on some point of our journey.
I believe most women have no idea that what they are living is greatly related to their wombs and what lives inside them. I say this because I didn’t know and my clients don’t normally know either. With the rise of spirituality and ascension, is it more important than ever for women to explore and get comfortable with womb work because it integrates the frequencies between dimensions. It helps us make sense of the spiritual journey and also integrate our understanding in every day life.
The Seductress Path within the S.O.F.I.A. School begins with the study, embodiment, and integration of womb work and womb wisdom. This is what the Womban Wisdom Mentorship is all about and what the Path itself initiates you in.
Here are some topics and themes that show you are ready for womb work.
Signs you are ready for womb work and womb healing:
Feeling disconnected from your feminine energy or physical body
Feeling disconnected from life (metaphorical loss of appetite)
Feeling overwhelmed or overburdened by life
Disconnected from your partner, loved one, or your sexuality overall
Feeling stagnant, lack of creativity or excitement for life
Feeling too ‘in the head’ and not ‘in the body’
Caught in the same patterns for years, decades, or generations
Disconnected to the menstrual cycle or daily rhythms (every day,
The expectation of energy, libido, mental fortitude, food intake, and productivity is the same)
Can’t seem to take responsibility for certain needs or create the necessary structures required.
Unable to speak your truth
Unable to process fear, anger, grief, pain
Difficulty in facing fears or trusting your intuition
Shallow breathing
Low vitality
Imbalanced libido (too much or too little sexual appetite)
Numbness, pain, or tension when making love
Painful periods + PMS
Irregular menstruation
Preparing for conception
Pre and post-birth support
Post-menopause support
Hormonal balance
Challenges with birthing your desires or pursuing your dreams
Lacking in creativity or abundance
Inability to take action on what you desire, need, or want
Feel your spiritual journey is out of body
Your meditation practice takes you out of your body
Difficult time integrating or grounding your higher chakras
- feeling overwhelmed, confused or ‘thrown around’ by spiritual energy (not feeling centered, peaceful and anchored in your divine truth)
Generational trauma
Womb-heart reconnection (indecisive, grieving/releasing/detaching from past relationships)
Womb trauma or loss like miscarriage, abortion, birth trauma, or abuse
As you can see, the womb is a lot more than this random physical space where a baby is created. It holds a world of information and can not only help us change our lives for the better but also create one based on our desires and dreams. I think one of the most beautiful things that has been given to me on this path is the permission slip to live a life based on my desires and dreams. It sounds nice but to actually live it and bring it into fruition will bring about many initiations and requires us to be anchored into something much greater than the perceived ‘human experience’.
womb work and shadow work
Your womb holds all memory, as you will see below in the following section. With this being said, there is nothing that can be hidden when diving into the realm of the womb.
I think this is one of the greatest reasons why women don’t want to do this work. But here’s the thing:
The unknown only has power while it remains unknown. As soon as it is known, we can train the body-mind-spirit to support with integration.
I would say, if there is anything deep inside your heart, peeking over your shoulder, or consistently showing up in your life that you KNOW you don’t want to look at, it is definitely time to do womb work! You will be able to get to the bottom of it and it will no longer have any power or strength over you (I promise!).
womb work and your spiritual journey
womb work and generational patterns
The Womb is the source of life and creation. As long as women walk this world with old patterns and belief systems in their wombs, they will keep reliving old patterns and behaviors.
We often do not know what lives in our womb because the generations before us do not openly speak about it and have done a great job hiding it. There is no blame there but there must be a recognition of what is.
If we do not know the whole picture of those who came before us (and who really knows what happened 7 generations ago!?!?) we cannot judge what we find or what we are experiencing difficulties in our life. And honestly, the greatest issues that come up in sessions are things that are happening in this life but that come from many generations ago.
One thing that I commonly find in these sessions is the pain and grief of previous generations. Because there has not been much space to process the circumstances and experiences of those who have come before us, it is not uncommon to have massive waves of grief, forgiveness, or clearing for them. These templates live inside the body and hold us back from living our highest expression if we do not create a space of release or witnessing for them.
I think it’s important to simply know that the Womb is the center, the fireplace, of your life. And if there are things you do not like or don’t feel good about, chances are, there could be some templates sitting dormant in your womb just running the show.
Your womb carries the templates and codes of 7 generations before you and 7 generations forward. Even if you do not choose to have children or are in your menopausal years, your womb still carries information that affects your daily reality.
womb work and Heart, Womb, Higher Mind trinity
Something that started happening in womb healing sessions during 2022 was the connection between the Heart, the Womb and the Higher Mind. I found this to be fascinating.
It turns out, that our higher mind, the Crown chakra and above, is a direct link and access point to the Source/Higher Consciousness. And as we activate our DNA and clear old patterns, we create space for something NEW to come through. This is fascinating to me! It means that womb work is the primary step for this trinity to turn on.
Many times, upon clearing the generational line, it’s like we cleaned up the house and made space for new connections to be created. One of these is the Heart-Womb-Higher Mind Trinity.
This connection supports us in living and embodying a spirit-led life. This means you feel liberated and supported in having new dreams, creating new creations, pursuing new possibilities, activating new skills, and maybe even receiving new memories. You also feel grounded in your decisions and can back up your decisions with embodied action (instead of making decisions to please others or ones that do not resonate). You become more in tune with what is in your Highest-Good.
womb work and fertility/pregnancy
Sharing a Little Hope
One of the things that comes alive for women when it’s time to conceive or talk about fertility is the womb (yaayyy! – Doing a happy dance for that!). Women will come to me for a womb healing session because they are interested in supporting their fertility journey or want to prepare their wombs energetically for the arrival of a new soul.
This is a beautiful experience and will often prepare the mother emotionally, physically, and spiritually for this new soul (along with her partner). I’ve had babies make requests about many things for their future parents because they knew there were a few more things to work on before they arrived!!
I had a session just recently where the baby wanting to come in was asking that her ‘future’ parents learn how to be more intimate and loving first. She also wanted the mother to learn how to soften and nurture herself in a much deeper and more intimate way.
Now think about that for a moment. If you were a soul, and you had the opportunity to make these statements ( r requirements) BEFORE you came in, wouldn’t you do the same?!?!? I wish I would have!
We live in a time where it is very common for people to be receptive to the mystical and the ‘non-ordinary’. So why wouldn’t souls be making these kinds of requirements in a world that is amongst this much chaos!?
Oftentimes, women in this stage will feel a yearning to connect with Sacred Feminine Wisdom – this deep sense of intuitive wisdom that cannot be explained yet requires a space in their lives in preparation for a new soul. This is because, as keepers of a womb, we are inherently made to have a deep connection to the mysteries of life.
womb work and conceiving
Often, when women are having a difficult time conceiving, I find they are out of touch with their femininity, with the part of themselves that desires to rest, soften, believe, dream, surrender, and receive. And if that feels like you, I want to say that it’s OK. You are not a failure.
In fact, you have done exactly what you needed to do to get to this point. There are no life experiences that do not serve.
There is hope and YES, there have been women who have conceived their child after a session and there have also been women who haven’t because it wasn’t in their destiny. Either way, these women had to open to their feminine body wisdom and get connected to their womb wisdom. They had to open to the Sacred Feminine Wisdom that was yearning to be with them in order to guide them into the next phase of their life.
Another thing I find is that women put far too much pressure on themselves during this process, which actually depletes their womb ‘soil’ and their heart field. Perhaps it’s not a common statement, but there needs to be a level of trust and surrender so that the heart and womb become a strong conduit for the pregnancy to occur. If a woman were to soften her nervous system and have more faith in the process, I believe it would help alleviate a lot of the contraction that is seen on the inner plane during these sessions. I know it’s much easier said than done, but our stress levels really take a toll on our health, especially during the process of pregnancy
What happens in a womb quantum healing where fertility and pregnancy are the intention?
When fertility and pregnancy are the intentions of the couple, there is a strong call to bring forth Sacred Feminine Wisdom Codes. This energy will sweep away energy leaks and imbalances, whether in behaviors, belief systems or routines, that are otherwise not conducive to the pregnancy.
Fertility codes are then laid as the ground soil for the womb and the heart-womb connection is reestablished. This heart-womb connection allows the woman to anchor into her truth and knowing, setting the tone for a safe and nourishing environment.
Many souls coming in at this time require this connection to be turned on because it creates a more coherent electromagnetic field between the couple, creating a sense of safety and stability. Also, the couple’s intention is taken into consideration, and if there is any leakage of energy in the woman’s body we get to address that too.
Lastly, practical and physical recommendations may come through. It is not uncommon to get women reconnected with their menstrual cycles, get on a yoni-steam protocol, and do some womb breathing in order to vitalize the womb area and get a strong connection established before the baby can come in.
I hope this has opened your eyes and awareness on how womb work can support you, no matter what part of life you are in, but most especially if you’re called by the feminine path.
If a quantum womb healing session can support you at this time, make sure to BOOK YOUR SESSION HERE.
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Make sure to share this blog with other Women in your life! It helps spread the frequency and also supports my work.
Celeste Gluz