What is womb wisdom?
Almost everything can be traced back to the womb. Much of your current reality was imprinted in your womb before you even came into existence.
Womb Wisdom is a deep, earthly, and ancient knowing found within our human body. It is the gnosis of life’s mysteries awakening within us and drawing us closer to walking with the Divine. Womb Wisdom is as ancient as time itself and can connect us with the Galactic womb or the Universal Womb depending on the nature or inclination of our Soul. The S.O.F.I.A. School is founded on the path of Womb Wisdom, beginning with Womb Awakening and then initiating us into deeper aspects of the Feminine Mysteries.
The way we know how to love, connect with nature, receive intuition, nurture, heal, create, use our imagination, sing songs of healing & creation, foster the sacredness of life, etc. These are all parts of Womb Wisdom and what has been slowly stripped away for hundreds of years from our human experience, leaving us bare bones as humans with just the physical reality that our 5 senses can perceive and our mind can analyze.
When we lose connection to Womb Wisdom, we lose connection to the Sacred Feminine Wisdom of life, taking us out of our ‘natural genius’ and placing us in an inorganic, manufactured world that is dry and drains our life-force. This is why so many women are waking up to the reality that they can no longer function in today’s world – especially in the Western World – becuase we have had to fit into a model of life where the sacred feminine wisdom template has been removed.
This is inorganic and unsustainble – to our bodies, our children, our homes, our lives.
A woman’s natural genius lies in her Womb’s Wisdom.
If she has the luxury of living in an environment where this is recognized and supported, she can reconnect to a thread of Ancient Magic beyond this realm and become an unstoppable force backed by Love & Grace.
I believe all humans yearn for this connection to exist once again in our world.
Womb Wisdom is where our deep sense of body knowing lives and it is what is activated when we return to our femine nature.
When we are connected to Womb Wisdom, it anchors us into a ‘zone of genius’ in matters of life’s mysteries such as Life & Death, Creation, Grief, Imagination, healing and Magic. These were always fundamental parts of cultural myths and legends and ask us to give them a place in our lives as we return to the Wisdom of the Mother.
When the feminine is tapped into her Womb Wisdom, she is the Creatrix of her reality and the reality of those closest to her.
She is quite literally the ‘Weaver of Worlds’.
We have fairy tales depicting women as weavers for a very specific reason. It was not just children’s stories. It was a way to pass down the Wisdom of life. It was a way to remind women that in the mundane world, their hands, their hearts, their womb-heart, hold the Magic of this reality.Without it, this realm suffers (as we see in today’s world). The ability to weave, or create a ‘net’ around your reality, that holds with it your deepest desires, dreams, and needs.
That is what is possible when we begin our journey home to Womb Wisdom.
How far back does womb wisdom go?
Womb Wisdom goes back all the way to the beginning of time. In sacred sites around the world, artifacts clearly depict yoni or womb-like entrances, caves and placenta-like ceremonial spaces. The womb of earth, the womb of women, the womb of Creation. These are all one Womb in fractal form and it is time for women to remember how this lives in their bodies.
Womb Wisdom is a large part of the Rose Lineage, you can read more about here. Much of the Rose Lineage protected and nurtured Womb Wisdom because they knew it held the Sacred seeds of Creation. Without this Wisdom, humanity is lost. We become disconnected from the Great Mother and lose the Spark of the Golden HU-man Heart (much more of this to come within the S.O.F.I.A. School).
But for now, know that womb wisdom has been on this planet before we had language. Before we had science. Before there was math. Before the mind is birthed, the womb of the Universe existed, and in that fabric of intellegence is where our womb wisdom once first seeded. And it is time now for all women to reawaken to their Womb Wisdom once again.
Where do I start with Womb Wisdom?
There’s a few simple places to start if the concept of Womb Wisdom is new. I would strongly reccomend keeping it simple. The womb is our Home – it is a place of great power, mystery and creative potential, and as we explore it, it will guide us where we need to go.
We as women have been cut off from our womb’s wisdom and it’s for a very good reason. When we return to this place, things begin to change. We begin to reclaim our True Power, our Voice and the Essence of what the Feminie Role is on this planet.
So here’s a few places I would strongly reccomend beginning with:
Connect with your Womb:
Learn and LOVE your cycle
Understand the role of your Womb and give it a place in your life
Listen Womb Wisdom 101 Workshop
Womb Wisdom as a lifepath
I’d like to remind you that womb wisdom is not a destination, it’s a journey.
As we return to the wisdom of our womb’s we find that it’s a place from which we live. The deeper we go and deeper it takes us. Womb Wisdom in my experience is a way of life. It’s a place we can return to time and time ago for a direct internal compass, for regeneration and for spiritual guidance.
My experience with awakeining to womb wisdom
Womb Wisdom can lead us into a whole new world because the womb is a place of life and death. Awakening to Womb Wisdom has helped me in:
Healing my relationship to intimacy, money and safety
Reclaiming my feminine magic
Integrating my dark feminine
Integrating my spiritual path i.e. grounding multi-dimensional experiences and skills
Reclaiming the Wisdom of my body and healing my relationship to it
Has revealed to me the Priestess Path – a feminine spiritual path devoted to reclaiming the True Heart of Humanity.
Stepping into my feminine power and leadership
Reclaiming the Sacred Heart of Divine Union
Walking the way of Womb Wisdom
Remember, womb wisdom is a calling. Where it will take you and what is meant for you on this path is written by the Great Mother. There are many paths to uncover and reveal womb wisdom in your life. What’s most important is that you connect and surround yourself with what resonates. If your womb cringes or shuts down around certain work related to ‘womb wisdom’ then it’s not for you.
Take your time.
Trust your inner compass.
It will lead you home to wholeness, magic and so much more.
Are you ready to go all-in?
Are you ready to awaken your Womb Wisdom ?
Enter this powerful portal of magic and creation.
Explore the SEDUCTRESS PATH within the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
This archetype path is all about reclaiming your womb wisdom – from practical self-care practices, to womb healing techniques and the wisdom of the feminine that lives in your heart and womb. BEGIN TODAY and return to the Wisdom of your Body!
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings,
Celeste Gluz 𓆃
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
This blog is all about womb wisdom.
The Membership
FREE: Learn your Cycle, Love your period
FREE: Take the Feminine Archetype Quiz
Why Feminine Lineage is Key on the Feminine Path
Magdalene Mysteries – the Untold story of a Feminine Lineage
Navigating Trauma in the womb – 6 simple ways to start
Womb Wisdom 101 Workshop
Awaken the Language of your Womb
The Role of the Womb Workshop