Winter solstice is a very significant time for me. It’s a time where I feel the inner planes come alive and the stars above feel like they’re right inside me, guiding me into new levels of activation, awareness and being. I think many sensitives and empaths feel different during this time but are not quiet sure what’s happening or how it relates to our shift in consciousness.
Add to that the over-stimulating consumerism and familial obligations, and this holy-day season of winter solstice, which has been honored and revered by countless cultures around the world, can quickly transform into something very far from its original meaning.
But if you can make time for some very simple spiritual practices, you will receive the true significance of this time which is to awaken our deep cellular memories of the cosmic story we are all a part of via death and rebirth.
So today I’d like to share with you 5 simple practices I naturally find myself doing for the winter solstice that help embody this star frequency and anchor its spiritual significance.
5 easy tips to receive the spiritual power of Winter Solstice
Every year around November time I feel something shift inside me. This has been happening for as long as I can remember and I’ve only been able to make sense of it in the last few years.
The Winter Solstice has profoundly shifted me on many levels, time and time again, so much so, that I’ve created a course to walk you through this portal: Magnify your radiance: 3 days of darkness
The winter solstice is a time of great spiritual power where the veils are thin and our spirit calls us forward. It is known in the spiritual traditions as a time of rebirth, where the sun will ‘stay still’ for 3 days, before it continues it’s journey back on the horizon.
But why is this so important? What does this movement of the sun tell us?
The winter solstice is a representation of our inner-sun. It is a time of ‘standing still’ for 3 days which is a significant number and correspondence in spiritual traditions.
After 3 days, it is said that the sun ‘rises again’ above the horizon, this time rebirthed and ready to journey across the horizantal line of our ‘horizon’.
With Winter in the northern hemisphere, it’s a time where darkness comes to the forefront of our lives. There is significance in communing with the wisdom of darkness if you open yourself to receive it.
Naturally, my body is slowing down and my days are becoming more gentle. Alongside that process, I can feel my sensitivity rise and my connections to the unseen strengthen.
I want to share with you some simple practices that I have developed along the years that have helped me not only tune in to the spiritual force of this time but also align my body to the body of the earth and the stars.
Winter Solstice practice #1 – Connect with the dark
The first thing that’s very obvious in the northern hemisphere is that the days are much shorter, giving us an opportunity to develop a more intimate relationship with the darkness.
The darkness has so much to teach us and is a fundamental part of our rebirth. Without darkness, there is no space for silence or contemplation. So take a moment to notice what parts of your day you can redirect to create a little bit more time of silence or introspection.
You will find that because the veils are thin these moments of darkness bring much clarity to our psyche.
Unfortunately, we live in a world that is obsessed with light and I do live near New York City, which means there’s basically no darkness! On top of that, my senses are naturally heightened and I become much more sensitive to artificial light.
And amidst all of that, we must do what we can in our modern-day culture.
So after sunset I try to use as little light as possible. This can easily be done by turning off all screens, no longer using large lights Like in the hallway or bathrooms and making it a point to light candles.
A natural side effect of this? You will likely end up reading more books and journaling.
What you may also find is that you are called to connect with star family, water technology and honor your body in profound ways. If the darkness is waking up this call, I invite you to join me inside Magnify your radiance: 3 days of darkness
Winter Solstice practice #2 – Be in devotion
We can’t talk about receiving the spiritual significance of a moment without talking about devotion.
Devotion can look like many things depending on your circumstances. If you’re a busy mom who works full time maybe your devotion is to sing with your child while you get them to go to bed.
If you’re a college student or have a full load of obligations on your hands, maybe you use your time during your commute or you decide to turn off social media for the month (what a thought!)
No matter your circumstance, notice where you are leaking energy and where you can redirect that energy towards something more supportive of your spiritual body.
With my lights going off so much earlier I seem to be redirecting my night time routine a few times a week so that I get to bed earlier. This of course means no screen time and sometimes even skipping the gym but I find my body needing more rest and more time for connection.
Instead, I am loving my chanting practice, picking up different books and simply being in silence and journaling.
Whatever it looks like to you, devote yourself to something that feels deeply nourishing and gets you in touch with the inner realms.
I am hosting a Solstice Activation which you can watch at anytime inside The Membership.
We will be aligning with the stars and the earth to become the vessel for the incoming frequencies. JOIN ME for the activation and watch the replay anytime and receive access to monthly workshops, trainings and more!
Winter Solstice practice #3 – get off the hamster wheel and into your body wisdom
The holidays have seriously become one of the most revenue-driving times of the year for the Western culture. No matter what side you’re on with this, We have to admit that there’s an excessive focus on having to consume and even show up to things that don’t align with our body and beliefs. This is simply not natural I can often take us away from the spiritual significance of the winter solstice.
Just to be clear, I’m all up for a good holiday sale and some really nourishing holiday parties. But you need to know your limits and this is a time to figure that out.
The winter solstice is a time to move slower and let your body speak louder than your mind. Some of us (hands up over here miss entrepreneur) would like to check off our list for the year and start a brand new one just to make sure we’re getting ahead of things and starting off on the right foot.
But here’s the truth:
I have tried that for many years and the only thing that happens is the following: I burn out before it’s even spring.
The winter solstice is a time to rest recover, rejuvenate and replenish. If you abide by the laws of nature you will find that your body’s creativity wealth and magic will undoubtedly multiply along with the seasons.
So trust the intelligence and beauty of this universal wisdom that has been around for millions of years, put your task list to the side, let the additional holiday obligational parties take a break, and put yourself first.
Yes, that means not everyone may get a perfect little gift, but does that really matter? Do you really need to shop for everybody on your list? Are people really waiting to receive something from you in order to confirm your significance in their life?
I promise you, if you take your hands on your body right now and take a full belly breath in and out you will come to the realization that all you want is space to be.
So get off the hamster wheel of checklists and new years manifestations and let your body wisdom guide you. Trust it knows more than ‘you’.
Winter Solstice practice #4 – play with the Technology of your soul
Sensitivity is often heightened around portals like the winter solstice. That is because the earth, your body and the stars are increasing communication and we are meant to commune with it!
And this is what I call the technology of our soul. So what do I mean by that?
Sound, light and energy!
This is such a perfect time to play with these technologies because they awaken the memories of our Higher-Self. Not only that, but we are more likely to remember the gifts that we came in with at the time of solstices and equinoxes because these times are templated to support our evolution in consciousness. So if you make the smallest effort to receive what is yours, there is no doubt you will be guided to explore, study or reach out to what is meant for you.
There are so many people reaching out at this time asking about the quantum healing training or wanting to level up their spiritual practice.
This is because the winter solstice and portal energy asks us to remember!
And one of the easiest ways to do so is to play with the technology we’re made of.
The technologies of Sound, light and energy break down the barriers within the mind and take us into Quantum Consciousness. They remind us of universal consciousness and what is possible.
So tune in and ask yourself: what calls me? What am I curious about?
Follow that – there’s a gift for you on the other side.
Curious about working with Quantum energy, Aligning your body to the Ascension Frequencies or becoming a Quantum Energy Practitioner? Check out the Quantum Healing Training online!
Another easy way to ease your senses is to listen to Source Vibrations. I use this playlist daily for myself and many of my healing sessions and workshops. This playlist is a game-changer when I need to settle my body and energy field. Enjoy!
Winter Solstice practice #5 – Ease your digestion with the ancient art of Fasting
I remember the first few years of working with portal energy unknowingly – my body would shut down and my digestive system could take nothing – barely even water! I quickly realized that I was being guided to fast! Years later, I learned that these portal energies during the solstice and equinox are meant to work directly with BOTH of your brains! Your mind-brain and your gut-brain!
The digestive process uses the most amount of energy in our body and for those of us who believe in having many meals per day that means our body is constantly working to break down and assimilate food (this is my inner-nutritionist nerd days coming out!).
But seriously, even animals eat less during the wintertime. Naturally, the days give for less exertion and more connection. Why not take advantage of such a powerful time and redirect this energy to the development and regeneration of your spiritual body?
Take this time to enjoy slower and warmer smaller meals. Gift yourself a digestive break and stop before you feel like your belly is about to explode. Skip the additional dessert and choose something that will make you feel good instead.
This is such a powerful time to recreate the relationship with your body which is a HUGE topic for women. A big part of that is allowing your digestion to have a break and seeing how you feel in that process.
Often times, the portal energy can become very strong and you will be guided to restrain from food naturally and fast. This is very normal and it happens to me every year. Know that this is an ancient practice and ritual that was specifically done at this time, to give our physical bodies a break and let our spiritual bodies align with the higher incoming frequencies.
If you are new to fasting and would like to understand how the winter solstice portal, fasting and your spiritual journey are all related, check out my 3-Day fast. It was the original version of the 3 days of darkness and gives you the option to water fast, juice fast or dry fast, with proper supplementation, protocols and follow-ups on how to PROPERLY FAST.
JOIN the 3-day FAST and experience a deeper connection to the Winter Solstice portal.
Winter Solstice practice #6 – Get outside!
I know it may be cold but trust me when I say that the earth, natural sunlight and natural starlight are of the most potent ways to receive the energetic transmission of this time.
The crystalline structures of bodies directly communicate with the technology of nature and the cosmos. There’s simply no way to go about it. So get outside, breathe in the natural elemental forces and ask to receive what is in your highest good!
Experience the Profound Energy of this portal.
Magnify your radiance: 3 days of darkness
In a world where the highest currency is our Attention, to direct our Attention within is a Powerful Act of Self-Worth and can Activate a World of Knowledge & Knowing.
We align with a Star Portal so that the Waters of our Bodies & Subconscious can be deeply nourished and reset by Higher Wisdom. This course is also intended to help women create a sacred container during their Menstrual bleed.
We create an environment with practices to support the regeneration of our Inner Landscape.
What’s included:
– Understanding Magnetic Radiance
– 3 days of Detox or Whole Body Nourishment
– 3 days of prepping
– 3 days of restabilizing
– Recorded Meditations for you to download and keep
– High-Vibe Supplement PDF
– Self-care and Hygiene protocols
– Movement practice
– Journal Prompts
– Star Water Ceremony
This program is designed to give you a Sacred practice to reset your energy field.
Whatever you choose to do, make sure you trust your body. My spiritual awakening and journey has always been led by the Solstices and Equinoxes. It is such a profound time of year for spiritual growth and transformation. Any small change or behaviour can make a quantum leap forward!
let me know which tips served you the most and tag me on Instagram @celestegluz1111 or @lemuriarosetemple. I’d love to hear from you!
Make sure to share this blog with others in your life! It helps spread the frequency and also supports my work.
Celeste Gluz
Priestess, Lemuria Rose Temple
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
This blog is about simple tips to connect with the spiritual significance of Winter Solstice
11:11 A portal into the Light
Integrating Crystalline Light
All you need to know about Quantum Healing