Trauma in the womb – the least sexiest topic and, meanwhile, the most needed topic to discuss at this time. While running my temple space in Hawai’i, womb trauma became so apparent that we decided to create a Womb-healing Trauma therapy program. Come to find out, women from all over the world were being brought to Hawai’i to work on the trauma in their womb because of her healing and sacred land.
Fast forward to today, my destiny with womb healing and womb trauma continues. I work a lot with women who have experienced womb trauma and are ready to move into the reclamation of what I call their Dragon Force – the very misunderstood feminine power and dark feminine aspect that has been stripped away from us.
Navigating trauma in the womb – 6 SIMPLE ways to start
Reclaiming the Language of your Womb
I’ve had a few clients reach out to me recently for long-distance womb healing sessions related to having trauma in the womb.
As the conversations continued, they quickly escalated in terms of the circumstances these women were experiencing. Things like:
- working with high-level shamans in the Amazon
- taking ayahuasca journeys for ‘demon-removals’
- racking up 6-digit medical bills for unexplainable womb bleeding
- having to travel accross countries for proper womb support
- being taken advantage of in ‘modern tantric circles’
- fighting with family members to understand womb-rights
The list goes on and on about how these women are dealing with the severe circumstances of having trauma imprints in their womb gone overlooked for far too long.
I hear stories like this all the time as a womb practitioner. Women going through expreme pain, unrealistic circumstances, excessive bleeding, etc. and so many doctors and people in supposed places of ‘power’ continuing to act as if the womb doesn’t need to be seen by a proper womb-keeper.
I’m here to tell you that your WOMB has a VOICE and if you’re experiencing an extreme circumstances that revolve around this sacred center, it’s because she’s yelling at you to COME BACK HOME!
Our society has SHUT the WOMB VOICE DOWN for MILLENIA! This is not a women’s empowerment thing, but you need to understand something if you’re here with me reading about womb trauma –
There is nothing – N O – THING – that your body does or shows, that is NOT a form of COMMUNICATION – asking you to LISTEN, SURRENDER and UNDERSTAND her LANGUAGE.
My work with the FEMININE involves helping women understand the LANGUAGE OF THEIR BODIES – this is why I work so much with SOUND AND THE VOICE – because these are AVENUES by which we RETURN:
return to the language of our bodies
communicate with our wombs
LEARN TO LISTEN and SURRENDER to the serious signs that are consistently underminded and neglected by certain institutions.
And here we are – with my efforts to bring this whole topic of womb trauma healing and support for women in a more grounded, practical, and perhaps too-simple to believe approach.
I’m not saying womb trauma healing is simple nor is it fast. I have worked with clients for years and have also had my own story that has taken many years. BUT, I WILL SAY THE FOLLOWING:
It gets to be a body-based, breatheable and digestable journey. You get to have support and you don’t need to fight ‘demons’ or live with circumstances that debilitate your daily life.
The issue is when women want to FIGHT the nature of their bodies – this is when ‘trauma healing’ becomes a never ending journey becase there is a LACK OF SURRENDER to the Wisdom of our BODY.
Basically, let’s come back to basics.
How we heal a cold has the same fundamental principles as how we treat womb trauma – or any other trauma – at an energetic level. And I know many people won’t like that because they are fixated to doing things in a difficult, painful and complicated way, but I have seen the exact opposite and that’s why I’m here to share with you some very basic principles that are KEY to navigating trauma in the womb- or most other trauma for that matter.
When we work with frequency and understand vibration – truly study and work with it – we don’t need 10 ayahuasca ceremonies, 2 soul retrievals and 5 years of talk therapy to heal things.
I say this becuase the trauma healing world has gotten out of hand. It’s time to reclaim the healing potential of the body, and sometimes it can look so simple that people would rather have 100k’s in medical bills and 3 month pilgrammages, instead of simply listening to the needs of their womb.
We get to make things more tangible and digestible if we choose to.
And that’s what I desire to share with you today.
What is womb trauma?
Trauma can be looked as frozen memory in the body’s cells. If we can begin to access, connect and give life to these frozen cells, we can begin a method of communication. Communication = movement.
This is very important to understand.
Anything that is frozen in our bodies – whether memories, belief systems, hurt, pain – WILL INEVITABLY WEIGH ON OUR SPIRIT/ENERGY BODY then rippling down into our mental and emotional health and then, BAM – physical imbalances.
Understand that trauma is not always what we expect it to be. Aside from the obvious physical trauma you may expect, here are other ways that your womb may incur trauma:
- womb loss
- grief
- any kind of cultural or spiritual loss
- ie. lack of initiatiatory rights (stepping into motherhood/divine union/menopause without any awareness of what it means on a spiritual level)
- moving away from family or loved ones
- never having had closure with xyz
- ancestral pain/patterns
- past lifetimes
- soul lessons
We want to create MOVEMENT in these frozen cells. We want to liberate them and GET THEM MOVING and in order to do so, we must give them LIFE.
LIFE comes in the form of:
This is why so often we are asked to ‘remember’ where this trauma came from or reclaim the memories of our ancestors. But the issue with this is that we will never know EVERYTHING that our ancestors lived! That’s Impossible! Add to that past life experiences and a soul blueprint and you’re stuck with a lifetime of talk therapy that you will NEVER heal from.
Becuase we are as VAST as the Universe – literally – within every cell is the potential to access universal consciousness – we can NEVER do enough healing to feel complete – so we must find a way to INTEGRATE and become WHOLE in our NOW moment.
SO… I have a different approach, one that has come to me out of circumstance.
What if I don’t know or remember any trauma in the womb?
More often than not, women carry trauma patterns, behaviors, and physical ailments that show trauma has been either experienced or passed on, but they are unaware of it. I fall into this category and have been led into years of reclaiming how energy, sound and the womb work in order to not only help myself but support many other women on this path.
I have found the following:
Our stories, as important and powerful as they are, can also become our trap.
And in the talk therapy world, your prison is the story that you decide to carry as part of your identity. But if you don’t have a story, then how do you know if you have or carry trauma patterns?
Read: Top Signs it’s time to do Womb Work
In my case, I explored these topics of energy, sound, body wisdom and womb healing so much, that it became incredibly clear my body was holding onto templates not only passed on by my mother line but also expereinced as a young child from experiences I have no conscious memory of (although I was able to tap into it).
So let’s be clear – you don’t need to know your story.
And that may be very liberating to hear.
What you do need to know is whether your womb requires devotional care and support on her return back to wholeness.
And what I have found in so many years working with women is that about 9 out of 10 women need to do this womb healing work on one level or another, becauase remember, our womb holds 7 generations of DNA within it. Do you know what the women in your lineage 7 generations back have experienced?
Instead of asking around for more stories to latch onto, let’s just say most women who have incarnated at this time have agreed to clean up their ancestry. And that’s just a job we’ll have to assume on our own.
6 main pillars for working with trauma in the womb
Give your Womb it’s rightful place
After having experienced trauma or being disconnected from your womb your entire life, it’s probably the last thing you’re thinking about, but the truth is, your womb is your Throne, and shes needs to be recognized as such.
So before we even go through the 6 pillars, I want to be extremely clear about the following – creating a connection with your womb is KEY on this journey. This means:
- create a connection with your period and learn the seasons of your cycle. this is a MUST to begin clicking into the wisdom and flow of your womb .
new to your menstrual cycle and the role of your womb? get the FREE: LEARN YOUR CYCLE, LOVE YOUR PERIOD course!
- take care of your womb – she needs physical and energetic connection:
Breath & Sensation
One of the main reasons for this blog is me hearing about this lovely lady who refused to breath into her womb and belly. This is very unfortunate and as many women have been taught to ‘suck their belly in’ and this can create horrible long-term effects for your womb health, your heart and your voice (expression)!
Think about it this way – everytime you suck in your belly – you are creating pressure for your heart and also holding back your expression.
Breath is our LIFE FORCE – the Breath of Life – so if you are not fully B R E A T H I N G into the depths of your Womb, you are creating a jail for yourself.
So please, if you have any signs of womb trauma or experience things like PMS or period cramps, BEGIN WITH YOUR BREATH.
So many women need to simply breathe into their WOMBS more often! Do this daily until it becomes a WAY OF LIFE. You will be surprised at how much more breathe, sensation and awareness you can create by simply breathing down there.
Then, once you are breathing down there, let’s consider waking up sensation, and let’s keep it SIMPLE!!
I have found the most profound and supportive way of awakening subtle sensation is by the ancient practice of yoni-steaming combined with castor oil packs. These 2 work extremely well together to heal and tap into spaces that other wise cannot be reached.
(NOTE: you cannot steam if you are bleeding or pregnant.)
Combined with breath, these practices are an absolute MUST for your womb healing journey.
Steam can reach places that only sound can, and that says alot. In a world where we the focus is touch, sensation and physical awareness, what we are finding is that healing modalities like STEAM & SOUND prove to be the most effective and can tap into cellular memories that nothing else can.
New to all this? I get it, I was once there. I created a very simple follow guide on how to incorporate these practices, learn everything you need, how to find the correct herbal formula for yoni-steaming and so much more. Please be careful with alot of the random advice on youtube. I have completed the yoni-steam facilitator certification and can tell you that if anyone is telling you to randomly pick herbs that smell or feel good, WALK THE OTHER WAY. This is NOT HOW YONI-STEAMING WORKS.
Lean all about womb-tending – how to yoni-steam from home, reclaim your fertility and so much more.
these is one of the most potent, subtle and powerful practices you can have for yourself.
Every woman should have her womb-tending practices readily available and part of her self-care routine.
NOT AS A LUXURY, but as a way of SIMPLY caring for her womb’s wisdom, body and spirit.
Womb-Throat Activation
The womb-throat is an essential connection that works alongside the vagus nerve – the longest running nerve in the body and also the nerve that connects us to our spiritual body. Most women that come to see me for sessions or events have this connection cut off, and it’s very easy to see why.
Believe it or not, this connection is not just about speaking up or speaking your truth. Many women are over-speaking and experiencing imbalances in their thryroid and throat chakras due to a misunderstanding of how the throat works along with this very important womb-throat connection.
When we activate the womb-throat connection, we connect the wisdom of the dragon force within the womb with the wisdom of the Higher Mind – our Higher Self.
This is the work of the woman on a spiritual path – to become the embodiment of sacred duality.
Join me inside The Membership where we have womb-voice activations you can do at your own pace.
Reclaiming the Dark Goddess and your Dark Feminine
You must reclaim your inner-darkness to fully integrate all that you have lived. It is our job as women who have come in with womb imprints to understand the following:
It’s not about what happened. It’s about what you DO about it and your ability to reclaimg it back to wholeness.
This doesn’t mean you ‘make it right’ or ‘forgive’. It simply means you bring your body back to wholeness with all that you have experienced, and the only way I have found this to be possible is to reclaim my dark feminine.
Not reclaiming the wisdom of the dark goddess in your life can show up in circumstances such as:
stuck with belief systems around ‘dark entities’ and shadows
- i.e. believing you will always attract bad energy because of the trauma you’ve experienced in the past
self-sabatoging behaviors or partners
- i.e. everyone else (clients, family, friends, home, pets, cleaning, laundry, sports,) comes first – oooppss – I don’t have time to workout, eat healthy or meditate —- or do I?
unable to make yourself a priority
- i.e. constantly putting your partner, children, work, or any other societal ‘obligation’ before them – even if it means less rest, less immediate attention to healing severe illness/physical imbalance, etc.
unable to speak up for what you need
- i.e. you need a morning of quiet rest or self-care but instead decide to fill up your am with family ‘duties’ – yes – even this is a form of imbalance that will get eaten up by your body
unable to stand in your value and role
i.e. you literally don’t know how valuable you are, and so you constantly have to prove yourself. You feel like a ‘waste of a human’ if you’re not constantly measuring up your success, whether via your work, your children, your home – etc.
- always having to ‘fit a role’
- whether it’s the perfect mother, the instagram influencer, the boss-babe – whatever box fully owns you is likely the box that is drowning you….
- Thinking you have forgiven or accepted yet there’s still a little ache inside
- that little ache is not little. your mind is making it little so you can still ‘play’ the role the external demands of you.
any of these sound familiar? If so , I invite you to S T O P . Tune into your body.
Where is your power?
Can you feel it in your body?
Is it non-existant?
Is it outside of you?
Chances are, someone has convinced you that you don’t have power – maybe because you were judged to be broken, weak, absurd, too much, or whatever other opionins people have – and you believed it.
Many of my clients still have old beliefs that other healers or people have told them, like – you’re suceptible to dark energy so you attract it. You have trauam and you’re food for the dark. Your trauma is going to keep you weak until you fix it.
GUESS WHAT – You don’t have to keep believing this, and when you release yourself of these beliefs, things get to feel differently inside you, allowing you to MAKE new decisions and return to the CENTER of your life.
Let’s take it back a notch. Let’s return to the Wisdom.
Let’s return to the POWER of the DARK GODDESS.
She is, ALL THAT IS.
That trauma, those beliefs, those dark forces, they are all part of a bigger story.
It’s up to you to reclaim it all.
And when you do, you RECLAIM YOU POWER.
When you reclaim the Divine within the Dark, the real work happens.
Believe that you have it in you to reclaim the dark, integrate the trauma and feast on any old distortions that no longer serve. With much gratitude to all that has gotten you here today, we say thank you and we ARE COMPLETE.
When you reclaim your the Divine within your storyline, there is nothing more powerful that exists.
Curious to explore your Dark Feminine as the Divine and a Magical Path to Healing?
Join me inside The Membership
I am hosting a special workshop on this topic on 12/12 and there’s a new course coming out soon for the Feminine Magician Archetype inside the SOFIA School.
LISTEN to the Podcast or save it to your ‘listen later’ playlist : The Dark Goddess
Discipline and Routine
Believe it or not, the womb is a pattern maker and she LOVES repetition. Many women in our modern-day goddess movement will have you believe otherwise but I’m here to tell you that the Wisdom of the Feminine is very different than what is shared in the mainstream.
So, back to patterns. Let’s get some discipline into your life in terms of womb healing and energetic maintanence.
This is what you are going to do:
- Create an alter. Choose ONE item that represents your womb trauma healing journey (or any other process you’d like.)
- Decide, morning and evening to show up to it, even if for one breath. Honor it.
- Give it a place in your life. Often times in healing journeys, we try to ‘get rid of’ the experiences and circumtances. I say, let’s face them. Let’s integrate them. Let’s see the Wisdom they are here to bring us.
- Create a way to keep this journey at the forefront of your life.
- Put a reminder on your phone to womb-breathe. Make it ring 3 times per day. Anchor into Safety. Anchor into Body Love. Anchor into a Sacred Reclamation of what you are here to remember and reclaim for all those that have come before you and all those who will come after.
Then wait…..give it a moon cycles. Watch the synchronocities work. I’m not saying you will be ‘healed’ – that’s not what I’m here to help you with. I’m saying, the help, the guidance, the support, the women and healers that are for you, will show up. Becuase your awareness, your breath, your focus is being Directed, Devoted and routinely DISCIPLINED toward one focus. And that my LOVE, is PRICELESS.
Work with Sound
Sound is the substance of the universe. Everything has sound and the cells inside your body holding onto this ‘trauma’ are currently holding a sound field in place – meaning, they are singing a song. And every song holds a story.
Our job is to shift this older song that carries pain into a song that carries wholeness – that has integrated the experience and now can rise above it – becoming the lotus flower.
Sound is vibration in movement – it can move the old and create new patterns. This is why sound is so powerful and working with the voice is a MUST for women with trauma and on the womb-healing path.
Read more: You need to reclaim the Power of Sound – here’s Why
When I work with Sound as a way of healing, I support clients in reclaiming the sound of their bodies. When we reclaim the song and the sound of our bodies, we reclaim our wholeness.
Try this:
- Place your hands on your womb. Connect with your womb.
- Give her a voice. What does she want to say? What does she want to SING? What’s her SOUND?
- FEEL this sound. Even if it takes a while to feel it. Give her SPACE and TIME to come through.
- Once you have a sound, express it.
- Before finishing, make sure to bring this sound up to the heart. This will neutralize your experience.
I often walk women through this process online and at in-person events. If you’re interested in joining live, join me inside The Membership.
READ: You need to reclaim the Power of Sound. Here’s Why
Work with your Subconscious
Two of my favorite ways to do this is via essential oils and womb healing energy work.
Essential oils can work with parts of the brain that our memory does not have access to. So all scents are incredibly important and supportive when working with the womb. It was known that priestesses of the Mystery Schools like Mary Magdalene were carriers of essential oils, not because they smelled good, but because they were incredibly healing. Consider working with oils like Clary Sage or Jasmine to start. These scents are connected to the Feminine and can support the subconscious in magical ways.
The other is energy work. In my quantum healing training program I explain how to work with the point in the brain that connects to our cosmic womb. I do this in an energy healing session for you or you can learn yourself by learning how to work with energy! Although it may take some time to do it yourself, I have found that many women who have come in to clear trauma have also come in to remember how to return to wholeness by working with energy. It is very supportive and reassuring of your Inherent Power!
Remember the Power of your Divine Light
My sister shared with me a vision of a heart-melting story that I will leave you with today:
When we were young, my father was agressively yelling and (let’s just say) not respecting my older brother. My sister and I were hiding behind the bedroom door watching it all happen, scared for our lives. My sister (the youngest of 3) decided to walk out to the scene and instead of making or scene or screaming at hime to try and stop him, she simply stood there, holding her light, shining the light of the sacred feminine.
Her light was so bright and powerful that it shook my father into a another state of consciousness. He ‘woke up’ from his fog and realized what was happening. In that moment, he remembered the light of the feminine and stopped.
When we remember our Power, the Power of the Light we Carry, the way we return to wholeness is gentle.
It may not be easy, or quick or comfortable, but it gets to be gentle.
So the next time your healing journey is starting to feel too complicated, life-restriciting or like walking a maze with blindfolds on…
Take a break and return to the WHOLENESS that is YOU.
Reclaim your light my love.
Shine your Light.
Do not forget, your LIGHT is LARGER than you can comprehend.
And the paradox is, when we come in to shine a very bright light, it must first be taken away from us.
This way, we can experience the duality of ‘not having it’ before we can fully hold it.
It is your DUTY and responsibility to create space in the holy temple of your BODY to reclaimg this shining light. embody it. merge with it. become it.
Seeking individual support or mentorship for trauma in the womb?
Book a private womb healing session with me.
This can be done long-distance of in-person.
We will have an initial conversation to understand your intention and current situation. We will then schedule a time you can receive the session. Upon completion, I will send you a recording of insights or clarity that has come through. Additional Mentorship is available is required.
Deciding where to start with trauma in the womb
Let’s keep it simple.
I want you to take your hands on your womb.
Close your eyes and breathe, D E E P L Y.
Ask your womb:
Where do I start?
Go from there….
I want to remind you – I’m not giving you a recipe to ‘heal’ your trauma. I’m giving you foundational support to BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY home to wholeness.
With years of working with women, I find that we have forgotten the most basic of things are the most necessary. So comment below and let me know what you will put to practice.
Never undermine the wisdom and magic that is your feminine story, especially if trauma is a part of it.
Sending you much Aloha,
Celeste Gluz,
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
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I am deeply passionate about supporting women in reclaiming and embodying their gifts. I hope this has sparked some interest in the power of sound related to walking your higher purpose and mission on earth.
Mahalo and thank you for being here.
This blog is all about navigating trauma in the womb.
The Membership
FREE: Learn your Cycle, Love your period
FREE: Take the Feminine Archetype Quiz
Top Signs it’s time to do Womb Work
5 super easy tips to connect with your womb
Why Feminine Lineage is Key on the Feminine Path
Womb Loss as Initiation
Awaken the Language of your Womb
The Role of the Womb Workshop
Sound has always been a part of the feminine path and a way that women have explored alternative healing.
Because of this, I’ve created the: Sacred Sound Immersion
Reclaim your full self-expression! Heal your womb and activate your womb-throat connection! Liberate the aspects of you that are hiding and let yourself be seen and heard!
Learn how to use sound in daily life as a powerful healing tool.
Join me inside the Sacred Sound Immersion and reclaim the ancient feminine art of sound as a healing practice.
This has been one of the profound and life changing experiences for me in terms of womb healing– to reclaim the power of my voice and reactivate my womb-heart connection. My voice was shut down as a very young girl and – in fact, I remember having dreams all my life about not being able to speak up. This was a huge sign of feeling defeated and stuck in old belief systems I had inhereted and lived.
We will discuss:
Connect to your Higher Self Expression, speak your truth, awaken your Womb-Throat connection and so much more!
Join me in this amazing opportunity to explore the ancient feminine art of SOUND.
[…] Navigating Trauma in the womb – 6 simple ways to start […]