The rose lineage priestess path opened up for me over a decade ago, except I had no words for it. All I knew was that my life was flipped upside-down suddenly and how I lived it had to follow.
I remember the day the rose came to me. It happened with my womb initiation. I wish I could say it was as pleasant as a rose but atleast the image of the rose felt comforting enough at the moment. I seeked far and wide for something about the rose lineage, the feminine path of spirituality or anything related. At that time, very little would come up and almost nothing resonated.
When I finally got a hold of a woman who was working with the rose lineage, I was exhilarated. I thought to myself ‘this is it! She will tell me exactly what this is and we’ll just get right through it!’ – ( little mrs. overachiever here….)
Needless to say, there was no context given about what the rose lineage was or how it could potentially shape the course of my life.
So if I had someone reach out to me in the same way I reached out back then, here’s a few things I’d share….
The rose lineage priestess path – what I wish I knew
It’s been over a decade of putting the pieces together, making sense of the bigger picture, moving through initiations, exploring wormholes of lost knowledge and integrating multi-dimensional skills. It has been nothing like a silky smooth rose petal. In fact, I’d say It’s been more like trying to smooth out a long-stemmed thorn bush.
I don’t want to scare you away but I’m really not here to be another commercial goddess advertisement about the rainbows you can create from positive thinking and ecstatic dance. I do wish there would be more real accounts about what the rose lineage priestess path entails but perhaps that wouldn’t be as glossy as today’s feminine marketing brands.
Just the other day, I sat down to create a Sacred Sound Course because of my profound connection with sound and how I wish to support other women in reclaiming this resource as part of their feminine spiritual path. But Sound is a highlight on this path, just like so many others.
The priestess path has as many up’s as it has down’s, until you build the skills and tools to come to a place of neutrality.
Creating this course would have me blabbing about the beauty and harmony that’s possible on this path and as beautiful as that sounds, I do wish to share a more integrated and wholistic picture of the priestess path.
And so here we are. Taking a few steps back to lay the foundations for some incredibly potent courses on several different aspects of the feminine priestess path of the rose lineage.
What is the rose lineage priestess path?
The rose lineage priestess path is an initiatory path of self-discovery. As we shine the solar light of consciousness on our lunar/hidden aspects we choose to take responsibility for making a choice, time and time again:
- Does this align with my Highest Expression?
- Is this in service to the expansion of pure Love Light intelligence?
- Does this support the expression of God/Goddess moving through me, as me?
As we reclaim the Sacred Wisdom of the Feminine that has been lost for thousands of years, we reclaim our subconscious, the unseen realms, the shadow forces, the creation templates, death rites, magical rites and the new ascension frequencies.
I sit here at my work desk, and I see two distinct images of Hawaii’s landscape (my lineage and soul work is of Hawai’i/Mu) that I have purposely placed in front of me to remind me of what this path takes:
- One is of the overflowing waterfalls on Oahu’s East side. These mountains remind me of the Bounty the goddess provides and the altitudes we must climb to reach them.
- The other is of the volcanic landscape of Pele’s home – Volcano National Park – reminding me of the isolation and spaciousness that the alchemical fires necessary on this path.
Both are just as valid. Both are incredibly beautiful. Both are absolutely breath taking.
For me, this path has been about life-changing initiations, grief, alchemy, transformation, courage, forgiveness, hope, prayer, money, sex, power, ego.
It has also been about bliss, magic, Sacred Love, bounty, beauty, serenity, joy, dragons, whales, dolphins, crystals, making dreams a reality over and over again.
It’s like they always say, if you could have everything you wanted, would you really want it?
Perhaps the immediate answer is yes, but what we find on the way to that road is that most people are not willing to do the work it takes to get there. So they give up. They settle with just enough. They’d rather hold the grudge, ride their high horse, and keep their judgments. They’d rather leave their dreams, pleasures, and desires to some fairy tale land instead of having to slay beasts, ride dragons, and find their way through mazes that lead to the end of a rainbow.
Perhaps this is why so many people are in love with drama, mystery and adventure movies. Perhaps they are desperately seeking to live the initiatory life but would rather watch others on a screen do it.
Integration of all priestess lineages
The rose lineage priestess path teaches us that The Great Mother must be acknowledged and that the womb is the very place of all creation. In this process, we reclaim the value of feminine culture, creative arts, magic, healing, and the very soil of what it means to be a human; our shadow and our Power to Create.
The priestess path teaches us that spirituality happens here and now, no matter what is in front of us. If you are fighting with your partner, arguing with a taxi driver, watering your plants or doing the laundry, you are with the Divine and you have a choice:
How do I choose to engage with the Divine, as the Divine, in service to the Divine?
Now the last picture I want to paint is that of a nun or some kind of holy life where nothing goes wrong. In fact, if it hasn’t been clear up until this point, it’s the exact opposite!
We must learn to refine and develop our inner body of light and the way that is done is via resistance and pressure.
This also means we must embrace all aspects of the path, not just the one. What we see in the external today in reference to the feminine path and the rose lineage is often related to sexual liberation, pleasure and being in the body. And although that is absolutely part of the path, is it only a VERY SMALL PART of it.
The rose lineage priestess path means integrating all aspects of Feminine Wisdom which is what we do inside the S.O.F.I.A. School. This includes your inner:
- Womb Priestess
- Body wealth, menstrual love, sexuality, expression,
- Plant Priestess
- Working with plant allies, essential oils, plant medicine and the plant kingdom
- Light Priestess
- Developing your Inner Body of Light, working with crystal and sound technology, lighting up your DNA and Pineal. Reclaiming our Star Ancestry
- Magnetic Priestess
- Understanding magnetic power, reclaiming your magic, holding your sword of discernment
- Wealth Priestess
- occupying your territory, creating legacy, owning your gifts, being in service
This means there are many more parts of the web being spun in order to reclaim a much bigger picture. We are not here to just reclaim the knowledge of self-healing, or crystal technology or sexual expression. This path is much more vast than what it’s often made out to be and what we find specifically with the Lemuria Rose Priestess Path inside the S.O.F.I.A School is that we get to walk become the living Presence of the Divine moving through us.
Rose priestess initiation
The rose lineage priestess path has always been a path of initiation, and this means that LIFE becomes the source of initiation. There is no school, group or organization that can ‘certify’ you an official priestess. The purpose of these schools and groups is to prepare you for what you may face along the way.
In the process of reclaiming and remembering ALL that we are (I AM THAT I AM) we must be initiated through trial and tribulation. The True Power of the Goddess is so strong, it can only be given to initiates in bite-size pieces. And as you receive those bite-size pieces, you are tested and asked to walk through the fires of alchemy so that your inner body of light may begin to shine forward.
Those with past-life memories of Lemuria/Mu, Atlantis or Egyptian Temples may remember how the Goddess wisdom was used in inverted ways, leading to the destruction of their societies. This is why the Mystery Schools and the Rose Lineage was birthed. Because certain things can only be passed down and spoken to people who carry a certain frequency. The very power used to create things can be used to destroy them and hence the mystery schools of Egypt, Greece and so on were established. To protect the uninitiated from carrying weapons of destruction (knowledge) that could harm themselves and those around them.
Often times the process of Initiation may feel like life is turning against you. Like you’ve somehow lost the magical spark of awakening or that hopeful joy of walking toward the light. That is the very reason for why Initiation exists. To know whether you are willing to walk through the ring of fire and have the ability to withstand what is to come.
This is the reason for why these schools and temples existed. So that the initiation itself doesn’t take you down or defeat you, but instead it, train you and prepare you with the tools and disciplines necessary.
The way I see it is like this:
You wouldn’t step into a fighting match without ever having trained to be a fighter. There are tons of skills and techniques required to even be considered to step into the ring. So why would the spiritual path be any different?
From my experience, it is a huge help to have a reference point to where you are standing and where you are going. Too often on the spiritual path, women are just told to ‘go with the flow’ and ‘trust their intuition’ as if that’s all you need. When in fact, that has caused a lot of turmoil and dysfunction in my life. It is very important to stay grounded and have a real support system through the initiatory process of the priestess path.
What the rose priestess path is NOT
It is not a wishy washy, positive thinking path
If you haven’t gotten the message yet, I’ll say it straight:
The Priestess of the Rose does not solely rely on positive thinking and new moon manifestation rituals to guide her way. Those concepts have been commercialized and unfortunately not fully understood.
It’s not about full revelation of your Sexual force on Instagram
Too many rose priestess groups focus on yoni-pleasure practices and sexual expression without going much more beyond that. Of course it’s important to reclaim your sexual force, but that is only the very first door on the path of the feminine. This too has been misunderstood and now we have women revealing their sacred body parts on social media as a subconscious plea for attention which completely goes against understanding the true teachings our shakti power.
It Is not about living in pleasure all day or being lazy as a form of connecting with your feminine
If someone is telling you to connect with your feminine by being lazy and eating all the chocolate you want, turn the other way. This is the definition of self-sabotage. It’s up to you to see it.
This path is not about the distorted notions of what is currently being taught between feminine and masculine dynamics. Unfortunately, we’ve taken goddess wisdom, sucked out all the juicy and magical aspects of it, and left it bare and dry to be spoken and thought of in a masculine terms.
This is not about your multi-dimensional skills
Just because you connect with aliens, can see into the future or can support ‘healing’ people with your hands, it does not make you spritiual or walking the feminine path. This just means your skills are turning on.
This is not about being better than others or not being ‘undertsood’ because you’re doing so much ‘good’ spiritual work compared to others
Can we stop with ‘playing the humble righteousness game? If someone tells you you’re just too high-vibe or too advanced, walk away. This is politics turned into spiritual jargon.
What the rose lineage priestess path may be for you
a return to the True Wisdom of the Heart
a reclamation of your True Creative Power
an integration of all parts of you (and humanity)
a devotion to the expansion of Consciousness
a calling forth of your multi-dimensional Self
a remembering of all your healing gifts and true human potential
a remembrance of Sacred Union
a deep humbling and reverence for who we, as humans, are
a desire for legacy and Creation
Are you called to explore the rose lineage priestess path? Does this resonate?
I’ve been walking this path for over 10 years, putting pieces of the pie together and making sense of a much bigger story we are all a part of at this time. I am now honored to be launching the curriculum inside the 4 Intiatory paths of the Lemuria Rose Priestess inside the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
Reclaim your Feminine Lineage and remember the Path your soul is destined to walk.
JOIN ME inside
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
The Lineages of Light await your remembrance!
The Lemuria Rose Priestess
I have been asked to reclaim the Initiatory Path of the Priestess, also known as the High Priestess of the Rose, in order to embody Ascension in a practical and nourishing way. Since the times of Lemuria/Mu, we gathered to received the teachings of Divine Mother. While living in hawai’i, I felt these temples come alive. It is time for the Priestesses of our time to remember our very important and powerful role in birthing the new. We are not here to just hold the light. We have a real job and are needed in the world.
Today, the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is here to walk you through this Ancient Initiatory Priestess Path so you can reclaim your gifts, have support during the Initiatory Process, awaken the Wisdom that lives within you and share it with others!
Join me as we reclaim the Love, Power, Magic & Wealth of our Sacred Feminine.
Check out the S.O.F.I.A. school curriculum or take the Feminine Archetype Quiz to see which path inside the school calls.
SHARE this blog with other sisters! Every time you share an article, It supports my work.
I am deeply passionate about sharing the Priestess Path with women as we reclaim and embody this role on earth.
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings,
Celeste Gluz 𓆃
This blog is all about the rose lineage priestess path.
Highly recommended:
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
FREE: Feminine Foundations Course
Learn everything you need to Yoni-steam with this EASY DIY Course!
Why Feminine Lineage is Key on the Feminine Path
Magdalene Mysteries – the Untold story of a Feminine Lineage
Top Signs it’s time to do Womb Work
[…] The Rose Lineage Priestess Path – what I wish I knew […]