This Taurus full moon is arriving after the 11:11 portal which is currently open and taking us through January. This is a very sacred and holy time of year to do rituals that were once common and are now lost. If you are new to the 11:11 energy portal, make sure to Read: 11:11 A Portal into the Light.
Taurus Full Moon – Divine Feminine Ascension Guidance
This Taurus Full Moon brings to the forefront the incredible technology, wisdom and infinite expansion available for the Feminine Kryst Codes to be activated.
This is the perfect time to be in ritual with your body to ask for guidance and clarity if you haven’t already received it.
I woke up with a pain in my body that I’ve never had so I took some time today to be in ritual, to understand, to connect, to give this pain an expression of voice so that I could have clarity.
This is a time for your body wisdom to speak to you.
For those of us called on the ascension or solar feminine path, this is a time for the feminine mysteries to speak to us, for the ascension frequencies to speak to us and to help guide us in creating a stronger container – a stronger body a body vessel – to integrate the energy coming in.
Remember that our body is the vehicle for our spiritual body of ascension. As we receive and integrate the incoming frequencies, our spiritual body will also require us to tune it and nourish it in different ways.
Anything that is out of tune from higher frequencies that are helping us in this process of spiritualizing matter – in this case spiritualizing our physical body – is going to talk to us at this time during the Taurus full moon because it’s about our bodies, our homes, our earthly bodies and homes.
Take note of the earthly bodies that hold ALL of you (and consider expanding what you consider to be ALL of you – I have been sharing alot on what it means to encompass and express ALL that we are as I share more about my work with Sound, Voice and Reclaiming ALL that we are…Read: When we Reclaim our Voice and Feminine Lineage for further guidance.
Consider taking an inventory of your Earthly HOMES:
your physical body
your spiritual body
your home
your finances
your relationships
your heart
These are all very important containers that require our attention, our focus, our time, our nourishment. They do not take care of themselves.
Take some time to notice: What does my body need? What is it telling me? What’s flaring up? What’s speaking to me maybe very subtly or not so subtly?
You have to create space for this. It doesn’t happen on its own. You can so easily pass it over as a little inkling pain or a little nudge or a little hiccup or a little cold but that’s not what this is.
If you’re here with me, this is an opportunity to listen:
what does the container of my body require?
Remember that we’re in a sacred portal season through January, so take time to be in ritual and ceremony. As the veils become so thin, we have access to dimensions and frequencies we don’t normally have.
It is so important that we as Feminine Magicians create time and space for magic and ritual and ceremony. It’s a moment in time where our brain, our logical brain, can turn off, and something way deeper, much more ancient, much more attuned to our true natural source expression, can come through. This is where our quantum magic comes in. This is where our psychic and intuitive abilities get to ground and teach us and show us the way.
If you need guidance in this, join me inside The Membership. We just did the one voice activation and it was so beautiful – it opened up our hearts to receive this energy in a more clear and direct way.
It’s so interesting that we just did the Womb-Voice Activation We opened up and anchored into the womb and heart and then two days later I wake up and here’s this sensation that I’m getting around the heart space.
We’ve opened up a channel by which my body can speak to me and now I’ve created more space to continue that communication. This is a process – it’s a journey – it’s a devotion – it’s a discipline that we’re a part of and it’s so beautiful the guidance and clarity that can come through when we create space for it.
It was so profound to receive this guidance today which for me was deeply held in the Chambers of my Heart.
As we move into the darker season of the year (for us in the northern hemisphere) we move into winter season and our spiritual body asks us to attune to the darker frequencies – the creation frequencies – the dark (unseen) feminine aspects of our body and mind – those of the feminine mysteries.
All of these things are coming together at this time if you pay attention. – Pay Attention – where is your attention and energy going?
There’s many moving parts to all this but the way that our body makes sense of it all is not by logically studying it but by receiving it through gnosis.
take a full breath into your belly and womb.
Land into the depths of the wisdom of your body,
into these wells of infinite expansion that live within you which are asking to return.
Return my love to the entirety of who you are.
Create space for this inner-journey.
You have to take responsibility for it.
Our current culture and society doesn’t revere – doesn’t create space for this connection – but we as spiritual women (and perhaps men if there’s any of you reading this!) it is so incredibly important that we do that at this time – during this holy-day season – when invitations and distractions will increase naturally – when you will have more opportunities to hang out and be with friends and family. And it’s not to say you’re not going to do that, but make time for RITUAL.
Make time for ceremony.
Make time for the Sacred.
The stars are wanting to speak to you. The heavens are wanting to connect with you and your body is the one speaking their messages at this time. Perhaps in uncomfortable ways such as pain or other sensations.
Do not be quick to judge. Listen and believe the sounds it is offering to you.
So my loves, stay connected this holy-day season.
Let me know:
is your body telling you something at this time that you would have otherwise judged or perceived as an inconvenience?
What are you requiring support in?
Looking for ceremony and RITUAL?
Join me inside
The Membership
as we explore the mysteries of Divine Feminine Ascension at this time of Great Transition.
Join women devoted to becoming the vessels for Crystalline womb consciousness and become the author of your epic fairy tale story.
Sending you much Aloha,
Celeste Gluz,
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
Taurus Full Moon – Divine Feminine Ascension Updates
11:11 A Portal into the Light
Integrating Crystalline Light
All you need to know about Quantum Healing