Just this month I was asked to do a presentation on sound healing at a conscious leadership summit In NYC. As I tuned into what I would be sharing and how I would be sharing I realized the following:
We have forgotten the true Power of Sound.
We have forgotten the ultimate technology of life and creation.
It is up to the conscious leaders and spiritually inclined souls to reclaim this knowledge and use it for good in a time where it is so much needed.
During the presentation, one of the leaders raised his hand and asked: “how do you know all of this?” It was only upon receiving that question that I realized how long I have been mentoring and sitting with the essence of sound in my life.
Sound has been a part of my awakening and spiritual journey for over a decade. It’s been 10 years since I have been sitting and actively working with sound, and she continues to teach me more and more with every day that follows.
Today I want to share with you why we need to reclaim the power of sacred sound, especially as feminine spiritual beings walking the Priestess Path.
You need to reclaim the Power of Sacred Sound – here’s why
As we create ‘harmony’ via the power of toning and vibration, our energy shifts and our templates follow. These templates are stored deep within the Brain – lodged in the area where some may call the reptilian brain but for those on the Magical Path can refer to it as the Cosmic Womb of our Brain.
Yes my loves, we are going there. Our Brain has a womb, and our womb has a Brain.
We have only scratched the surface of understanding the power of sound. It is especially important for women to work with sound due to the womb-throat connection.
With sound healing becoming so popular these days, we can easily see that people are naturally attracted to sound. Our soul draws us in as if telling us “Remember. Listen. Make space. Return” and that’s what I’ve been doing for over 10 years with sound.
Making space
But most importantly today I want to focus on using sound as a practical tool of everyday life that can legitimately change your life for the better. I’m not talking about just simply feeling good I’m talking about shifting your DNA, healing your womb, activating your brain and improving your health.
Let’s get into it!
Sacred Sound Creates Harmony – internally & externally
Let’s begin by differentiating between sacred sound and sound/noise. For the sake of this blog let’s define them as follows:
Sacred sound – creates life inducing, sacred geometrical patterns that support organic consciousness. This can be the sound of nature, frequency music or sounds from sacred instruments like alchemy bowls, etc.
Sound/noise – can be considered anything that is audible to our ear but not resonant with sacred geometrical patterns. This can be police sirens, western instruments like pianos and guitars etc. tuned to 440hz or television and radio sound
What we find with sacred sound is that it creates sacred geometry, which are the building blocks of life. When we have sacred geometry as a foundational pattern of life, we find that it attracts well-being, is an agent for healing and it restores natural patterns in nature. This means it’s a template for divine harmony and it creates an environment for restoration and regeneration.
This is exactly what our world is missing today.
There is no space to restore or regenerate. We go-go-go with no seeming endpoint.
This is clearly a recipe for disaster.
When we create space for Sacred Sound to enter into our lives we begin to restructure the patterns from which the background of life is birthed from. This means that the subtle bodies (energy/spiritual body), the internal landscape (how our organs communicate, how our blood flows, how our heart – brain – womb connect) and the way we think and speak to ourselves shifts to a healthier, higher frequency, creating a harmony of sounds conducive to wellbeing and healing.
As above so below.
As within so without.
In a chaotic world we must realize that our internal environment is the most important environment. When we shift internally, naturally the external shifts.
Reclaiming sacred sound creates harmony within us which lends to an environment that is conducive to a healthier mind, body and spirit, healing and expansion of consciousness.
Sound is a gateway to another dimension
and not just any other dimension. A dimension where time and space collapse, and with the proper internal landscape, can be a profound reunion with the truth of who we are.
We live in a world full of noise and there’s barely any space or bandwidth for Sacred Sound – which is the very sound that creates harmony amongst all things.
All the noise of the world is doing one thing – distracting us from the truth of who we are. When we remember all that we are something suddenly shifts. We begin to reclaim our gifts, we begin to heal naturally and the desire to live is fueled by something very ancient inside of us.
What I have found working with sound is that the more I work with it, the more I become one with it. As you work with sound, you begin to reclaim an aspect of you that is fundamentally just Sound.
We are essentially vibrating atoms, each vibrating with a unique sacred sound. Once the body and mind are properly prepared, we can use sound to vibrate the cells of our bodies, collapse time and space and access all that we Are.
Sacred sound heals
When we vibrate our cells with the sounds of sacred geometry, we realign the patterns that make up our body, blood, bones, and organs. We can use sound actively to heal our body, mind, and spirit.
I have been using sound in my private quantum healing sessions, as well as in group events (both online and in person) for a few years now, and the shifts are profound. It’s very clear that sound works through the water of our bodies and can easily travel into spaces that no other tool can.
We are made-up of water and sound. When we understand this we become a self-healing agent. In the Vedic tradition, chants are prescribed like medicine to heal the body’s ailments. It is well known that mantras can miraculously heal physical imbalances and illness.
Although the Western world is only beginning to understand this, the Eastern world has been practicing this for thousands of years. My memories of Lemuria continue to teach me how sound and sacred chant are the primary sources of creation and destruction.
We’ll be exploring these topics at a much deeper level inside the Sacred Sound Immersion.
Reclaiming sound means reclaiming your Voice – and hence full self-expression!
As soothing as it is to experience a sound bath, I always like to remind my clients that the power of sound is essentially found in working with your voice! Sound baths have a number of health benefits but it’s nowhere near what happens when we begin to activate the full power of the voice.
I can’t tell you the number of women I see that have throat chakra issues. The womb-throat connection is essential for the spiritual body of a woman.
There’s this belief system in our modern day spiritual culture that opening your throat chakra simply means to speak your truth.
This is not true.
So many people over speak under the impression of speaking their truth and activating their throat chakra, meanwhile creating all sorts of havoc in their internal and external environments.
The true power of the voice comes with wisdom, discernment and having it connected to our womb and higher mind.
The voice is an intersection between the above and the below and what I have found in my line of work with women over the years is that we are being called to reclaim this womb-throat connection so that it serves as a foundation to light up the higher mind.
In the process of reclaiming the true energetic power of the throat, we find that the jaw is released, the pelvis unlocks, low back pain diminishes, PMS symptoms vanish and so many other things that women are dealing with, all of a sudden, disappear.
I love that
This is not magic. This is simply how the body works.
Our bodies are meant to work with the technology of sacred sound. It’s one of the major keys of life that we are only now beginning to reclaim.
For women, it is essential that we reclaim the true wisdom of the voice. It will essentially ripple out into all areas of our life.
READ: The throat-womb connection and your Higher Self
Reclaiming sound activates our happy hormones
This may be the simplest and most profound benefit -sacred sound makes you happy, literally.
I know it sounds hippie, but if more people included sacred sound as a daily devotional practice, I promise you there would be a lot more peace in the world. And hippie or not, I think that’s what we all really desire at this time.
Chanting and using sacred sound activates your happy feeling hormones – dopamine, serotonin an endorphins. Chanting has the great benefit of increasing nitric oxide in our bodies which stimulates blood flow and decreases blood pressure.
Since starting to use sound and song on a daily basis I find that it’s a lot easier to navigate emotions, and the typical stressors that we must deal with in this world.
Long story short – make sacred alright it’s just sound a part of your routine and be happy!
Interested in going deeper into these topics and incorporating sound as a spiritual practice that can help improve your well-being, create harmony in your relationships and be an agent for feminine magic?
Sacred Sound Immersion
Reclaim your full self-expression! Heal your womb and activate your womb-throat connection! Liberate the aspects of you that are hiding and let yourself be seen and heard!
Learn how to use sound in daily life as a powerful healing tool.
Join me inside the Sacred Sound Immersion and reclaim the ancient feminine art of sound as a healing practice.
This has been one of the profound and life changing experiences for me – to reclaim the power of my voice. My voice was shut down as a very young girl – in fact, I remember before I could speak I learned that staying silent was safe. Once I began working with my throat everything changed. I can’t wait for you to join me in this life-changing journey!
We will discuss:
Connect to your Higher Self Expression, speak your truth, awaken your Womb-Throat connection and so much more!
Join me in this amazing opportunity to explore the ancient feminine art of SOUND.
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I am deeply passionate about supporting women in reclaiming and embodying their gifts. I hope this has sparked some interest in the power of sound related to walking your higher purpose and mission on earth.
Mahalo and thank you for being here.
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings,
Celeste Gluz
This blog is about reclaiming the Power of Sacred Sound.
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