Sound healing came into my life over 10 years ago with my spiritual awakening. Since then, I feel like I’ve been her student on and off, receiving what I can, integrating it, and then going deeper. I truly believe that…
4 simple ways to use Sound Healing daily and increase your frequency
You need to reclaim the Power of Sound – here’s why
Just this month I was asked to do a presentation on sound healing at a conscious leadership summit In NYC. As I tuned into what I would be sharing and how I would be sharing I realized the following: We…
order of the blue rose ; signs you are called
The order of the blue rose has been a part of my awakening process since day 1 without me realizing it. I see now how that was perfectly orchestrated for my path and for what would inevitably unfold in the…
Reclaiming body wisdom ; The Seductress Path
I grew up like most of us learning how to not trust my intuition or my body and since the rose path has awakened, I have been on a journey of reclaiming this body wisdom we so naturally are attuned…
the rose lineage priestess path – what I wish I knew
The rose lineage priestess path opened up for me over a decade ago, except I had no words for it. All I knew was that my life was flipped upside-down suddenly and how I lived it had to follow. I…