The topic of magdalene mysteries was something that never interested me. I did not grow up in a religious home and I didn’t care much for myths and stories of religion. As I began to walk the feminine path and drop deeper into the wisdom of the heart, Magdalene mysteries, yeshua, and the lineages of the Christ light inevitably presented themselves.
Today I want to share with you a practical approach to the magdalene mysteries. One that tells a bigger story, and allows us to zoom out to a much larger picture of the universe.
magdalene mysteries – the untold story of a feminine lineage
This is what we’ll be covering in the topic of Magdalene mysteries today:
- What are the magdalene mysteries?
- Who was Mary Magdalene?
- What was Mary Magdalene a part of?
- What do the magdalene mysteries stand for?
- How do the magdalene mysteries pertain to us today?
- Today’s message of the Magdalene Mysteries
let’s get on with it!
What are the magdalene mysteries?
I want you to first notice in the word we are discussing today , Magdeline Mysteries, we are talking about more than one mystery. It is a plural subject. This inherently tells us that it is not just about a woman but it is about something much bigger that involves many moving parts.
Of course I cannot break down what the full Magdalene mystery in a blog post. That would be ludicrous and naive of me to even conceive of. There are many books and scriptures about what the Magdalene mysteries are and entail. For the sake of this conversation and in correlation to my work with the divine feminine I will keep it to this:
The Magdalene Mysteries are a pathway home, a map, to our True Essence.
A return home:
Home to the wisdom of the womb.
Home to the body of wisdom that lives within us.
Home to the beauty of our heart.
Home to the wisdom of our soul.
Home to our expansive interdimensional nature of our beingness.
Home, to the multidimensional aspects that live within us and move through us and are yet to be discovered in this period of great awakening.
Who was Mary Magdalene?
Mary Magdalene was daughter of a king, a woman of wealth, a wife, a mother, a magician, a seductress, a creatrix, a light bearer, and an initiatrix of the Christed Frequencies. She was rooted in feminine magic, embodied in womb wisdom and connected to stars ancestry. She was part of what we refer to as the Rose Lineage, which is a lineage of wisdom keepers devoted to this very path.
If this seems a bit far-fetched to you, I get it. It didn’t make sense to me at first. But after having my own awakening, discovering my connection to star lineages, and living in Hawai’i where I met wisdom keepers who have records and traditions of their star ancestors, I began to connect the dots and put together a much more ancient story that is shared in many traditions around the world.
These archetypes menstrioned are not shared lightly. In fact the S.O.F.I.A. School curriculum has been architected to walk you through each one of these archetypes of the feminine.
What we believe and understand to be the feminine path today is very diluted and minuscule to what truly is. Mary Magdalene was an initiate of the temple schools and part of the mystery school lineages that kept the inner wisdom of the heart. A carrier of light rooted in the wisdom of the earth and carrying the codes of the stars.
Mary Magdalene, alongside her lineage, is how Yeshua was funded (Jesus the Christ) and was able to hold up his ministry work. Mary Magdalene was his wife and initiated him into ascension. She was a priestess of plants, a womb shaman, a healer, a woman of royal wealth, an alchemist and a mystic. Together, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua held the mysteries of the feminine which include sacred sexuality, the heart path, the ascension process, the role of the feminine within the structure of life and our connection to the star lineages.
What was Mary Magdalene a part of?
It wasn’t until I was called to do deep heart work within my sacred union that the Magdalene, and the magdalene mysteries, presented themselves to me. First and foremost we must recognize that the magdalene mysteries are directly related to the heart path, also known as the Path of Love. This path has been spoken of by many traditions all over the world.
The journey into the heart, the path of love, is a staple and a center point for almost every religion around the world. When we take away all the fluff, most religions say one thing:
Drop into your heart.
Let the wisdom and the guidance of the heart speak louder than anything outside you.
Mary Magdalene was part of a long line of feminine magicians and mystics who carried out the work and mission of true Love. She was part of a feminine lineage devoted to LOVE (by feminine lineage, I do not mean a group of only women, I mean a collective of humans and non-humans in deep reverence to the Great Mother).
Although that may seem simple and naïve, it is certainly one of the most difficult things to do, even today.
To reclaim the path of Love means to drop away all illusions of the mind. To drop all cultural belief systems and devote yourself fully to a path unseen and misunderstood; the path of the mystic.
As part of a long line of ascension keepers that can be traced back to the time of Lemuria, Mary Magdalene was part of a soul collective dedicated to the expansion of collective awakening and consciousness, representing both humanity and the role of the feminine.
What do the magdalene mysteries stand for?
The magdalene mysteries and the feminine lineage she was a part of stand for the Christed (Crystalline) Ascension. This Ascension process honors the feminine, placing the body and earth at the center of it’s temple while expanding out into universal consciousness. Seeing them as One and acknowledging Love to be the substance that unifies it all.
The awakening of collective consciousness and expansion of human evolution was and continues to be at the center of this feminine lineage of wisdom keepers.
These feminine lineages honor womb wisdom and always bring us back to our body’s as our first temple. They also hold sacred the notion of Sacred Union as a the holy chalice for alchemy.
How do the magdalene mysteries pertain to us today?
What’s the point of it all? That’s what I initially asked myself when this subject came up. So many years into this path I know this for a fact:
the Magdalene mysteries are here to remind us of what is possible when we anchor into womb wisdom, when we reclaim our feminine lineages and when we remember how to walk back home to our true essence.
The Magdalene mystery opens us up to a story that goes all the way back to the beginning of time. A story of love struggle ascension humanity but most importantly a story that reminds us that we are not alone. A story that has left traces all around the world in sacred sites and pyramids connected to the stars, reminding us that our little human body is not where it ends but in fact only where it begins.
What is possible is only limited by our minds and what we believe. The Magdalene mysteries open the door to a map that takes us home, back to the wisdom of the womb and the magic of the universe.
Today’s message of the magdalene mysteries:
We need more women in touch with their Feminine Creative Power.
We need more women closer to the earth and in the matters of High Spirituality.
We need more women ready and capable of holding their families and communities during this time of great transition.
Upon the one year anniversary of the S.O.F.I.A. School, the activation of feminine lineages came in strongly. I’ve created an amazing presentation to put together the bigger story that I am sharing with you today.
If you’re called by the star lineages, by the ascension process, by the feminine path and lineage that Mary Magdalene and Isis was a part of, I invite you to join me inside the S.O.F.I.A. School presentation of Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage.
Reclaim your Feminine Lineage and remember the Path your soul is destined to walk.
JOIN ME inside
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
The Lineages of Light await your remembrance!
The Lemuria Rose Priestess
I have been asked to reclaim the Initiatory Path of the Priestess, also known as the High Priestess of the Rose, in order to embody Ascension in a practical and nourishing way. Since the times of Lemuria/Mu, we gathered to received the teachings of Divine Mother. While living in hawai’i, I felt these temples come alive. It is time for the Priestesses of our time to remember our very important and powerful role in birthing the new. We are not here to just hold the light. We have a real job and are needed in the world.
Today, the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is here to walk you through this Ancient Initiatory Priestess Path so you can reclaim your gifts, have support during the Initiatory Process, awaken the Wisdom that lives within you and share it with others!
Join me as we reclaim the Love, Power, Magic & Wealth of our Sacred Feminine.
Check out the S.O.F.I.A. school curriculum or take the Feminine Archetype Quiz to see which path inside the school calls.
Enjoyed this Blog? Have topics you want to hear about? Tag me on Instagram @celestegluz1111 or @lemuriarosetemple and lmk! I love to hear from readers!
Make sure to share this blog with other Women in your life! It helps spread the frequency and also supports my work.
Celeste Gluz
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
FREE: Feminine Foundations Course
Learn everything you need to Yoni-steam with this EASY DIY Course!
FREE: Take the Feminine Archetype Quiz
This blog was about the magdalene mysteries and the untold story of a very ancient feminine lineage.
Why Feminine Lineage is KEY on the feminine path
The Rose Lineage Priestess Path – what I wish I knew
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[…] Magdalene Mysteries – the Untold story of a Feminine Lineage […]