As more women are called to explore their feminine energy, I am finding there is confusion around terms like feminine embodiment, womb wisdom, feminine energy, etc. They are all being thrown into the same bucket as if a woman who is embodied in what seems to look like feminine energy knows what womb wisdom is.
In fact, I have seen many women who look perfectly embodied in their femininity not have any idea about what a real womb awakening or womb wisdom is. With the lineage of Feminine work that is grounded inside the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts, I would have to say that what we see in the external world as the Feminine Rising is not quite the whole picture, but we’ll leave that for another conversation!
So, if you’re finding yourself asking the following questions:
How can I connect to my feminine power?
How can I feel more in tune with my feminine energy?
How can I move into more receptive feminine states with my partner or become more open to receiving the juice of life?
I’ve made this blog for you because we need to clear up the confusion between feminine embodiment and womb wisdom before we can answer these questions.
Feminine Embodiment vs. Womb Wisdom
My honest and not very popular opinion about today’s modern world definition of feminine energy is this:
Women have been tricked into believing that if they are sweet, kind, gentle, receptive, going with the flow, and doing self-care practices, they are in their feminine energy.
I’m here to tell you, if you’re on that train, you’re in for a disastrous halt.
Since moving back to NYC from Hawai’I, I have closed my brick and mortar business and have been doing very deep studying, remembering and excavating about what this Feminine Path is truly about.
What I have found, is that Real feminine energy is so powerful, it will eat you up and spit you out if you’re not properly initiated into it.
This is why it has been forbidden and turned taboo.
Because in our ancient past, the women who truly understood feminine energy were not prancing around in their silk dresses talking about how nature is so beautiful and how life is so easy. And unfortunately, that’s the way the feminine is being sold to many women these days
Women who understood and embodied Real Feminine Energetics were in sacred temples located in vortex sites, working with the land templates, the stars, and the elementals, conjuring up elixirs of creation to support their communities and empires.
They were the bridge between heaven and earth and had to be very focused on feminine embodiment because if not, they could not anchor these higher frequencies.
Why is this important for you to understand?
I’m not suggesting we go live in a temple on a vortex site (although I truly would love that!).
What I am strongly advising is to understand the following:
Feminine embodiment is KEY and essential for TWO main reasons:
- Grounding higher frequencies (of ascension, awakening, spirituality) and integrating them as a way of life
- Holding a stronger magnetic field in order to create ripples of Creation (not manifestation) that affect those in your nucleus.
So when you see a woman preach about being in feminine energy, I want you to notice how she makes you FEEL at a SOUL level.
Does she shift something inside you?
Does she awaken something DEEP within you?
Does she remind you of an Ancient and Future Aspect of you that holds an unspeakable and untouchable Truth that satiates you?
Or does she simply inspire you to soften and think positively about your life, not having to worry about real-life responsibilities and your future?
We have to open our eyes to what our INNER Feminine is asking of us. We need to learn how to see beyond the silk dresses and crystal jewelry.
Because it is what is NOT said or seen that exudes feminine energy.
It is what is FELT and ACTIVATED within you that is calling forth your feminine Soul.
Side note: I love silk dresses and crystal jewelry….not against it!
JOIN the Out of the MIND, into the BODY Workshop TODAY
I just came back from being in Italy for 2 weeks. What my body felt was beyond what I was expecting. When I commune with these ancient lands it is very clear that the Feminine Force is much larger and more powerful than we give her credit for.
And after communing with her for this time, my body started speaking to me loud and clear.
I came across to minor pains and imbalances that are out of the norm. So I started asking myself – what is my body telling me? What do I need to understand?
Feminine embodiment is when we are in tune to the energetics and language of our body. We can communicate, commune and receive from here what is needed to help guide us in our day to day moments.
Womb wisdom on the other hand is a call. It is an initiation that requires integration, time and years of devotion.
The call of the womb is a call from the Great Mother. An ancient call that women always heard at the time of their menstruating years. When womb wisdom calls, you can feel a yearning to explore the mysteries of life, the hidden gifts of your body wisdom, and the power of your womb.
This call of womb wisdom is meant to guide you recovering a very ancient and powerful creative force that was once known to be part of a magical and powerful lineage.
So you can see now how you can exude feminine embodiment and never have actually lived through awakening to womb wisdom.
You can learn all the feminine lingo and never have been initiated into womb wisdom.
I want you to be very aware of this because if you are looking for women to work with or guide you into womb healing or feminine work, it is important you understand how to see the real path they have walked (or not walked ) and know how to ask the right questions.
We live in a very mentally stimulating, electricity-inducing, nervous-system-aching culture. A society that is focused on production, maximizing speed, and increasing efficiency.
But if you simply look at a woman’s body, the first thing you realize is that she is the exact opposite of this.
She is of cyclical nature, her body is efficient through working with time and her consciousness is connected to something much bigger which can include oracular or magical gifts. This immediately tells us that our society is not made for women’s gifts to thrive or be of value.
So much of my work the first few years of this path was reclaiming every detail that has gone into Menstrual Magic – a return to the cyclical wisdom and womb language that our feminine body naturally carries.
The issue is, we can’t hear it! We aren’t raised in a culture that honors our menstrual cycle and the cyclical essence of our body rhythm. But when we learn to adapt this way of living, we connect to the spiral of wisdom that lives within us – guiding us back into our natural way of living.
So when we are first called by the feminine, the easiest place to begin with is feminine embodiment. This is what we see in the mainstream with so many feminine coaches supporting women in the process of understanding how to connect with their feminine energy, cyclical nature and/or receptive qualities.
Feminine embodiment practices help us connect to our sensitivities, our receptivity and our regenerative nature. They give us permission to slow down, rest and listen. This is why women in the last few years have had a massive awakening when it comes to understanding how they ‘work’ best compared to men.
Feminine embodiment, at it’s top layer, is essential to begin working with a different force of life. Meaning, if you have been doing, executing and succeeding at life with a penetrative force, it is very important to begin exploring simple feminine embodiment practices that get you Out of the MIND, into the BODY ( Workshop).
Essentially, feminine embodiment practices will help you soften, get out of your head and tap into the rhythm and harmony of your cyclical nature, which in turn will help you become more sensitive, heart-based and liberated in your emotional and sensual feminine ways.
But if you follow the breadcrumbs of the feminine path, you will soon find out this is just the icing on the cake. Feminine embodiment is just the door that takes you into the world of feminine energy and the depth of knowledge and wisdom your body carries.
Once we have tasted our feminine energy via feminine embodiment practices, the feminine path begins to open.
This is when womb awakening may occur and something much more ancient begins to awaken within you.
JOIN the Out of the MIND, into the BODY Workshop TODAY
Womb Wisdom is awakened upon experiencing a womb awakening.
You can not embody womb wisdom if you have never lived through a womb awakening or have just recently been through a womb awakening.
I say this to help you understand and decipher much of the fog and false propaganda in the spiritual community.
Once you have engaged with feminine embodiment practices for a while and feel a ‘pulse’ or a ‘call’ to explore something much deeper, this is the call toward womb wisdom.
It is a strong yearning to return to the wisdom of your body.
You may feel naturally called to explore womb healing, start questioning the health and vitality of your sacral and root chakras, or even begin to ask the deeper questions of why your relationship to food, money, love or sex have been unbalanced, compromised, stripped from you or betrayed.
Womb awakening, which works hand in hand with womb wisdom, is often an initiation for women, calling them into the feminine power of their creative force. It doesn’t come easy and will often come in the form of sacral and root chakra imbalances, grief, womb loss, womb health issues, or libido-focused issues.
The call to womb wisdom is a call to explore something much deeper that is the birthright of women – the door that leads them to reclaim feminine power, feminine magic, feminine love, and feminine wisdom that our world so desperately needs.
Womb wisdom is the reason why Temples and shrines for the Goddess were constructed all over the world. So that the Magic and Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine could have a place to be remembered and revered and human hearts could always be nourished.
As a highly sensitive woman and natural mystic, a world of knowledge began to open within me after my womb awakening and my entire life was stripped underneath me. It was the beginning of a decade-long journey that was well worthwhile but certainly required a lot of support and guidance.
If you are called to explore what womb awakening or womb wisdom can open up for you, I invite you to explore the SEDUCTRESS PATH inside the S.O.F.I.A. School.
JOIN the Out of the MIND, into the BODY Workshop
Your body is your Compass to your Greatest Life and Desires.
We’ve heard this time and time again. but how do you drop into your Body as a WAY OF LIFE, consistently and in practical terms, without having to cater an hour a day to estoteric practices?
My path has been one of making things practical and I’d love to share with you some very EASY and LIFESTYLE ways of living from your BODY WISDOM, more often than not.
Learn how to close the gap between the hamster wheel of the Mind and the Wisdom of the Body.
Receive practical tools and exercises that you can start implementing today.
JOIN ME in returning to the VAST Consciousness that is your Feminine Body Wisdom and find out what it can feel like when you can finally TRUST your Womb is a guiding force in your life!
See you next time!
Celeste Gluz, Lemuria Rose Priestess
Creatrix of S.O.F.I.A. School and Lemuria Rose Quantum Healing
This Blog was all about feminine embodiment and womb wisdom.
JOIN Highly recommended:
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
FREE: Feminine Foundations Course
Learn everything you need to Yoni-steam with this EASY DIY Course!
The Ultimate Guide to Divine Feminine Energy
Mary Magdalene ~ the untold story of a feminine lineage
Top signs it’s time to do Womb Work
5 Super Easy Tips to Connect with your Womb