I never imagined myself as an energy healer nor did I do some kind of elaborate research project to help me decide which energy healing certification was right for me. I just went with the flow of things and it all presented itself in divine timing. I’ve learned that this is the best way to go about things. ~ Go where the energy flows ~
Sometimes we think an energy healing certification is only for people who want to build a practice for energy healing. What I know for sure is that this is not the case. Learning how to work with energy is a large part of the feminine spiritual path. This is why so many women are called to the healing arts (we’re natural healers).
I’m here to share with you how joining an energy healing certification for the sake of understanding energy is what began the biggest transformation of my life, and it’s not about building a business of energy healing or making money from this skill.
I didn’t always consider myself as sensitive or empath but what I did know was that I was on a spiritual journey and I was experiencing things that couldn’t be explained. In that knowing alone I knew there was something different that needed to be explored. I didn’t think I had any healing gifts nor did I ever think of energy as something I could “work” with.
I want to share with you how learning how to work with energy can support your spiritual and healing journey, no matter how you end up using this skill.
All women should take an energy healing certification ~ Here’s why
Women are natural-born energy healers. This is why our modern-day world does not feel good to our body and nervous system. We are naturally inclined to work with the subtle aspects of reality, which in essence, make up this reality!
This disconnection from our natural self is what is creating a separation of what today many call the masculine-feminine polarity. Women have forgotten how to weave their magic and energy into the way they walk and show up in this world and then title everything that requires focus, structure, or discipline, a ‘masculine’ trait.
I’ll leave this conversation for another time, but I will say this:
Your energetic gifts, your sensitivity, your natural healing abilities are all part of the Great Mother’s weaving. She has given you these attributes so you may reclaim your Sacred Feminine, in its FULLNESS.
The original shaman was the womb keeper of the community – she who held the mysteries between the worlds. Today, I want to weave with you the importance of sensitive women coming back to the mysteries of the subtle realms as a way to reclaim your energy healing gifts.
We live in a world that is made up of energy, sound, water, and light and yet the average person knows little to nothing about these qualities of life.
As we awaken to our spiritual gifts and light body, it is important we learn how energy, sound, water and light not only make up the majority of this reality but are meant to be worked with and communicated with. We are meant to have a relationship (AKA a transfer of energy), with these forces.
Perhaps like you, I experienced an incredibly life-changing spiritual awakening over a decade ago. After living this sudden shift, my life was never the same. I was exposed to another dimension of reality that I had no way of integrating.
I was meditating and receiving information and insights about many things and although that may sound like fun, it really wasn’t.
For years I struggled. I didn’t know how to live on this Earthly Plane while integrating these multi-dimensional experiences. At the time we were living between NYC and Miami and I didn’t have any support systems or conscious communities to walk me through what I was living. I started to becomes hyper-sensitive to water, sound, light and energy to the point that it was difficult to be in common spaces like busy streets, restaurants or even grocery stores.
I got to a point where I could barely function in society. I remember the moment when I asked to turn off these experiences and gifts because I felt like they were such a burden in everyday life. And they did, for a while.
I write all about this spiritual awakening journey inside my book ~ I AM Lemuria.
I’m curious to know, are you hyper-sensitive? Do you have natural abilities you’re not sure what to do or would like to deepen into?
Fast forward a few years later, we moved to Hawai’i and I learned about a local energy healing training weekend. As soon as I heard about it, my whole body lit up! I knew I had to be there so I trusted my intuition and registered. I figured I would at least learn how to create some energy balls in my hands. I really didn’t know what I was getting into nor did I have any expectations. It was simply there to receive and trust.
That weekend was a massive confirmation of why I had to be in Hawaii and why I had to remember how to work with energy.
After that weekend of ‘remembering’ or learning how to work with energy, it felt like everything clicked. All that I had experienced until that point had been preparing me for what I was meant to remember that weekend. As soon as we started practicing immediately I knew this was natural to me. Not necessarily hosting an energy healing session but working with and being in close relationship to energy itself. It felt like the barrier between the physical reality and all of my experiences finally came down. They were no longer two separate things I had to manage – they became one. I became one whole piece, integrated in my full multi-dimensional essence.
The energy healing training allowed me to integrate my experiences and understand why I was living them. Instead of feeling like my sensitivity was a barrier to living a normal life, for the first time after that energy healing class, I felt like my sensitivity was the reason why my live played out the way it did.
I just needed a foundation. A starting point. Someone to hold me and remind me that I was given gifts, not burdens.
This is exactly what level 1 of my quantum energy healing training is all about.
Because the energy healing modality I learned (and now teach) is based on Quantum energy flow, there is enough space and freedom for your gifts and memories to come alive. I began to remember how women healed their communities in Lemuria and how the role of the feminine is so important at this time as our cells transition from carbon to crystalline structures.
I began to receive all sorts of activations with every session I did which led me to go deeper and deeper into quantum energy healing. Aside from using the energy healing modality with clients, I began to use it on myself daily. It helps me integrate the incoming solar flares and plasma light, keep up with energy body changes, and work in the inner-plane in new ways I would not have known otherwise.
I realized that life is truly pure energy (it was no longer a concept – it was a knowing) and I began to play with it. The joy and play of my inner-child still gets activated often when I work with energy.
The best part was that what I felt so weird about for so many years finally had an outlet! I felt a pouring of accumulated energy move through me once I started to offer sessions. It felt like a life-calling was being fulfilled and all of my insecurities and doubts about being sensitive were transmuted! I had finally found the purpose to my sensitivity and I was thrilled!
As women, we are often called sensitive.
If you’re sensitive, it’s for a reason.
This reason needs to be explored with curiosity and love.
Your sensitivity is trying to tell you something and it’s trying to lead you back home.
Home to the place of your heart and home to the gifts that you bring to this world.
Perhaps this sounds simple to you but for me, my sensitivity became an obstacle to everyday life. I couldn’t figure out why I just couldn’t be ‘normal’. Come to find out, being sensitive is the most normal thing of life that many have forgotten. In fact, I believe being sensitive is the natural state of being because we are meant to be one with our surroundings.
Here’s the thing, if we’re sensitive or empathic it simply means that our barriers to sensing other dimensions or realities are lighter or less apparent than those who would not consider themselves sensitive/empathic. If our barriers are already down, it is important we learn how to deal with this makeup. Meaning, if I’m hypersensitive (which I am) I need to learn skills and tools to make my hypersensitivity a power not a detriment.
So many times we hear that as sensitives we need to create boundaries, put up walls and protect ourselves from everything and everyone around us. This is not only extremely draining but it doesn’t actually work. Barriers and energetic boundaries can only hold up for so long and the truth is all you need is to have someone who holds a little bit stronger energy (Regardless of positive or negative) to break that boundary.
Before working with energy, I was highly ‘sensitive to the people around me’ and felt like a victim to the environment I was in. I was not empowered in my energy field, I didn’t know what was possible with energy and I didn’t understand how the energy of others was impacting me. We don’t know what we don’t know.
Upon starting to work with energy, everything changed for me. I felt empowered. I no longer felt like I had to ‘protect myself’ from others like so many older energy healing trainings still teach to this day and I felt aligned to the flow of the new energy coming in at this time.
I was lucky enough to learn, practice, and then teach this energy healing training in Hawai’i, where the land and environment support very high-frequency practices.
Becoming an energy healer, or someone who understands how to work with energy, has helped me in the following ways:
- I learned how to handle and use my sensitivity as a superpower
- I strengthened and developed intuitive gifts I didn’t even know I had. (I just always felt different but didn’t know how to explain it)
- It created structure to my meditation practice, which now is intentional and embodied.
- It gives me an easy access point of stability, safety and power within
- It opened me to access more multi-dimensional memories
- It allowed me to use these gifts in service, so it’s no longer about ‘me’
- I no longer feel a victim to today’s modern-day culture and society – I know how to hold and strengthen my field when needed.
I wasn’t looking to become an energy healer, all I wanted to do was learn how to manage my sensitivity. I always remind people of the following:
We’re moving into an era where energy will speak louder than words (and to many of us it already does). Energy is the new form of communication and we need to learn (or remember) how to connect with it. It can do so much for us outside of ‘becoming a service’ for others.
I believe we are moving toward a time where everyone will be their own energy healer. It’s not meant to be for certain people. Everyone will eventually have to learn how to use it because it’s what we’re made of!
Perhaps you want to build your energy healing practice and make it a business or perhaps like me you’re sensitive and you need to figure out how this energy is a gift instead of what may sometimes feel like a curse.
Today, I feel most comfortable in the energy healing space. As soon as I open space, I feel at home and I know so many empaths, starseeds and old souls yearn for this sensation of feeling comfortable in their skin and ‘at home’. Partaking in a quantum energy healing training felt like coming home to my multi-dimensional self and it continues to be a huge part of integrating higher frequencies, memories and dimensions in my present-day reality.
Since learning how to work with energy a lot has happened. I was asked by my sister/teacher to continue the sharing of this quantum healing training with all that I’ve gathered on my path. Today, I run the Lemuria Rose Quantum Healing Training, a weekend energy healing certification crated for sensitives or those called to the spiritual path, seeking a more intimate, flexible and growing relationship with energy.
Learning how to work with energy is not a skill, it’s a way of life.
If you’re an empath, sensitive or highly intuitive woman called to walk the feminine path, I strongly suggest learning how to work with energy. It will be a huge support and lay a large foundation for your life and spiritual journey.
You came in with gifts, with knowledge, with memories. This is why you are here, reading this. These gifts are meant to be in service to yourself and perhaps to those around you.
Whether you are already working with your intuitive gifts or not, this quantum energy healing training will create a foundation for you to integrate all that you have come in with and all that is coming in at this time.
It is important that as sensitive women, we stay ‘up to date’ with the energy shifts and learn to shift our energy healing modalities accordingly. If you are already working with reiki energy healing or other modalities, I ask you the following:
Are you still practicing and experiencing the same things you have since you started?
If you have, that’s a sure sign that it’s time for an Upgrade.
The Lemurian Rose Quantum Healing Technique is created to work with your DNA & Soul Blueprint. We are calling forth the New Quantum Codes of Light with this energy healing modality and I’m so excited to be teaching another round of this energy healing training this coming September & October in NYC & Hawai’i.
If you cannot make it live, I strongly suggest joining the LOVE LETTER so you can find out when the online energy healing certificate will be available.
I’m grateful and honored to be sharing this energy healing modality with so many more women (and men!) so we may align with the new energy flows at this time.
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I am deeply passionate about energy healing and supporting women in reclaiming and embodying their gifts. I hope this has sparked some interest in energy healing modalites as a way to integrate your sensitivity and gifts into everyday life!
Mahalo and thank you for being here with me today!
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings,
Celeste Gluz
This blog is about why all women should take part in an energy healing certification
FREE: Awaken your Ancient Lineage
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