When I started my energy healer training, I was brought to the perfect case scenario out of pure magic. What do I mean by that? As a highly sensitive empath who woke up to her past lifetime memories and already had many spiritual practices in place, I needed a training that could not only teach me how to use what I had but also allow me the flexibility to bring in what was already in my Akash – AKA soul memories.
It was this exact combination that allowed for the ascension codes to come in and develop the Lemuria Rose Quantum Healing Training, which is an energy healing certificate that focuses on creating enough flexibility in the curriculum to allow for your natural gifts to come through while teaching you how to align your spiritual journey to the ascension process. I believe this has made the greatest impact on my life, not only as an energy healer but as someone dedicated to walking a spiritual path. I’ll explain more about the energy healer training at the end of this article.
In a sense, I got lucky without knowing it. After so many years of running energy healing courses and teaching practitioners how to work with the new energy that’s coming in, I realized that what we are truly in need of is an energy healing training that puts the practitioner’s spiritual growth at it’s center.
Today I want to share with you why an energy healing training dedicated to preparing the practitioner for ascension makes all the difference in our personal and professional careers – especially if you’re an intuitive empath who’s called to walk the spiritual path.
#1 focus when choosing an energy healer training
What makes any energy healer stand out is when they put their spiritual practice at the center of their life. You can immediately tell the difference between energy healers that are in it because it simply comes easy to them and those who are consistently evolving their practice. The #1 difference is the evolution, or the spiritual growth, of the practitioner. I believe that this KEY when it comes to creating a practice that truly supports your spiritual path.
I am interested in helping develop the spiritual bodies of those who are called to reclaim their connection to energy – not just as a skill that can be used to help others but as a way of life that can be used in everyday routines.
Choosing an energy healing training is something that requires due diligence. Energy healing is growing so rapidly and there are trainings of all sorts. Some may be free and last one day, some may be thousands of dollars and last over a year. What I have found is the following: when it comes to choosing an energy healer training you must remember one thing:
The energy healing training does not make the practitioner.
The practitioner makes the energy healing training.
Your devotion to the craft and your lifestyle will dictate how far you take your practice. One of the basic principles when it comes to working with energy is the idea that energy begins with you and you can only hold the quality of energy/light you carry. Once I realized this, I also realized something else:
Most of my classmates never pursued their energy-healing skills. Not because they weren’t capable or good enough. It’s because becoming an energy healer means you are deciding to walk and talk your spiritual path. And that takes a whole other set of skills, practices and understandings that is usually never (I have not seen it happen in other energy healing courses) talked about or shared in energy healing courses.
This is how the quantum healing course came to be. I wanted to create a platform that not only could teach others all the ‘skills’ I’ve learned with energy healing through the years but also provide practitioners, or anyone genuinely interested in developing their connection to the unseen, a way to engage with the ascension process. Because we are only as powerful as what and how we live, so why is nobody teaching practitioners ascension-focused practices to keep up with the changing times?
What I’m covering in this blog:
𓆃 Choosing an energy healer training certification
𓆃 Why it needs to be aligned to ascension
𓆃 How it improves your spiritual journey and your professional practice
See upcoming Energy Healing Trainings in NYC & Hawai’i
choosing an energy healer training certification
If I were to start from the beginning and have to choose an energy healing training, these are the top things I would focus on:
Get to know the practitioner leading the program:
- how deeply involved are they and what kind of life do they lead? Of course it will be difficult to know the truth but it’s important to be able to get familiar with their work and be able to tune into their frequency. Does it resonate? Do you feel drawn to them?
- Do they host events or provide courses where you can get to know them a little bit better? Maybe they have a podcast or are active on another platform. Get familiar with the frequency of their work – this will reveal a lot about the frequency of their practice.
- Are they involved in communities and if so which ones? This will give you a greater insight as to whether this practitioner is aligned to your greatest growth and highest good.
Get clear on your goals.
- What are you looking to do after you complete the training? Do you desire to build a business or is this for your own personal growth? There are some trainings that help you develop your business and that may be of value to you. When I started, I had no intention of seeing clients, I was simply drawn to work with energy. I knew I had to understand it because I was having a difficult time holding it for myself. It wasn’t concerned with building a business. (I do believe that that’s the best approach to take because there will be no pressure in terms of timing or outcomes and you allow the natural flow of things to occur, which is a fundamental part of working with energy).
Start your meditation practice today.
- If you don’t already have a meditation practice this is definitely a good place to start. I wouldn’t recommend somebody who does not meditate to join an energy healing certification. You will get a lot more out of it if you go in with some self-practice of breath and focused awareness.
Why it needs to be dedicated to the Ascension
Ascension, in its most practical sense, is the increase of frequency within our spiritual body. As intuitives, empaths, energy healers and spiritually inclined hearts, we live a life devoted to increasing our frequency. This is not to say that we aspire to be perfect, this is simply to say that we are attuned to frequency and desire at the depths of our heart, to genuinely do good. It geniounely matters to us how our actions and thoughts affect our health, environment and those around us and that puts us on a path of self-growth and spiritual evolution.
Growth requires flexibility and devotion. If a practitioner is flexible and devoted through time, the ascension process will likely be part of their path because you will eventually hit a wall with how far you can go.
Like I said above:
The energy healing training does not make the practitioner. The practitioner makes the energy healing training.
I say this specifically in relation to our understanding and devotion to the ascension process. I know students who have taken year-long immersions in energy healing with amazing teachers and never used those skills or pursued a spiritual path for themselves or others. Yes, they are great human beings, heart-centered and doing good in the world, but they are not devoted to living a life of spiritual growth. And that is completely ok. We all have a role and a purpose.
You are also allowed to be an energy healer and not pursue ascension (although inevitably I don’t see how that is in alignment with our spiritual growth because energy will always take you toward infinite expansion…).
I know others who took a weekend-long energy healing certification and changed their entire life to pursue what lived in the depths of their hearts. It led them on a life-long journey to feel and explore this infinite expansion, which inevitably led them to Ascension! These are the hearts that I desire to touch – those who already inclined to walk a spiritual path and need a bit of a boost in what that really means when it comes to embracing energy work.
When we are devoted to the spiritual path and desire to explore the expansiveness of our Soul Expression and I AM Presence, it will change our healing practice because we are engaging our internal landscape. As we are given access to more inner technology and expand our awareness of how energy works, our body systems will begin to change and respond differently to the incoming influxes of light. This is when we begin to activate a new relationship with energy.
We begin to develop an ancient relationship that is one of the major determining spiritual keys in our lifetime, that of our heart and star connection. This is the start of the ascension process.
This requires us to be flexible in our modalities (no more old-school healing modalities that force you to follow a ton of rules and do things ‘their way’) and to also access our Akash. I’ve learned that we all bring in healing gifts and we should be able to incorporate them into our practice. I love hearing from so many practitioners about how liberated they feel when they first start this quantum energy healing modality I teach because it creates space for them to adapt to the current energy and also bring in their intuitive insight.
Our energy body is shifting and this changes the playing field.
When we are working with an energy healing modality that connects to the new structures of light and plasma waves, we will find rapid change in our physical and spiritual evolution. One of the biggest things I see with practitioners not ‘up to date’ with newer energy healing modalities is that they are still using the old chakra system and belief systems that are disempowering. This is something that served the earth when it first came in but our body of light is quickly adapting to the new energy system and if we are not living that or connecting to that we will be holding ourselves (and our clients) back.
Think about it this way, the Motorolla phone, or the beepers, served their time, but they no longer have a function in today’s technology. This is exactly what has happened with energy healing modalities and energy healing courses. They served their time but they are quickly becoming outdated.
Many energy healers are doing the same thing they were taught years or decades ago because they are not instructed on how to receive with ascension frequencies. They are not able to receive the collective updates in frequency and are still applying ‘old’ energy information to new platforms.
This won’t work with the next level of consciousness that is coming onto the planet. The systems won’t fit together. If our technology changes from month to month, who’s to say that our energy systems aren’t? Anyone engaged with the ascension process will certainly tell you how drastic the energy shifts can be from one month to the next, as people involved and interested in working with energy, it is our sacred responsibility to keep up with it.
I may not be interested in the latest iPhone but I am always keeping track of the solar frequencies and how they are interacting with my body of light, DNA, energy field and so on.
how it improves your spiritual journey and your practice
I have found that an energy healing training that supports my ascension process gives me the structure to align and integrate each new energy influx. This is extremely important and valuable for me because ever since my spiritual awakening, I have been aligning to portal energy and not knowing it.
I came in with a lot of memories that were unknown to me at the time and if I had done a training like reiki healing, I wouldn’t have been given the flexibility to access them. Whether this makes sense for you or not, it’s important to understand that every energetic influx that we experience (solar flares, increase in collective consciousness, new plasma levels) has an impact on the energy systems we work with and how we access them. That’s why, an energy healing training aligned with the ascension is fundamental at this time.
Having an energy healing practice that works with the specific inner-technology required for the ascension process is a huge support to my everyday routine. I know what needs to be taken care of and what needs to be worked on to ‘ride the waves of energy’ and keep up with the fluctuations and activations of the new plasma light coming in.
Receiving and integrating these new waves of light is key to the unfoldment of our spiritual journey. As the frequency of the world increases we need to be able to keep up with the shift in consciousness and that will require us to do daily energetic maintenance that aligns us to the ascension process.
Quantum healing sessions teach me a lot about the new energetic connections within our ever-changing spiritual body. For example, when I was first trained in my energy healing certification, I was taught that I could work with bones but wasn’t given many specifics. After working within many different quantum healing spaces and the ascension process I’ve learned that our bones have a lot to teach us and are record keepers. Depending on the light quotient of the client, there is a lot that can be done within the bone structure alone in an energy healing session. This is what happens when you allow for the ascension codes to lead your practice, new technology is made available to your through time.
I don’t think this information would have been made available to me if I wasn’t engaging consciously in an ascension process and if I hadn’t been given a foundation that allowed for that information to come through. This is just a very small example of what often happens in energy sessions.
Interested in deepening your spiritual journey or engaging with energy healing work?
Before working with energy, I was highly ‘sensitive to the people around me’ and felt like a victim to the energy around me. I was not empowered in my energy field, I didn’t have access to my healing gifts and I didn’t understand how the energy of others (and the collective) was impacting me. We simply don’t know what we don’t know.
Upon starting to work with energy and consciously engaging my ascension process, everything changed for me. I felt empowered. I no longer felt like I had to ‘protect myself’ from others like so many older energy healing trainings still teach and I felt aligned to the flow of the new energy, like it was feeding me instead of throwing me off.
Because of this, I created an energy healing modality based on Quantum Energy, that focuses on developing the practitioner so that you become the focus of your practice, not the other way around. The stronger and more devoted you get, the more profound your practice becomes. I get chills just thinking about it!
Read all about the Lemurian Rose Quantum Energy Healing Training here and check out the upcoming in-person trainings in NYC & Hawai’i!
Lastly, it would mean the world to me if you shared this with others who resonate! I am deeply passionate about quantum healing, the collective shift we are living and finding ways of supporting each other through it.
Every time you share an article, It helps me spread this knowledge to more people like you.
Mahalo and thank you for being here with me today!
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings,
Celeste Gluz
This Blog was about choosing an energy healer training aligned with the ascension process.
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