This blog is inspired by a few recent conversations with clients looking to connect with their divine feminine energy. After long-distance quantum healing sessions, the wrap-up is supported by a recorded audio which explains in-depth what is going on and what needs to be taken care of.
As usual, I try to provide practical tips and practices that support clients specifically with reconnecting or awakening their feminine energy. The recording went on and I realized, ‘Oh – wow, if someone is really new to divine feminine energy, this can all seem like A LOT. I mean, where do they start?’
So I thought to myself, If I were completely new to all this, what would I want to know about divine feminine energy and where would in what direction would I want someone to point me in to get started?
Today, my deepest desire is to give you a full breakdown of divine feminine energy and how to start awakening feminine energy!
Divine Feminine Energy
The Ultimate Guide
What is divine feminine energy and what does it mean to awaken divine feminine energy?
We live in a very linear, production-based, forward-movement-focused, productivity-valued, final outcome is what counts – society. This is what many would call a distorted masculine perspective.
The divine feminine works with the Wisdom of Creation, with the Cycles of Life and with the intelligence of the body. She does not value the final outcome, she values the journey and the being aspect of being a ‘human being’ – Not a human doing.
So when we are called to divine feminine energy or desire to awaken divine feminine energy in our lives, this may come to us in a myriad of ways or reasons:
- perhaps you feel tired of living a linear product-focused,final-outcome, solution-oriented, hamster wheel lifestyle.
- Perhaps you feel dry and frazzled and not really sure what this human experience is really about.
- Perhaps you feel unfulfilled or uncertain with our life and the decisions/choices you’ve made up to this moment – thinking to yourself ‘is this really it? Is there all there is?’
- Perhaps you feel like there’s just More: there’s more LOVE, there’s more MAGIC, there’s more to EXPERIENCE
- Perhaps you feel stunted in your career, your love life, your family life or your creativity
- Perhaps you’ve experienced a lot of loss or grief in your life and your body can no longer hold it
- Perhaps you’ve experienced womb trauma or experiences where your feminine energy has not been honored and respected
- Or, perhaps you’re a magical being like me, and you know that although you don’t have the answer, you know you’re not living the answer, and that alone is causing you to ask questions. The divine feminine is either calling you forth or asking you to connect with her.
For me, that was exactly my story. I didn’t even know the words ‘divine feminine energy’. It wasn’t a thing you could google in 2012 when I started this path. But what I did know was that everything around me felt wrong. Nothing felt like it was aligned. Aligned to what I desired for this one precious life, aligned to my soul knowing, aligned to my heart’s wisdom. And that alone has led me on a decade-long journey of reclaiming the Priestess Path – which is a talk for another day!
So, regardless of what is bringing you here today, I want you to know the following:
If the divine feminine is calling you forth, there’s nothing more exciting, exhilarating, and perhaps even destructive, than communing with, dancing with, remembering, awakening and activating your divine feminine energy.
Let’s get into it!
This is not a ‘give me the Cliff Notes version and I’ll just do it’ kind of article. Although I did try to go that route, it naturally became something more lengthy and I do recommend taking some time with this blog.
Divine feminine energy inherently weaves in the concept of gnosis, meaning – a BODY-BASED knowing or wisdom. You will see that a lot of this article has to do with finding the map that leads us home, to our Beloved Body Wisdom – this is the divine feminine at it’s core.
This takes TIME – which is a key factor on the feminine path – things are not rushed and there is a BEAUTY in that SLOW process. It cannot be rushed (remember the hamster-wheel, go-get’em – fast paced talk we just discussed? – yeah – we’re stepping from that with this one….)
I suggest taking this article one step at a time and coming back to it as needed.
I offer a lot of resources and tools that are not meant to be understood or taken in within an hour.
Consider bookmarking this page or making it a reference. What I find is that as clients connect more with their feminine energy, they find each tip unfolding within them on deeper and deeper levels. There you dope OK right this water
Today we’ll cover:
- Common misconceptions about divine feminine energy
- Common distortions about divine feminine energy
- Connecting with your divine feminine energy
- Practices and Tips to Activate your divine feminine energy
- Healing your divine feminine energy
- Initiations to be aware of
- Walking the divine feminine path – aka the Priestess Path
Common misconceptions about divine feminine energy
As the divine feminine grows on the world stage, unfortunately it’s also being misinterpreted and getting a bad rep in many ways. Women who are desperately needing the beauty and magic of the feminine in their lives, homes, and relationships are being misled to believe it is something different. I hope to inspire you and bring some clarity on this topic with today’s blog.
𓋹 It’s all about sex and sensuality
A lot of the material that we see about connecting with our feminine energy is related to the sexual liberation that is required on the feminine path. I’m not saying this is not important, what I am saying is that it is only the tip of the iceberg.
Of course, if you feel repressed or held back in this area of life, this is certainly something to look into. But divine feminine energy incorporates so much more and it’s so deep, that it’s really a shame that we’ve narrowed it down to this.
The first thing that women think about when I tell them perhaps it’s time to connect to their divine feminine is the following ‘I’m fine with my sensuality and I have no issues with my sexuality. I don’t understand why connecting with my feminine energy will support me in healing or working on XYZ’.
So let’s just be clear right now – Sex and sensuality are important and are only 1% of the picture.
𓋹 when your divine feminine energy is activated, you are able to freely express yourself sexually, no matter your age, the platform, the circumstances. In fact, if you’re on the reserved-side, you probably have some sacral chakra issues
This goes along with the first misconception. Being over-sexual and having to prove how sensually empowered you are while not hacing discernment of your environment and role in life is just as distorted as being under-sexual and not having any vitality or libido. Let’s stop making Instagram-porn an excuse for the ‘rise of the divine feminine’ (uggh- stomach is turning just thinking of it).
𓋹 it’s all about being in flow and that comes with chaos
Far too often, women are using their excuse of ‘I’m tapping into my feminine energy’ and allowing themselves to be an utter mess. Yes the feminine includes being in flow, but our western culture has completely distorted what flow means. If you look at eastern traditions and other traditions based on philosophical and spiritual gnosis, you will see that being in flow is in fact something that can only come with time and experience. True flow, one that is connected to divine feminine energy, requires wisdom and structure, which is what is taught in more depth within the S.O.F.I.A. School.
𓋹 divine feminine energy is soft and agreeable
Can divine feminine energy be soft? Absolutely. Can divine feminine energy be brutal? You bet. On the other side of the sensual exploration, is the feminine softness that we are all so familiar with. Our divine feminine requires us to know a lot more than just how to be soft. Think about it this way, if being in your feminine energy meant simply understanding how to soften, that would mean that every single child is inherently within their divine feminine energy, and this is simply not true. This is a very childlike, naïve, misinterpretation of the feminine.
𓋹 it’s all about activating your throat chakra and letting the world know everything you think
So often when I work with women on the feminine path, they are convinced that they must speak, ABOUT EVERYTHING, because this means their throat chakra is activated. There is no wisdom behind this statement. Over-speaking is just as distorted as under-speaking.
What we come to find is that divine feminine energy is elegant, it is wise, it is refined, and it is also pragmatic.
Anyone who is over-speaking, in chaos, feeling disembodied and ungrounded, and simply all over the place, is not in their divine feminine energy.
it’s all about being taken care of by the masculine
𓋹 feminine empowerment means that women are different than men
Connecting to your feminine does not mean that you are better than or more powerful than the “masculine” or men in your life. As lovely as it is to be in women’s circles, I find that there is a lot of men bashing which is the absolute opposite of divine feminine wisdom.
Common distortions about divine feminine energy
𓋹 Your magnetism depends on how much self-care you do
I don’t care how much time or money you put into self-care, that does not define your magnetism, nor will it improve it. Magnetism is more complex than that and we break it all down inside upcoming workshops within the S.O.F.I.A. School. So if magnetism is something that calls, make sure to subscribe to the LOVE Letter below for updates!
𓋹 polarity dynamics is the ‘name of the game’ when it comes to dealing with men
Somehow, women have started to think that if they connect to their divine feminine energy they will all of a sudden win over the man of their dreams. Although being connected to your feminine energy may support finding your soul mate, it does not defy destiny and soul lessons. All of this polarity talk is simply too complicated, becomes a mental game with another’s heart and gets you out of your intuitive feminine wisdom. So we won’t be talking about polarity dynamics here as a part of connecting or awakening your feminine.
𓋹 Structure, Precise action and Direct motion is ‘Masculine’
This is a more complex topic that I will not go into here but I will say this – the feminine has been misunderstood when it comes to the Power and Mystery of Creation. I have a very strong energy of focus, direction and sense of ‘soul-led mission energy’ which is today infamously called masculine energy and has thrown me off my energetic center in the past. In the Feminine Mysteries and Spiritual Traditions, this is very different. These topics are further explored inside the S.O.F.I.A. School in case you are called to further study them! Make sure to subscribe to the LOVE Letter below for updates!
Ok, now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let’s go on with some more fun topics!
Connecting with your divine feminine energy
The concept that we are divided from our divine feminine energy is a distortion within itself. That’s like telling a tree it should connect to the earth – isn’t it already connected to the earth? You are already connected to your feminine energy, you simply have forgotten what that feels and looks like.
If we’re going to talk about connecting with our divine feminine energy we need to know what it looks like when we are NOT connected to our divine feminine energy. I think this is something that would have helped me a lot more in the earlier stages of my path.
Here’s a few tips on what it looks like when you are not connected to your divine feminine energy:
- You feel very much in your head or logical
- The concept of beauty magic and slow living sounds like a Disney fairy tale
- Your value and self-worth is determined by the external
- You are driven by factors that you have learned via societal standards
- You feel that life is much like a hamster wheel, a daily repetition of the same things, and it’s getting to be a bit BORING.
- Your vitality, creativity, libido feels flat or dry
- You feel detached from life or your partner
- You feel numb when it comes to food, relationships, money, sex, pleasure, etc.
- There is undealt with generational trauma
- You are disconnected from your desires, your dreams, your pleasures
- You have a hard time feeling safe, of creating safety, or expressing yourself safely
- You don’t have a connection to your womb or your menstrual cycle
If any of these sound familiar to you, I suggest the following:
take some time to journal on what resonates
notice which line items live within you and in what part of your body they live in – meaning, all energy and thought form lives in our bodies. So for example, if you feel disconnected from your partner, take a moment and journal on the following:
- I feel …(ex. disconnected from my partner)
- Now state this out loud three times
- notice where you are speaking from. Does it feel heady? Can you DROP INTO your body and speak from there?
- Each time I want you to take a deeper breath in between each repetition
- When you speak these words out loud notice what part of your body you feel
This will tell you a lot about your first steps on where to begin with connecting with your feminine energy.
Do this as many times as you need, and take as long as required.
This is something I suggest that you take S L O W L Y and also create a semi-ceremonial space for. Light a candle and set the intention to connect to your body’s wisdom.
Connecting with your feminine energy is about learning how to trust your body and start communicating with the wisdom that lives inside your body.
This first step is FUNDAMENTAL and absolutely necessary to open up the channel of communication that Is your feminine energy.
Practices and Tips to Activate your divine feminine energy
There are three main pillars I’d like to share with you today to keep it simple and get straight to the point when it comes to connecting and awakening your divine feminine energy:
your womb
your intuitive heart
your body’s wisdom
Once we initiate divine feminine wisdom via courses and mentorship such as Womban Wisdom Mentorship, then we add in the layer of the divine mind or the Higher Mind – but that’s a topic for another day. So let’s review some topics on how to connect with each one of these.
𓋹 your womb
Your womb is the center of your feminine energy. Beyond the topics of sexuality and sensuality which we tend to overemphasize in our Western culture, the womb represents so much more. When our divine feminine energy is calling us, the 1st place we must turn to is our womb center. It is our connection to spirit and beyond.
When we begin reconnecting to our womb it can feel like a void. It is vast it is unknown and quite frankly it feels a bit scary – who knows what’s in there?
The truth is, our womb holds the memory of seven generations before us and seven generations in the future. The womb is astonishing and quite literally a portal to the universe. I want to keep our conversation practical today especially if you are new to the topic of connecting with your womb.
What I wish I would have known from the beginning is how important our womb connection is and the role of the womb. You can read about the Role of the Womb on the Spiritual Path here. (make sure to subscribe if you’re into the more in-depth style articles over on that platform!). I do believe knowing and understanding this in important when it comes to connecting with our divine feminine energy.
Simple practices to connect with our womb:
- Yoni-steaming (Learn everything you need to Yoni-steam with this EASY DIY Course!)
- Womb-breathing – explained below
- Keeping a Womb Journal to deepen your connection with your womb – a simple daily check-in (in the am & pm) with how our womb is feeling and saying is KEY. Through time, you will find that this connection becomes instinctual and a part of everyday life. I’ve created the Menstrual Magic Planner for this which includes a mini-course on how to use it.
- Knowing and living by your cycle will put your womb at the center of your life which helps drastically! FREE: Learn your Cycle, Love your Period
- Align to the Wisdom of your Cycle
𓋹 your intuitive heart
Activating your intuitive heart means allowing your intuition to blossom and take front and center stage. So often when I work with women, what I find is that they have a tremendous amount of repressed energy that tends to accumulate in different places of the body. This repressed energy oftentimes comes from not trusting their intuition or not being able to clearly express what they intuitively feel. A huge part of how to awaken your feminine is not only tapping into your intuition but fully trusting it. Allowing your intuition to be the center of your life. Now, just like with everything else I’ve spoken of, everything requires discernment. I’m not saying that if you intuitively feel like leaving your life, flying to another country and never returning, you should do that. What I am saying, is that if you genuinely feel that way, perhaps it’s time to travel.
Remember this:
Intuition + discernment = divine feminine wisdom
Here’s a few journal prompts to sit with:
Do I consider myself intuitive?
Do I trust my intuition?
How often do I act on my intuitive impulses?
What do I feel or think about intuitive people?
Do I feel safe with my intuition?
These journal prompts will give you clarity on how connected you feel with your intuitive heart and how much work there is to do within the heart space. I will say that the heart space is the most profound and complex energy center that exists in the human body so our connection to it and how much we can access via the heart’s wisdom is infinite. With that being said, these are starting questions to get the ball rolling for anyone looking to learn how to connect with their feminine energy.
𓋹 your body’s wisdom
To awaken your body’s wisdom means to drop the mind down into the heart and then taking it a deeper level when we talk about the divine feminine energy it means dropping it all the way down into the womb.
The first place I start with clients who are new to this work is placing their hands on their womb and beginning to practice womb breathing.
Womb breathing essentially is allowing the space behind your palms to expand and contract as your breath inhales and exhales. This will create more energy flow in the pelvic area and therefore allow new connections and sensations to arise.
If you feel disconnected to your womb, no matter what age or phase of life you’re in, I strongly suggest womb breathing at least twice a day.
The best times to do this practice is upon waking before you get out of bed, and as you slip back into bed before going to sleep.
The breath is a very powerful tool on any spiritual path That will continue to deepen throughout your lifetime. You will find that the more you work with your breath the deeper it will take you.
Feminine movement – Cyclical training, dance or intuitive movement that supports your feminine
Movement has been a part of my life since I was a young child and I can’t imagine life without it. The more I walk the feminine path the more I realize how this has been a blessing in disguise.
Our ability to connect to our bodies via movement is a way to drop out of the mind and into the body’s wisdom. Most women I work with who feel frazzled or overwhelmed with our modern-day cultural standards are in desperate need of feminine movement.
Lucky for me, I grew up as a professional ballerina and have had a very long career in the fitness and movement industry, so this is one of my favorite topics to talk and teach about.
NOTE: I do not recommend yoga as a feminine movement practice. You can read more about that in this blog.
Cyclical training – cyclical-based workouts are quickly becoming a fad and I’m pretty excited about that. There are a few distortions that I won’t get into for today but I will say the following, if you are a gym goer like me I strongly suggest using weight training on a cycle-based schedule.
Get the Cyclical Training PDF where I break down each menstrual phase with the appropriate exercise training strategy.
elemental connection
connecting with the earth is absolutely necessary when we talk about connecting to our divine feminine energy. Having our bare feet on the ground and having a real connection to nature will not only activate our feminine energy but also awaken something very ancient within our cells – this is the root of the divine feminine.
- make some time to go outside in nature daily
- get some fresh air throughout your day
- try a sun gazing in the morning or the evening
- bring nature into your home (I’ve had to do this since moving from Hawaii to New York) add plants, crystals, candles, running water and don’t forget that your pets are a great reminder of feminine energy.
- Use Essential Oils as a way to work with your subconscious (a deep feminine trait), your nervous system and your sense of smell which is strongly connected to the feminine –
you can use this link to order the highest quality essential oils that exist on the market. Save 10 percent off your first order with promo code SHAREYL
Everything you need to learn to connect with your womb is inside the Menstrual Magic course!
I am so passionate about this course because it sets the foundation for every woman to connect with, apply, and heal the connection (and health) of their womb. This is a $444 value at a drastically lower price. I hope you explore your womb and find all the magic within that is you.
Healing your divine feminine energy
Most of my work with the feminine began with healing work so I do have a lot to say about this topic. For some time I ran a ‘Healing the Feminine Program’ which focused mainly on women dealing with womb trauma. Alongside other experts, I got to witness so many stories of everyday women dealing with aspects of the feminine that are simply not spoken about enough. I am very passionate about healing the feminine so I hope the following sparks some insight and guidance within you.
Although I work in the healing world and I call myself a healer for practicality’s sake, I always like to state the following, when we talk about healing what we’re actually talking about remembering and resonance.
When we remember what our natural state of being in the feminine feels like, and we resonate with the frequency of the feminine, we then become our true most authentic self.
So when we’re remembering and resonating with our feminine energy, here are a few things to consider, explore and dive deeper into:
𓋹 Sensitivity as your gift
As women, we tend to be on the sensitive side. This has taken me my entire lifetime to truly embrace. When we start calling in our divine feminine energy, our sensitivity will likely heighten simply because we’ve learned how to shut it down. Even women that I’ve worked with that do not consider themselves sensitive often have a strong intuitive knowing, an ability to know things about themselves and others or perceive information before logically knowing it. Embracing your sensitivity and finding ways to nurture it will start to open a pathway for the feminine to move through you and work with you. You will start finding ways to communicate with the ‘unseen’ parts of life – whether it’s your thoughts, your emotions, energy, psychic gifts, healing abilities and so on. Your sensitivity is truly a gift – a way to guide your heart and your community. So nurture it, trust it, and find ways to enhance it.
After getting trained to work with energy I was then guided to create a Quantum healing training program for sensitive looking to understand how to work with energy and use it in everyday life. If this calls to you, keep an eye out for annual in-person trainings in NYC or Hawai’i or take the online healing training course here!
𓋹 Throat chakra activation
I mentioned the work of speaking our truth at the beginning of this article. Most women I work with do need some kind of throat chakra work. We have years, generations and eons of built up energy in our throats. My story of working with the feminine is heavily involved with developing my throat in all it’s quantum mechanics – and it’s not just about speaking.
It is important to know where you feel you stand with this. For example, I remember for so many years I used to have dreams of not being able to speak up in situations where my voice could make or break a circumstance. I knew my dreams were telling me that I wasn’t speaking my truth in so many areas of my life. The throat chakra is very complex and deeply related to our feminine center – the womb. It also works in tandem with the heart and in the mystical and spiritual traditions, it is related to our ability to create. This topic is so dense and deep – I will certainly write more on it here or over on the Priestess Path Substack page – (go over and SUBSCRIBE if you’re into the more spiritual, in-depth insights of the Feminine Path!)
So in conclusion, getting comfortable with your throat and getting clear about your ability to use your voice wisely is very important.
𓋹 Fear of being seen – fear of taking up too much space – Fear of owning your soul calling/ full magnificence
For eons, women have been asked to stay quiet and play small. Take some time to sit with the following:
- Am I playing life the way that I desire?
- Do I allow myself to express fully?
- If not, what is the one place I would like to express more of myself today?
- Do I feel safe to express my creativity, pleasure, etc.?
𓋹 Womb healing
Most women called by their feminine energy we’ll have to do womb work at one point or another.
Check out Top signs it’s time to do womb work
𓋹 Nourishment
Nourishment can mean so much when it comes to feminine energy and really awakening the magnitude of your feminine essence.
Here’s a few journal prompts to sit with:
- What does nourishment mean for me?
- Where do I feel nourished in my life?
- Where do I feel malnourished in my life?
- What people places and things nourish me?
- What people places and things take away from my feeling of nourishment?
- What can I start doing today on a daily basis to feel more nourished?
𓋹 Pleasure and Desire
Getting clear on your pleasures and desires and allowing them to take up space in your life are fundamental for the feminine to thrive within you. Take some time to celebrate your greatest pleasures and desires, even if they feel absolutely unattainable to you right now. It’s important that you give them space at least to be expressed and seen. Let yourself play a little bit, and while you’re at it go big. If you really want that next level XYZ, then just say it and play with that concept.
Many women lie to themselves and settle for a lot less than what they desire. This may not seem important to you right now but what I find is that most women who are stuck with unfulfilling relationships, it’s because they cannot claim their true desires In other places of their life, so they rather feel safe and comfortable with something less when it comes to love.
𓋹 Processing Grief & Loss
One of the first things that awakened me on the spiritual path was an immense amount of unexplainable grief I held in my body and soul. I was asked to sit with this grief for years and it still comes in waves to this day. Today I have learned that this is HUGE aspect of the feminine path waking me up to reclaim the true Magic, Power and Mysteries of the Priestess Path.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where grief and loss are merely talked about while lurking behind the hearts of so many. A large part of understanding the greater story of the feminine is understanding how to deal with, embrace and alchemise these experiences.
Women hold grief and loss much closer to their hearts and wombs because we hold creation within our bodies.
This means life and death are deeply entrained in our cellular makeup. The Heart and Womb work together in this way and when women have unprocessed grief or loss built up for years, the body will begin to show it in physical symptoms such as:
- heart pain – anxiety, pressure, aches, etc.
- womb imbalances (period imbalances, cysts, endometriosis, etc.)
- left-side body aches, pains, injuries or physical imbalances
If left undealt with, it will continue on to more severe physical symptoms like immune dysfunctions, brain imbalances, hormonal disruptions, etc. I have worked with many clients who are in this stage and there is a lot of clearing that needs to be done. Remember, our BODY IS OUR MAP to everything. It tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about your body, mind and spirit connection and it hides nothing from us. Grief and loss gone unprocessed is at the root of many nation-wide ‘feminine health imbalances’.
It is very important that you take inventory on whether or not grief or loss live inside you. If it is, I suggest you work with a feminine guide or healer to help you move through this. They can work with energy, ceremony or somatic therapy. I would not suggest excessive talk therapy as that does not do much for the feminine body of wisdom.
Grief has been a large part of my feminine story and I assure you there is magic on the other side if you pursue it.
𓋹 Acceptance & Forgiveness
The feminine path opened up to me via the Path of Love, also known as the Path of the Heart. What we find in any spiritual tradition is that acceptance and forgiveness is a central part of all teachings. Notice how willing you are to accept certain circumstances for what they are and forgive yourself/others. This is a practice of the heart and it lies central to the teachings of the feminine.
Initiation on the Divine Feminine Awakening Journey
When we start to connect to our divine feminine energy, things will go really nicely at first. They’ll feel good and we’ll feel comfortable, empowered, lit up, vitalized, creative, magical – oh the list goes on! It’s beautiful and you really should take it all in. But, if connecting to your feminine energy and awakening the true feminine force within you is part of your soul’s calling or path, I do want to give you a heads-up
Eventually, like any spiritual path, there will be tests and initiations along the way. These are meant to make you stronger and really test what you are learning so that you may embody what you truly desire. It’s really easy to say that we’re speaking our truth, but if we’re not faced with challenges that force us to speak the most uncomfortable, scary and unimaginable thoughts, then, are we truly speaking our truth?
Like I had mentioned the beginning of this article, awakening your feminine energy is exhilarating and exciting and will certainly change your life in incredibly powerful, magnificent and magical ways. But if you’re like me and you take things all the way to the end, there will certainly be bumps along the road that will not be easy to handle. These are meant for your greatest good and expansion and I promise you, they are worthwhile. Make sure you have some guidance along the way and surround yourself with amazing women that you trust.
Walking the divine feminine path – aka the Priestess Path
If you made it this far along the article I commend you! Chances are, you’re deeply called by the Feminine and something within you is stirring up! It may feel like magic, a mysterious adventure, challenging your perceptions or allowing for something completely unknown to unfold before you.
After walking this path for over a decade I’ve learned that this is nothing new. Following the call of the feminine is an ancient path, one that stems from our hearts and wombs and takes us to the edges of our universe.
If you’re called to deepen into your feminine, explore High Wisdom Teachings of the Light Body, Reconnect with the Divine Mother your I AM Presence as your leading North Star Compass, or embrace your cosmic ancestors 𓋹 Make sure to subscribe or join me inside The Membership, where we meet monthly for ceremony, trainings, workshops and live Q&A’s.
Are you ready to jump in and explore the feminine lineages and understand the bigger story behind what this path is all about? It took me over 10 years to put this all together, and I’ve created a workshop that breaks all down.
Reclaim your Feminine Lineage, return to your divine feminine energy and remember the Path your soul is called to walk.
JOIN ME inside
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
let me know which tips served you the most and tag me on Instagram @celestegluz1111 or @lemuriarosetemple. I’d love to hear from you!
Make sure to share this blog with other Women in your life! It helps spread the frequency and also supports my work.
Celeste Gluz
This blog is the Ultimate Guide to Divine Feminine Energy
JOIN Highly recommended:
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
FREE: Feminine Foundations Course
Learn everything you need to Yoni-steam with this EASY DIY Course!
Mary Magdalene ~ the untold story of a feminine lineage
Top signs it’s time to do Womb Work
5 Super Easy Tips to Connect with your Womb
LISTEN to the Divine Feminine Ascension Podcast:
Awaken the Language of your Womb
The Dark Goddess
The Path of Love Pt. 1