The dark feminine is a conversation that comes up in every Divine Feminine Workshop I host and there’s a very good reason for that. The power of the dark feminine is not fully understood. In fact, what we see on the mainstream is just surface-level information like:
What is dark feminine energy?
How can we integrate the dark feminine archetype?
What is the power of the dark feminine?
These are incredibly powerful and important questions to being with and and yet there is SO MUCH MORE about the True Power of the Dark Goddess that we have yet to integrate as a collective.
It may sound counter-productive in a world where everyone is seeking the light, but it it is the depth of darkness we can carry within that will propel us into the light.
If you’re on a feminine spiritual path – one that does not blind itself from the fullness of this human experience but instead chooses to fully claim it, I have a different and deeper perspective to share with you about the the dark feminine.
And by the way, no better portal to be talking about this topic than the very ‘dark feminine’ archetype day of Friday the 13th (more on that below).
The Ultimate Guide to your Dark Feminine
We live in a world where the real power of the dark feminine has been lost
The true dark feminine has been repressed and shun from our society because of her disruptive nature, uncontrollable personality and ability to hold real Power in the world.
We have forgotten her role and her presence has been purposefully erased from our history just as what has been done with the forgotten role of Mary Magdalene.
Read: Magdalene Mysteries: the untold stories of a Feminine Lineage
Priestesses and Oracles were known to carry special gifts that were highly prized and sought after, until their role in society was erased.
What I have found with my years of walking on the feminine path is that acknowledging, identifying and integrating our dark feminine is a major key in embodying our full creative power as women.
What we find when our dark feminine is integrated is that she is extremely nourishing and regenerative to our body and psyche. Her power of death and destruction very much resembles the organic power of our period – that of regeneration and rebirth. But what happens when we lose touch with this aspect of our selves?
To be quiet honest – it’s the reason why the ‘shadows’ of humanity have gone rampant, because what you repress will multiply in strength.
Our social media obsession and addiction to screens will quickly show an outpouring of this distorted energy, reaching out in desperation for attention and approval. Even worse, the distorted dark feminine has been disguised as liberation movements and have made women believe that by leaking their most powerful shakti force, they can feel a sense of freedom and expression. This is the ultimate reversal of energy – to tell you the exact opposite of what your energy is for so that you make the choice yourself to dilute it of it’s very power.
it’s time to wake up to the True Power of your Feminine,
and in order to that we must look at our origin:
the Darkness.
In today’s spiritual culture, we have created cute little boxes and workshop experiences for the dark feminine to be ‘released’ if you will – as if she were a caged lion only to be allowed in certain boxes or controlled spaces.
How can you create a box for the most massive and expansive force of the universe?
How can we put words to something so holy and so misunderstood?
It doesn’t mean we have integrated her. In fact, it means the very opposite. It means we have separated her from our society, from ourselves and from our everyday lives. There’s me and there’s the dark feminine part of me.
What if this was the very illusion that’s keeping you from accessing the power of your dark feminine? What if continuing to put things in boxes is what is stripping us of what makes us human and is slowly making us into homogenous porcelain dolls without any real human, feminine creation power?
This is the wormhole the dark feminine will take us through if we follow her breadcrumbs of reclamation.
It’s our job to reclaim her if we desire an authentic spiritual journey – not one that is purified of all sins but one that is integrated in the understanding of the lower and higher aspects of reality.
Today we’ll be discussing:
Friday the 13th and the dark feminine
What is dark feminine energy?
The role of the dark feminine
What is the power of the dark feminine?
Initiations with the Dark Feminine
How can we integrate the dark feminine archetype?
How do I know whether it’s my dark feminine or a distortion of the truth?
Light feminine vs dark feminine
Dark feminine energy traits
What is the your unique dark feminine contract?
Friday the 13th and the dark feminine
Today is Friday the 13th – the perfect day to connect with our Dark Feminine. Why?
Friday the 13th is the perfect example of to explore the dark feminine archetype because of what is represents for the collective psyche.
Think about what Friday the 13th represents for humanity and how it’s treated.
Friday the 13th is the epidemy of what people call subconscious superstition and repression. Anyone you stop on the street would rather either pretend it doesn’t exist or silently pray that this day doesn’t bring them some kind of life-changing circumstance. They are scared sh$t-less of this notion because there is NO context for it.
It is completely unacceptable in our daily lives and therefore not to be discussed or investigated, so it stays as this white elephant lurking over their shoulders, weighing on their unresolved fears and traumas, (this is the perfect definition of what the dark feminine is often described as).
The number 13 has outright been cancelled in today’s world. I remember the first time I realized there was no 13th floor in buildings. I could not believe it. I hadn’t realized this number had been abolished at this level. We’ve literally erased it and continued on with out lives….
There’s even a name for this superstitious phobia people have about 13. Google says it like this:
“thanks to widespread fear and superstition surrounding the number 13, known as triskaidekaphobia, in American and Western European culture, they opted to omit the 13th floor in buildings”
This is EXACTLY the issue with the truth about the dark feminine in our world.
People know it’s there (kind of) but would rather completely obliterate it from the collective psyche and move on with their day-to-day lives.
We have to understand that this day, Friday, is the Day of Venus. Friday in Spanish is Viernes which comes from the root word of Venus, and 13 is the archetypal number of the feminine. The feminine works in the subtle realms and is the master of the unseen.
13 in the tarot is the card of death. Anyone new to tarot will fear this card, not understanding the higher wisdom it brings.
If you put these very simple layers together you get the topic of death behind veils of separation – meaning, if you don’t understand the deeper meaning of the feminine mysteries you will associate the feminine as a destructive and uncontrollable force ,which can be pretty hard to deal to deal with.
This is how we have integrated the dark feminine to our current day culture – like that of Friday the 13th – originally a holy holiday of the feminine lineage and now has connotations of the missing 13th floor in western architectural belief systems.
The literal structure of our society has decided to ‘erase’ it because of it’s inconvenient relations and meanings.
What is dark feminine energy?
Dark feminine energy is essentially the part of us that is hidden and living in our subconscious mind. It is the part of our life, belief system and behavior that is unacceptable or creates ‘uncomfort/division/chaos’ to our quaint and comfortable lives. This governs areas such as death, birthing, se#, money, holding power, grief, menses, high spirituality, the healing mysteries, being seen, etc.
I always like to say “ dark feminine energy and topics of discussions are the things you wouldn’t bring up at the family dinner table”.
This energy is governed by the Great Mother – the one who births – and destroys – all that is.
What we see depicted as the dark goddess are goddesses like Pele & Kali. These goddesses have no mercy. They will absolutely destroy anything that is in their way and have no fear of obliterating entire communities for the sake of their expression. There is wisdom in this that we as a society are very hesitant to uncover although I will be discussing it in depth within the Magician Archetype inside the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
We often relate the dark feminine to our shadows and trauma because it’s the part of us that is most hidden from us. It cannot be found in talk therapy or controlled experiences. The very definition of the dark feminine is uncontrollable energy.
It comes out when least expected and takes over your psyche. When you are triggered unexpectedly and you see a part of you unleashed that you didn’t think was possible – this is your dark feminine energy that is asking to be explored and integrated.
The role of the dark feminine
The dark feminine governs the mysteries and power of the dark which cannot be fully discussed on a blog platform because of their nature but are covered in depth within the Magician Path (releasing in late 2025!) within the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
If you are drawn to the Priestess Path, the taboo, the highly mystical or esoteric aspects of this reality or the magical powers of the feminine womb, you may have a special relationship to uncover with the dark feminine.
When we lose touch with our dark feminine, it’s like creating an empty well in our body with no water. We become split and lose touch with the fullness of what we’re meant to be.
When mentioning the dark feminine, it’s important we touch on the dark mother as she is the governing force which oversees our specific contract and destiny with our dark feminine.
The Dark Mother is the keeper of the unseen. She is the master of the liminal realms where physics does not apply and the logical mind of man has no place – meaning, it is where her specialty, gifts, and power can be found. The taboo topics previously mentioned is where she is most at home.
The following is very important to understand because we must understand the context we live in:
We live in a world that has opted out of the 13th floor = it was collectively implemented that the Dark Mother is taboo and her mysteries are dangerous. These topics do not have a place in our modern-day life and therefore shall be forbidden. It has been erased from history books and the traditions have been lost.
This is the great dilemma of our time.
Our previous generations believed if we didn’t speak or look at it, it would cease to exist.
What we have found is the EXACT opposite.
The issue is that you can’t ‘destroy’ the dark feminine. By simply repressing her in our psyches, we have made her run rampant. Today, we live in a porn-glorifying culture where women are praised for wearing minimal to no clothing and the hands of every child is ability to see and even experience anything their imagination can desire.
By ‘erasing’ the role of the dark feminine, we have created a culture of spiritual famine. Our men are desiring true love, our women are desiring true dissolving in sensual and sacred love and our children are losing touch with their creative imagination. As spiritual hearts, we ache in grief for the integration of our dark feminine, desperately seeking her regenerative power and rebirthing capabilities.
The soil of our human minds is being fertilized with ‘inorganic chemicals’ as we continue to shun her role.
But if we are courageous enough to explore our dark feminine traits and call her back into our lives, we will begin to reclaim her true role and meaning. We will begin to witness the true regenerative force of her nature and the importance of rebirth in our psyche.
We must be willing, as spiritual human beings, to destroy and rebirth ourselves on the path of returning home to our hearts.
The Dark Mother was always in charge of making sure that all that was not aligned with the heart of humanity could be abolished. But as we rewrote our scriptures to align with distorted patriarchal belief systems, dethroned the great mother and replaced her with a human man in the sky and set to fire our temples and the priestesses in them, we lost the role of the dark feminine.
It is now our Sacred responsibility to reclaim her gifts, her glory, and her regenerative soul and it will take us traveling to the depths of our psyches to do so.
The ultimate role of the dark feminine is to keep the natural balance of all things mind, body and spirit and reclaim our True Spiritual Power. The Dark Feminine guides us in the realm of carnal desires and helps us anchor a stronger light into an integreated human body – one where no subject is left taboo or unspoke of.
Initiations with the Dark Feminine
One of the ways we are faced with the need to reclaim our dark feminine is through the inevitable initiations on the spiritual path. These initiations will break down your reality and force you to reevaluate your life. It will destroy aspects of your psyche, behavior, or belief systems that do not serve your highest expression or where you are meant to go.
But how do you know it’s an initiation with the dark femininine? Well, it will govern the topics of:
Body, pleasure, desire, power, money, your womb, love, seduction, fame, grief, anger, etc.
These initiations may be subtle – as if you feel like you no longer align with the life you live and something must die. In the following case:
I once had a client who was a very well known entrepreneur. She had a forward-facing company – meaning, she was the face of the brand. What ended up happening is that the lines of the brand and her persona became so blurred, she completely lost touch of what the dark feminine could represent in her life. She created tremendous wholes – a well of yearning – in her heart and womb.
The dark feminine knows the truth and will not permit this lack of body wisdom to occur. Your reality is birthed from the depths of your body and when the mind takes over, it is likely a time when the dark feminine will have to force her way through.
This is far too common in a world where our face becomes the brand and the Instagram influencer is prized for sharing all about themselves. As the lines become blurred so does our energy, and this is a dangerous place to be. The Mind begins to think it reigns and it can create a life only by what it shows on the outside.
More often than not though, initiations with the dark feminine on the Priestess Path will be a lot more disturbing – and this is what gives her the bad rep she is often referenced for. For example, in my case, I’ve had to live through MANY initiations with the dark feminine. Some of which have looked like:
Reclaiming body wisdom after years of eating disorders, experiencing a life-changing abortion, integrating with the heights and depths of spirituality, walking away from a dream business, having to lose all sense of self, losing my ability to show up and be recognized in the world, etc
Initiations with the dark feminine will bring you to your knees, break down the structures of your life and require you to be rebirthed. It will shake the very foundations of your life and will ask you to reevaluate all that is not aligned to your greatest expression.
What is the power of the dark feminine?
The power of the dark feminine is that she liberates us into full expression without judgment, whether that be related to speaking our truth, experiencing our sensual desires, holding power and fame, lashing our in our rage or so on. She gives us the FREEDOM that is needed to express without shame, guilt or judgement.
So many good women are playing small and nice.
So many powerful women are staying meek and kind.
So many women are choosing random flow instead of the precise creation technology they’ve been gifted with.
If we want to know the power of the dark feminine we need to ask a deeper question – why has she been hidden, repressed, destroyed, betrayed and used?
There’s a very good reason a ‘spiritual’ community would want you that way.
Yogic gurus have been exposed for using feminine energy to their advantage. It is well-known that the Catholic church has manipulated feminine and younger energy for thousands of years.
And even still, we are told to be pure like the virgin in all ways of living:
“…remember how to heal, be pretty and speak your truth – but don’t hold feminine power. Work hard but don’t have wealth for it. Go to church but don’t ask about the black Madonna – Respect Jesus but deny Mary Magdalene…”
Reclaiming the power of the dark feminine would be dangerous to our current paradigm where everything has a role, can be scientifically measured, and most importantly, controlled.
It is so much easier to play small, to not shake foundations, to ‘not rock the boat’. But unfortunately, the boat we’re on is no longer floating. It’s sinking, and it’s sinking FAST. Meaning, our society isn’t working out so well and it’s very clear that we require the power of the dark feminine to be integrated if we desire any minimal change to occur.
The dark feminine has the power to birth new realities and integrate what is out of balance. This regenerative power creates a sustainable approach to heart-centered living and reclaims the true spiritual power at the heart of humanity.
I go into further detail of the role and power of the dark feminine inside the dark feminine workshop.
A liberated woman who has integrated her dark feminine will break all paradigms that do not support the highest expression of the Divine Human.
How can we integrate the dark feminine archetype?
To put it simply, we can integrate the dark feminine archetype via the following steps:
- Become aware of what areas in your life the dark feminine governs.
- Explore what these areas are asking of you and be honest with yourself.
- Take slow steps in adjusting your body system to these desires to have a sustainable integration
This may be against popular belief but we must understand that it is very easy to go into the opposite extreme of numbing our or letting the lower astral get the best of us when exploring our dark aspects. That’s why slower is better.
Now ofcourse, it would be HIGHLY naive of us to believe that these 3 steps are as easy as they sound.
When we cast our consciousness (light) into the dark (subconscious) this is when we can create space for the unseen parts of us to be exposed and eventually integrated. The issue and dilemma is as Allan Watts would put it:
“When the burglar is caught at the first floor of the house, he immediately rushes up to the second floor…”
Meaning, when we desire to explore the ‘unseen’ aspects of ourselves, the first thing the ego will do is be on it’s best behavior – trying to hide ourselves from the immanent nature of being an outcast in society.
Because of this, we need tools to heighten our awareness and perception of self.
Things like having a breath or meditation practice, developing the ability to witness yourself outside of your ego or purifying the heart to a place of emptiness. We also need a safe space to be seen and expressed.
Our dark feminine will require intimacy – being seen – in places or conversations that are uncomfortable.
There are also many spaces you may be drawn to where there is a facilitator who can guide you through the expression of your dark feminine and I have already mentioned about I have mixed feeling about this:
As important it is to have a space to express and experience your dark feminine rage, grief, desires, power, etc.I find that more and more our culture is moving into what I call Hollywood healing, where what excites the carnal tends to be focused on to a fault but when the real change is required in the midst of major life challenges, relationship struggles or power dynamic, people shrivel like a raisin into their old habits.
The Ego is a very powerful thing and we have seriously undermined it. We must understand that the dark feminine is not a force to play with. Again, giving her a circus circle with other ego-tantalizing experiences will often not integrate her, it will excite her into playing our her distortions.
This is why I am a strong believer of the Priestess Path, a path of spiritual integration where LIFE and your HEART are the only real reflections of how deeply you have integrated your shadows, traumas and your dark feminine.
How do I know whether it’s my dark feminine or a distortion of the truth?
Remember that when we are dealing with the mysteries, the unseen, the dark, we are walking in the shadows. We must be discerning and understand where we stand. I believe this is where our very spiritual communities and feminine rising cultures have become their own greatest enemies.
In the misunderstanding of many spiritual teachings, the unintegrated lower aspects of the dark has been dressed up in pretty white dresses and sold to us as spiritual liberation.
We need integrated and initiated leaders to guide us in seeing what we cannot see. There is one major flag when trying to distinguish whether it’s your dark feminine or a distortion of the truth:
The dark feminine is restorative – she is life-inducing – not life-depleting.
I will leave the interpretation of that for you.
Light feminine vs dark feminine
The main difference between the light and dark feminine is how agreeable, acceptable, controllable, or polarizing they are.
This is the perfect time to remind you that we need both of these aspects and in fact they balance each other out. Sometimes when we are on the path of discovering our dark feminine, we tend to shun the light aspects of our character. This is a dire mistake as our light is needed just as much as our dark.
“Do not burn yourself with the fire you carry or drown in the waters of your light.”
Light feminine energy traits
Peace making
Caring and nurturing
Plays nice or small
Dark feminine energy traits
Daring – risk taker
Rage | Grief
Takes up space
Empowered – knows her worth
Commanding – speaks up
Creates boundaries even in uncomfortable circumstances
Deal maker – isn’t afraid to lose
Faces shadows and triggers head on
What is the your unique dark feminine contract?
We all have a unique role and contract with the dark feminine. It is not as simple as expressing our rage or being se#ually liberated (and even these topics have been heavily misunderstood and used against our psyches.)
I go into the specifics on how to find out your unique relationship and contract with the dark feminine inside the the dark feminine workshop.
Dark Feminine Workshop
The dark feminine is the key to your full expression.
Join me for a workshop on your Dark Feminine, the first of the MAGICIAN Archetype Series within the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
Feminine Magicians knew this and the Dark Feminine was suppressed because of it.
During the time of holy-season, the veils are thin and the dakrness asks us to tune in – can you feel it? Something mysterious, magical, non-logical and powerful, calls us inward to ask the questions we’ve all been dreaming of:
What is it that I’m here to become?
What part of me still yearns to be seen?
What does the dark feminine and I personally have to hash out?
The role of the dark feminine is unique to each one of us.
This workshop will open the door to how the dark feminine is asking you to step forward in your life, but first, we must acknowledge her. We must learn to see her.
Learn exactly where the dark feminine is showing up in your life to give you clues about a deeper integration that is required on your feminine spiritual journey.
Learn and explore:
– Your Dark Feminine and what that really means (not the google version – we’re going deeper)
– how your Darkness is CALLING YOU into GREATNESS
– a welcoming and calling forth of your Dark Feminine via your Body Wisdom
– the theme and clues of how your specific ‘contract’ with your dark feminine is unfolding
JOIN the dark feminine workshop TODAY
This was a long one! I hope you have enjoyed this blog and it has supported you in understanding the importance of the dark feminine not only for yourself but for your role on earth at this time.
It is the dark that will regenerate the Sacredness has been lost in our world.
let me know which tips served you the most and tag me on Instagram @celestegluz1111 or @lemuriarosetemple. I’d love to hear from you!
Make sure to share this blog with other Women in your life! It helps spread the frequency and also supports my work.
Celeste Gluz
Priestess, Lemuria Rose Temple
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
This blog is the Ultimate Guide to your dark feminine
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
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