Are you feeling a call to your Womb?
Have you been called by the Rose or feel a pull to the Sacred Feminine?
Are you called to walk alongside a divine feminine guide who can hold you through a womb awakening, a reclamation of your feminine or the integration of the Feminine Path?
Aloha. I’m Celeste and I had a spontaneous spiritual awakening in 2013 that led me to many out of body spiritual experiences. After years or journeying with the multidimensional realms and not knowing how to ground my ‘higher chakras’, I was called to descend into my Womb.
This descension into my womb was the saving grace of my life.
In a world where spiritual culture is ultra fixated on the out-of-body experiences, what a woman most needs and requires is to find spirituality in her body, and our womb is the door to that experience.
The call of the womb and the sacred feminine is an ancient calling – like a time clock built into our body wisdom, designed to go off when we’ve come too far off the body path of wisdom. It is a reminder to return to the power and essence of our feminine nature.
But this alone is a huge task. In fact, in ancient cultures, we had entire temples and economies built around the understanding that our feminine is a primary key to fertility, abundance, wealth, health and prosperity.
The Call of the Womb
My womb journey began with the hidden blessing of an abortion. What doctors told me would take a weekend to recover from left me out of my body, dysregulated and depressed for over a year. I could not believe what I had just lived through and could not understand why no one was talking about.
Until one day the Feminine came to me in direct guidance. I was shown the way forward on a Feminine Path, one that could help me understand how this was only the start of a very long journey that would help me reclaim the wisdom of my body.
You see, our culture and institutions have put anything related to the Feminine; the womb, intuition, oracular gifts, body wisdom, land connection, pleasure, intimacy, home, rest, relationship, sacred union, se#uality, into a 3×3 box. Meaning, it doesn’t have a space in the world and if it does, it can fit in the corner of your bathroom, when you have 5 minutes to breathe in your day.
What I realized after my recovery is that I was living in an inverted reality up until the abortion. I had no idea how to take care of my womb, what her wellness requirements were, what the role of my womb in my life was or even that creating a womb connection was. The womb barely existed for me and I had no plans of ever really meeting her.
And what I came to find out was the very opposite of what I was living.
That by reclaiming my womb, I was reclaiming the very role of the feminine in my life, community and culture.
That by taking care of my womb, I was taking care of my fertility in ways I couldn’t imagine back then.
That by starting to reclaim Feminine Wisdom in my life I was opening the door to one of the most ancient paths known to mankind – one that entire societies built their calendars around and dedicated their lives to – the path of the Great Mother, her fertility and ability to feed and nourish her people.
I would find all this and so much more just from saying Yes to the Calling of my Womb.
The Spiritual Path of the Womb
No matter where you are on your spiritual path, if you have not dropped down into your womb and understood how to awaken your body wisdom, you cannot create a life that is aligned to your deepest soul desires. Because your deepest soul yearnings live inside your body and we live in a world where our body is the very last thing we know how to listen or connect with.
So many spiritual circles today celebrate meditating into other dimensions, going up into the cosmos or channeling other life forms, but how many are guiding us right down into where everything is happening?
Your Heart and Womb is the Key to your Spirituality.
Your Heart and Womb is the key to your Ascension.
Your Heart and Womb is the Key to everything you need on the spiritual path, including your healing and multi-dimensional journey.
You may be called to the womb for so many reasons, because she is the door between worlds and governs many aspects of life. Many women don’t realize that we have been fooled to believe the very watered-down version of the goddess and the role of the feminine. Much of the reason why the SOFIA School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is being birthed is to awaken women into understanding the entire picture of the Feminine. Her entire scope of genius and the full spectrum of life she truly governs.
When women are called by their womb, they think it’s time to have a baby or deal with their womb trauma. And although that may certainly be part of it, that’s like the cherry on the cake. That’s about 1% of the topics I deal with inside the school and in womb healing sessions.
This is exactly why this Womb Mentorship opportunity is opening back up again. Because, as you will see below, the womb is a portal to so much more than you can imagine.
I’ve always said, if there is something off in your life, return to your womb. You will find it’s source there.
Your Womb is the initiator of new realities and new aspects of yourself that you don’t even know yet. Those parts of you that you hide from yourself but desperately seek to live and experience, they’re in there, just waiting to get out! Your Womb is reminding you that there is a journey you must embark on if you want to embody your True Feminine Power and it will take alot more than meditation and channeling to get there.
Womb Mentorship
I am happy to announce that Private Womb Mentorship opportunities are back!
I am ready to support you in answering the call of your womb where we first center ourselves in the Wisdom of the Body. We will your Body be the compass for our journey together and we allow your body wisdom to guide us on your unique call of your womb, whether that be about womb healing, fertility, walking the Priestess Path, reclaiming your Feminine Power, etc.
So how do you know if a womb mentorship is right for you?
Here’s some key signs a private womb mentorship is right for you:
- Feeling disconnected from your feminine energy or physical body
- Feeling disconnected from your life (metaphorical loss of appetite)
- Feeling overwhelmed or overburdened by life’s responsibilities
- Disconnected from your partner, loved one or your sexual force
- feeling stagnant, lack of creativity or excitement for life
- feeling too ‘in the head’ and not able to feel ‘in the body’
- caught in the same patterns for years, decades or generations and just can’t seem to break them
- disconnected to your menstrual cycle or daily body rhythm (every day, the expectation of energy, libido, mental fortitude, food intake, and productivity is the same)
- can’t seem to take responsibility for certain needs or create the necessary structures required.
- unable to speak your truth or speak up in general
- unable to process fear, anger, grief, pain
- difficulty in facing fears or trusting your intuition
- shallow breathing
- consistent anxiety about the past or the future
- stuck in a never-ending cycle of burnout, overworking or proving yourself
- unable to slow down or tap into a regenerative rhythm
- low vitality or low immune system
- imbalanced libido (too much or too little/no sexual appetite)
- numbness, pain, or tension during sex
- insecurity with intimacy or expressing your sensual desires
- fear of expressing your beauty in power
- painful periods + PMS
- irregular menstruation or missing bleed
- Preparing for conception
- Pre and post-birth support
- post-menopause support
- hormonal imbalances
- disconnected to womb or don’t know how to take care of it
- fertility issues
- challenges with birthing your desires or pursuing your dreams
- lacking in creativity
- unable to create consistent abundance or wealth
- inability to take action on what you desire, need or want
- unable to find love or having difficulty with sacred intimacy
- Feeling your spiritual journey is mainly out of body (focused on angels, aliens, Higher Self, other Timelines, etc)
- Your meditation practice takes you out of your body
- Making your spiritual journey dependent on a ‘future’ outcome or circumstance
- Difficult time integrating or grounding your higher chakras or multi-dimensional experiences
- Having a hard time understanding what’s the point of the body or human life
- Constantly referring to other timelines or lifetimes for your current life experiences
- Unable to bridge the ‘gap between worlds or dimensions’ in a practical and functional way
- Unable to embody or claim your spiritual gifts
- generational trauma and/or patterns
- womb-heart reconnection (indecisive,
- grieving/releasing/detaching from past relationships
- womb trauma or birth trauma
- womb loss(miscarriage, abortion)
- history of eating disorders
- Feeling disconnected from your feminine energy or physical body
- Feeling disconnected from your life (metaphorical loss of appetite)
- Feeling overwhelmed or overburdened by life’s responsibilities
- Disconnected from your partner, loved one or your sexual force
- feeling stagnant, lack of creativity or excitement for life
- feeling too ‘in the head’ and not able to feel ‘in the body’
- caught in the same patterns for years, decades or generations and just can’t seem to break them
- disconnected to your menstrual cycle or daily body rhythm (every day, the expectation of energy, libido, mental fortitude, food intake, and productivity is the same)
- can’t seem to take responsibility for certain needs or create the necessary structures required.
- unable to speak your truth or speak up in general
- unable to process fear, anger, grief, pain
- difficulty in facing fears or trusting your intuition
- shallow breathing
- consistent anxiety about the past or the future
- stuck in a never-ending cycle of burnout, overworking or proving yourself
- unable to slow down or tap into a regenerative rhythm
- low vitality or low immune system
- imbalanced libido (too much or too little/no sexual appetite)
- numbness, pain, or tension during sex
- insecurity with intimacy or expressing your sensual desires
- fear of expressing your beauty in power
- painful periods + PMS
- irregular menstruation or missing bleed
- Preparing for conception
- Pre and post-birth support
- post-menopause support
- hormonal imbalances
- disconnected to womb or don’t know how to take care of it
- fertility issues
- challenges with birthing your desires or pursuing your dreams
- lacking in creativity
- unable to create consistent abundance or wealth
- inability to take action on what you desire, need or want
- unable to find love or having difficulty with sacred intimacy
- Feeling your spiritual journey is mainly out of body (focused on angels, aliens, Higher Self, other Timelines, etc)
- Your meditation practice takes you out of your body
- Making your spiritual journey dependent on a ‘future’ outcome or circumstance
- Difficult time integrating or grounding your higher chakras or multi-dimensional experiences
- Having a hard time understanding what’s the point of the body or human life
- Constantly referring to other timelines or lifetimes for your current life experiences
- Unable to bridge the ‘gap between worlds or dimensions’ in a practical and functional way
- Unable to embody or claim your spiritual gifts
- generational trauma and/or patterns
- womb-heart reconnection (indecisive,
- grieving/releasing/detaching from past relationships
- womb trauma or birth trauma
- womb loss(miscarriage, abortion)
- history of eating disorders
As you can see, the womb governs many areas or our physical and spiritual lives. Whether you are looking for womb healing or are called by the Rose Lineages and Priestess Temples, I am here to support you in answering the call of your womb and reclaiming your Sacred Feminine Wisdom as the central pillar of your life.
Read details about a Private Womb Mentorship with me.
May your Womb be the guiding force and central pillar of your Life,
Celeste Gluz, Creatrix & Divine Feminine Guide
Lemuria Rose Temple – A federally recognized ministry devoted to Divine Feminine Ascension
This Blog is all about Feeling the Call of the Womb.
Our body wound as a source of Power, Love, Magic and Wealth
Divine Feminine Energy: The Ultimate Guide
What is Womb Wisdom?
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