Happy Venus Day Valentine’s Day!
On this very Love-focused and filled day, I want to bring the attention to the most valuable asset in the room – Your Body.
Your body is the greatest source of love and wisdom, and if you’re walking the feminine spiritual path or called to it, this will be a clear lesson along the way.
I’ve had a long journey with Self-Love as most women I know have. Although we can say we live in an age where there is more acceptance of body types and shapes, I have to be real about what we live as women and the clients I work with. We are not in a place where women feel embodied or are feeling deep self-love. We may have moments of gratitude and joy for our bodies, but if you look around, women to this day are struggling with the reality of what it means to live in female form and the majority of women are still disconnected from their wombs.
We may have more acceptance of body shapes and sizes but that doesn’t mean that the real work has been done. Our self-love journey is ours. It’s a long journey to body reclamation that is independent of the external world. No matter how much ‘body acceptance’ we see in the external, our body is our universe, and how we live in it and commune with its Wisdom is dependent on ourselves, not marketing or collective movements.
The Original Imprint of the Body Wound
There is a very powerful portal that we hold as women – our womb. It gives us access across time and space and is the only living energy center that merges the unseen and seen worlds. This access to infinite universal wisdom can be our greatest gift and our greatest burden.
Centuries ago, women who knew the quantum arts of the body and the wisdom of the feminine were the bridges of society. Not only were they considered oracles and magicians, but they had access to a part of life that others didn’t, which made them healers, seers, and guides for their communities.
And this is where I believe the Body wound comes in.
At a very deep cellular level, spiritually connected women have a template within them that stops them from accessing deeper levels of body wisdom. These deeper levels of wisdom give us access to dimensions of knowledge, goddess wisdom and feminine traditions that have been banned from society to this day. I know this because I have lived it and continue to move through it.
Upon my spiritual awakening, I realized I had access to the universe. Not having the proper mentorship, I lost connection to the physical world and disconnected from the pleasures of life – that which you would call mundane living and the simple luxuries of being a human being. In that process, the Body Wound was activated – a deep cellular remembrance of having to choose – do I engage and embody this universal wisdom or do I return to the mundane simplicities of human life? Do I ‘fall’ or do I ‘rise’?
This was a real choice I had to make in a past lifetime of Lemuria and I know many women on this path have a similar story on their soul path as well.
Read – I AM Lemuria
You see, it was thousands of years ago that women were allowed to fully embody both their goddess gifts and the beauty of earth life. But eventually, the day we all know about came where the goddess began to be repressed and eventually completely shun from society. At that time, women had to make a choice – do I continue to embody and develop my gifts or do I succumb to a new role of the woman in the coming age?
This is the question that is rising to the surface for so many women, except it’s in reverse.
Today, we come from a place where we’ve plugged into the norm and now our magical and spiritual gifts are coming online and calling us forward. So the question becomes, which do I choose? Do I pursue the spiritual path and trust where it takes me, or do I stay on this path that I’ve built my life on and answer the ‘spiritual call’ in the moments in between?
And although we think the idea is to marry the two, what if finding a balance, or marrying the two, is the very thing that’s creating our body wound? What if this perceived ‘balance’ of the mundane and spiritual path is all an illusion to keep you from accessing your deepest spiritual power?
The body wound began from having to choose one over the other. But the women of our past who held these incredible gifts did not live a normal life. They made a choice because they had to make a choice, not because they wanted to.
Naturally, as women on the spiritual path, we can only have one compass: our body.
There is no choice to make.
Our body is what dictates and it’s our greatest source of Wisdom.
This is the body wound.
The illusion of having to choose between our spiritual calling and gifts or having to ‘fit’ into the box the external world has created. There is only one path – the path of the body, except as women, we have been extremely connecting with it.
So we’ve learned to cope. We’ve learned to be half way in and half way out. And this half way approach is leading us half way to our love, pleasure, wealth, magic and so much more.
I’ve always said:
Your body is a reflection of your life.
And what we know is that:
Your mind is your body. All that you believe and inherit will be shown in your body.
So, all that you know, believe and inherit, becomes your body, which is a reflection of the life you live.
This means that if we turn to our body as the entry point, we go to the very center of it all – our mind, our life, our feminine wisdom.
As we see humanity wanting to travel further and further out into space, I believe women have been given the gift to travel further and further into their body’s wisdom. There is no end to how deep your body wisdom goes. Just when I think I’ve arrived, my body shows me how disconnected I’ve become in another part of my life.
Think about it:
Where have you felt disconnected?
Where have you gone numb? What have you learned to numb out?
Where in your body do you contract?
Where in your body do you NOT breathe into?
What parts of your life are feeling stagnant and how do these part relate to your body?
You can ask these questions to any thing and every part of your life; Work, Money, Love, Power, Magic, Freedom, Creativity, Confidence, Nourishment, etc.
Your body can teach you everything you ever need to know about yourself and perhaps even about the universe. The question is, are you willing to fully embody and trust it?
The greatest oxymoron for women of this age is that we live in a world where our body is the source of power, magic, love and wealth, and everything in our society tells us to ignore it. We don’t even know how to commune with her wisdom and trust her guidance on a deep spiritual level.
I know this too well because it’s been my story. And how I’m reclaiming her gifts (my body’s gifts) is the ancient alchemical path of the Feminine and the source from which the S.O.F.I.A. School is being birthed.
Returning to the Source
We live amongst many distractions and false spiritual light. It is so important for women to use their spidey senses and trust what is coming through for them. What I have seen in many spiritual communities time and time again is women being completely disembodied and disconnected to womb wisdom and claiming to be in their feminine energy. I am very passionate about properly educating women on this false light that is purposely taking women out of their bodies and further away from the powerhouses they are meant to be.
To close the gap of our body wound and return to the Source of our feminine wisdom, we need to be able to see ourselves. Where we are standing, where we come from and even more important, where we desire to go.
We need to create space for ceremony and contemplation. We need to develop simple, body-based practices that allow us to drop in and remember – remember who we are in our full magnitude and embrace the guidance that is trying to speak to us.
Join me as we close the gap of the body wound and return to the wisdom of our bodies. We will sit in Ceremony with sound, contemplation and feminine ritual to explore what parts of your body are ready to be reclaimed, and how these parts are DIRECTLY related to an energetic steam in your life.
JOIN ME in Healing the Body Wound: A Self-Love ceremony
Your body is your compass and the map to your greatest pleasure, but what if you lost your connection to that compass a long time ago? What can we do about it now?
Last month, we focused on moving away from the busyness of the mind and dropping down into the Wisdom of our body.
But what happens when you drop down into a body of misunderstanding, confusion and complicated relations?
Most women’s greatest desire is to feel fully present in their bodies. Alive, vivacious and confident in their skin.
I don’t think I’m alone when I say I grew up with a very dysfunctional relationship to my body and food. On top of being a professional ballerina, I was in the pageant world and participated in many bikini photoshoots. Needless to say, my journey back home to Body Wisdom has been a long one.
The feminine path has taught me that the Wisdom of my Body is the guiding force for my life, my relationship and my wealth. As long as I am disconnected or in a dysfunctional relationship with my body, the fertility and wealth in my life will mirror that back to me.
But another very important thing I’ve learned is that we’re not here to HEAL everything. I don’t have to release, forgive or even become someone who is in a perfect relationship with my body.
What I need to do is gift her my deep presence, and in that space, all that needs to emerge will be seen.
In this month’s ceremony inside The Membership, we sit with the gaps in our connection to the most Sacred – our body, and reclaim our journey back to wholeness.
Join me in circle with the medicine of the Great Mother, Sacred Cacao, alongside conversation, guided visualization and gentle movement to explore what parts of yourself are asking to be reclaimed and loved once again.
This Ceremony is perfect for any woman who:
- struggles with eating or body disorders (or has in the past)
- has experienced womb trauma
- feels disconnected from her body and/or pleasure
- is on the spiritual path and feels ‘out of the body’
- desires to awaken her shakti force, increase her confidence or strengthen her self-confidence
Sacred Cacao is a medicine of the Heart. Please arrive on an empty stomach. It is strongly recommended you have NO dairy, meat or alcohol 24-48 hours prior to the ceremony.
Sacred Cacao recommendation is given on the registration link. Sacred cacao is not required to attend but suggested.
Sending you loving wishes on this Venus Valentines Day,
Celeste Gluz, Creatrix & Divine Feminine Guide
Lemuria Rose Temple – A federally recognized ministry devoted to Divine Feminine Ascension
This Blog is all about the Feminine Body Wound.
Divine Feminine Energy: The Ultimate Guide
What is Womb Wisdom?
The #1 symptom of Womb Healing: Womb Stagnation
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