I grew up like most of us learning how to not trust my intuition or my body and since the rose path has awakened, I have been on a journey of reclaiming this body wisdom we so naturally are attuned to when we are born.
Today, I work with many women who are unaware they are lacking this connection but are desperately seeking it (because it is our nature to desire it), just like I was unaware of what it meant and what it felt like.
So I’d like to share with you what it means to reclaim body wisdom and what it looks like. What it means to remember that your body is your map and what it feels like when we return to the wisdom of the mother that lives within us.
“Our body is the temple. Our body is the map. When we return to our body, we return to the Great Mother and all is healed. All is awakened. All is known.”
Reclaiming body wisdom : The Seductress Path
Reclaiming body wisdom is key on the priestess and feminine path. Our body has so much to teach us if we learn how to listen.One of the main things I work with women around is learning to see that they need to reclaim their body’s wisdom. Unfortunately, we live in a world where it’s normal to be shut down or disconnected, and then wonder why our libido is low or our energy is frazzled.
When women reclaim their body wisdom, their body starts to flourish. Periods become healthy, our sexuality is embraced, our fears can be more easily faced and our relationships thrive, all because we feel in tune and in harmony with our body’s intuitive impulse.
It’s amazing to see how many women, even with the awakening of our feminine culture, are still feeling out of touch or disembodied. I believe it has to do with the lack of wisdom in our society.
As the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts curriculum lands on my lap, I am feeling so much. Blessed, overwhelmed, honored, humbled, not ready. My body tells me the path forward is the only path. My mind tells me I’m not ready and I must be crazy to think I can pull this off. I gulp and breathe into my body. I know it is time to trust this feeling of not knowing.
I imagine this is exactly how a woman feels when she is about to give birth for the first time. You know without a shadow of a doubt that your future self will look back and think’ wow, that was me? How naïve.’ (in the most loving and honoring way).
And so the feminine path of awakening continues. We expand, we grow, we contract, we begin again. Like our breath, it is a consistent path of expansion and contraction of what our body can hold, feel, intuit and create.
The path of the feminine will always return us to the wisdom of our body and it is essential this connection is made from the beginning. I know this because this was not the first connection made for me so as a 3 line in human design, I have learned through my trial and error what works and what doesn’t and not having a connection to your body wisdom DOES NOT WORK.
Welcome to the reclamation of your body wisdom. Here’s a few signs that it’s time to return to your body’s intuitive nature.
Signs you are disconnected from your body wisdom
You are on the spiritual path and most of it is located in the heart or above
It is very common to be activated in the heart, throat, third eye and crown when we first start awakening or are called to the spiritual path. Unfortunately, what works for men is not what works for women.
Tune into the feminine lineages workshop to understand how the feminine lineages work differently than the modern day spiritual culture.
If you are mainly working with psychic skills or heart activations and have not yet dropped into your root and sacral chakra, it’s time to return to the infinite universe of your body’s wisdom. You cannot rise without rooting in, and this is the process of awakening to body wisdom vs. etheric energy.
You are disconnected from your period or your womb
No matter your age or circumstance, your womb is key on the spiritual path.
Common belief systems around women is that being in the bucket of hysterectomy, womb trauma, post-menopause, not interested in having babies automatically puts you in the bucket of womb exclusion.
If you are a woman, you have a womb and you must drop into it in order to fly high. There is no green slip to bypass this process. It’s how your body functions.
In terms of you period, if you are disconnected or have an inverted relationship to it, this is likely your gateway into body wisdom.
Your period is like your grail. It has all over it the writing of your body wisdom reclamation. Reclaim your period and you’ll be on the fast track to reclaiming your body’s wisdom.
Check out Menstrual Magic: everything you need to reclaim the beauty and power of your period!
anxiety or obsession with your body
Whether it’s body image, how you eat, how many times you work out or how your clothes fits, there is an underlying sense of ‘I’m not sure’.
As someone who grew up as a professional ballerina and a pageant model, you can bet on my experience with what it means to reclaim a sense of worth and safety with how I treat my body. Meaning, my entire life I was convinced that my body or how I treated it (with food, workouts, selfcare) was not enough. It’s taken me decades of unraveling belief systems and womb work to reclaim a sense of safety in my body and nourishment.
I want to let you know that it doesn’t have to take decades. As more women walk the path of the feminine and reclaim our womb wisdom, the women that follow get to quantum leap in their reclamation of self-worth. So no worries if this is you. I’ve got you love! You get to feel safe and loved by your food, your curves and your movement routines. Just be gentle with yourself because your body can hear everything you think about it.
Lack of trust (with your heart, your life, your finances, your relationship)
Feeling a sense of distrust or like you are not ‘held’ in safety within your relationship, your life, your relationships or your finances is a sure sign that you do not feel safe in your body. Money, love, sex, grief – these are all the path of the seductress – the path of reclaiming your body’s wisdom. This is your body telling you, I need you to listen. I don’t feel safe. Return to the wisdom of your womb. This is Lemuria Rose Seductress Path
You feel overwhelmed by life or responsibilities
Life is hard. It’s alot. Add a spiritual or conscious path to that and WOW, hands full. But we are built to handle all of it and your body is built for it too. If you are feeling overwhelmed by life, it’s time to return to the wisdom and possibilities of your body’s wisdom. It’s time to expand from within and trust that your body can hold more. Your body is a reflection of your life. So if you are feeling overwhelmed by life, the intelligence of your body is not fully being tapped into.
You have a hard time expressing your Truth
You think you’re speaking up, but you’re actually not. Not in the difficult moments or not in full creative expression. Our bodies need to be fully expressed, and when they are, we LIGHT UP. We literally activate parts of us we didn’t know existed. So if you have a hard time expressing yourself or working with your throat chakra, chances are, it’s time to endevoure is some body wisdom activation.
I have a new exciting course on Sacred Sound, meant to help you explore the activation of your throat charka and reclaiming the Sacred Feminine Art of Sound as a form of self-healing and self-expression!
Your ancestry is not integrated or feels ‘yucky’
Within our body lives our ancestry, many and many generations of them! We must first fully integrate them before we can ‘release’ any aspects of their storylines. Generational clearing is another topic but I can tell you this:
When you push away your ancestors, they have more reason to stick around, and this stops you form anchoring into your own unique body intelligence.
So make sure you’re all good with those who have come before you and any family stories you may have heard. Full integration is key for your Body Wisdom to be awakened to it’s true potential.
You’re tough or ‘strong’ | aka – bad ass babe
I know, I know. All in good balance. But let me tell you something, the women I work with who are considered the ‘strongest’, ‘toughest’ and most ‘easy-going’ are the ones who have the TOUGHEST time in softening and LISTENING/TRUSTING their body’s wisdom!
You’re strength is making you WEAK.
Stop holding yourself and everyone else around you upright.
When you uncover the VAST potential of your body wisdom, you will no longer have to feel ‘strong’. You will BECOME the pillar of light that you really are.
You have experienced trauma, grief or loss and can still feel it
These experiences need to be fully integrated, just like our ancestors above. This takes a lot of Love, patience and time. Make sure to explore any experiences that may be poking at you. Start slowly and find a practitioner that you know can hold you through it. Trauma, grief and loss is very much a part of the Feminine Path and often a sign you are meant to reclaim a deep well of your body’s wisdom.
Book a Quantum healing session or Private Ceremony to support your process
Self-sabotage behavior
This is a sneeky one as we move forward in life because our habits and belief systems become our norm. If they are not supportive to our overall health and frequency it means we are shutting down and becoming disconnected. Do you self-sabotage? Are you unsure of whether do you or don’t.
Take the FREE Feminine Foundations Course and start creating enough space in your daily life to create more awareness around whether you may be self-sabotaging.
Internal Pressure or Stress
Do you feel internal pressure to get things done, to meet societal needs, to do as you’re told or to accomplish what is expected?
Anytime we are looking outside of ourselves to justify, feel complete or meet other’s expectations of what feels appropriate or right, it’s a good time to ask ourselves:
is this aligned to my body?
does this feel good to me?
How does my body feel right now?
Chances are, we are creating internal pressure which is never sustainable. I dealt with this my entire life without realizing the serious issues it could eventually create in my health and connection to my body. The earlier you can catch it and become aware of it, the better.
Attracting relationships that do not honor you
Do you constantly find yourself attracting partners or relationships that do not honor you? your time, your energy, your life, your preferences, your needs, your desires?
Whatever it is, take note.
When we are disconnected from what we need or who we are, we tend to find that reflection in those that surround us. Ask yourself, how do the people in my life feel to me? Do they fill me up? Do I need to maintain them (not a good sign)?
Remember that it’s best to have a small and right group of closes people vs. a large and absent group that surrounds you.
Unclear about self-nourishment
Are you unclear as to how to eat properly, take care of your body in the right way, workout, feel holistically strong, healthy and nourished? If you have a consistent block about what is best for your body, mind and spirit, you may be lacking the ability to tune in. Our body is the map to wholeness. We just need to be careful with distorted belief systems or the wrong signals.
If you’re constantly ‘guided’ to rest or indulge, is that truly your body’s wisdom or is that you self-sabotaging or feeling disconnected to what you truly need to feel nourished long-term?
Erratic emotions
Being disconnected or unable to connect with your emotions is NOT a feminine trait, it is a trait of disconnection. Emotional intelligence and processing is necessary in order to connect to the deeper wisdom of you body. If you have consistent PMS or emotional erratic outbursts, this is a sure sign that it’s time to connect with your body’s wisdom.
Over/under speaking
Too often women think that over speaking is feminine and it’s ok. Again, this is a distortion. Do you have a hard time listening? Do people tell you that you overspeak and it’s hard for you to digest that?
Or maybe you are the opposite? For most of my life I used silence as a safety mechanism.
Either one is a tall tell sign that you are disconnected and need to work on balancing the very sacred and powerful center of your throat as way back to Body Wisdom.
If this is you, consider joining my upcoming course on Sacred Sound, where we will focus on reconnecting the womb-throat connection and balancing the throat chakra as a way of reconnecting to our Body’s Wisdom.
Read about Sacred Sound HERE or join the email newsletter below for details!
Signs you are called to reclaim your body wisdom
You know you’re ready for more.
If what I have shared with you above resonates and you desire to feel:
A sense of landing
Lit up
In your body, this is your body speaking to you. And the most important part of reclaiming your body’s wisdom is to LISTEN.
In a world of NOISE, we’ve become DEAF to the sounds and harmony of our Body’s Wisdom.
Becoming in tune to your body’s signals and then following up with action is extremely important in reclaiming body wisdom. Do not just let yourself stay in a victim state and believe that you do not know how to proceed. This is what happens to our brain when we’ve learned how to stay safe in feeling disconnected.
Do you hear me?
You may be feeling safe in staying disconnected and that is crucial to become aware of.
It is a lot safer to stay in your fears and uncertainties, especially if you’ve had them for a long time. Because here’s the thing, the moment you decide you’re not bound to these sensations, your body realizes that it has to change.
Your beliefs, your heart, your mind, your nervous system, it all has to download a new operating system. And somehow our brain is convinced that’s just too much work.
I’m here to tell you it isn’t.
You deserve to feel safe.
To feel incredible intimacy and bliss with your partner.
To have financial abundance that sustains not only your needs but your desires.
To feel peace and self love in your body.
To know what foods make you feel good and what routines help feel grounded and strong.
To know what relationships nourish you and which deplete you.
So on and so on…..
And whatever it takes to get there, is ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!
The divine steps in.
The only other way of knowing you are ready is that simply put, the divine steps it. You are done. Something higher calls. The priestess path activates and the rose lineage calls. Everything else falls to the wayside and you’re simply not available for anything less than what is your birthright.
You know it in your bones it’s time to put on your big girl pants and do the work.
Start today; reclaim your body wisdom
I’ve been on a life long journey of reclaiming body wisdom and it’s opened up a world of feminine magic and the priestess path. I wouldn’t have it any other way and I desire to support women in doing the same.
If you’re called to explore what reclaiming body wisdom feels like and are not clear as to where to start, Book an Energy Session with me, let’s find out what’s going on and create an action plan for you. Sometimes we just need clarity to get started.
Reclaim your cycle
FREE: Learn your Cycle or jump right into Menstrual Magic
You must first tune into and reclaim your body’s rhythm. This is the rhythm that will tune you into your body’s wisdom. If you still have a cycle, I strongly recommend you start here, unless you are ready to dive in full to the Lemuria Rose Seductress Path , which also includes this course.
You can also Book a Womb Tending Call where we will discuss your specific circumstances and how to begin on your Body Wisdom Reclamation journey
Reclaim your feminine (out of the mind, down into the heart and womb)
If you are ready to dive in fully into the wisdom of your womb and your body, join the Lemuria Rose Seductress Path . This is a path of reclaiming your feminine at it’s core. You can explore the syllabus within this pathway under the III Phases (blue box further down the page). We explore what it means to embody divine feminine wisdom, sacred sexuality, healing the pain body and so much more. This is the starting point on the rose lineage priestess path.
The Lemuria Rose Priestess
I have been asked to reclaim the Initiatory Path of the Priestess, also known as the High Priestess of the Rose, in order to embody Ascension in a practical and nourishing way.
Since the times of Lemuria/Mu, we gathered to receive the teachings of Divine Mother in Goddess Temples.
While living in Hawai’i, I felt these temples come alive.
It is time for the Priestesses to remember our very important and powerful role in birthing the new.
We are not here to just hold the light. We have a real job and are needed in the world.
Today, the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is here to walk you through this Ancient Initiatory Priestess Path so you can reclaim your gifts, have support during the Initiatory Process, awaken the Wisdom that lives within you and share it with others!
Join me on the Lemurian Rose Priestess Path as we reclaim the Love, Power, Magic & Wealth of our Sacred Feminine.
SHARE this blog with other sisters! Every time you share an article, It supports my work.
I am deeply passionate about sharing the Priestess Path with women as we reclaim and embody this role on earth.
With much Aloha,
Celeste Gluz,
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
This blog is all about reclaiming body wisdom.
The Membership
FREE: Learn your Cycle, Love your period
FREE: Take the Feminine Archetype Quiz
Top Signs it’s time to do Womb Work
5 super easy tips to connect with your womb
Why Feminine Lineage is Key on the Feminine Path
Womb Loss as Initiation
Awaken the Language of your Womb
The Role of the Womb Workshop
Why Feminine Lineage is Key on the Feminine Path
Magdalene Mysteries – the Untold story of a Feminine Lineage
Top Signs it’s time to do Womb Work
[…] If you feel disconnected to your body or feel you’d like more clarity with what that process looks like, consider reading: Reclaiming Body Wisdom – The Seductress Path […]