Celeste Gluz
Creatrix behind the School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Energy & Sound Alchemist
Womb Keeper
Read & Listen
Author: I AM Lemuria
Podcast: Divine Feminine Ascension
Celeste is a teacher, devotee, and oracle of the Divine Feminine. She works with the Feminine Arts of Sound, Energy, Movement and Womb Wisdom and is strongly connected to the land of Hawai’i, previously part of Lemuria.
This blog is to share all she has learned in the past decade on the Initiatory Path of the Feminine, which includes Divine Feminine Wisdom, Womb Healing, Sacred Union, Ascension, Embodying your Spiritual Gifts, Quantum Alchemy, Sound Alchemy, Organic Living and more.
Today, Celeste runs the School of Feminine Initiatory Arts, within Lemuria Rose Temple, which is a federally recognized Temple dedicated to Divine Feminine Ascension.
The S.O.F.I.A. School supports women on the Initiatory Path of the Feminine, often known as the Rose Path, to walk an embodied Ascension process while sharing their gifts with the world.
Celeste developed the Lemurian Rose Healing© Technique, a Quantum healing modality that came to her while living in Hawai’i, which expands upon current healing techniques by bringing in concepts such as the Soul Blueprint, Cosmic Mother & DNA to support the grounding of the Higher Frequencies coming in at this time. She runs practitioner training programs in Hawai’i so if you are interested in getting certified, make sure to join the Love Letter!
When she’s not passionately working on this project, Celeste is hanging out with her 2 kittens, planning nature trips with her hubby or spending time in gym!