This year has started off with a great focus on embodiment. Instead of vision boards and pulling cards to determine the fate of the following 365 days, I decided to let the Greater Wisdom speak and guide me forward. Something about that felt more true to me vs. thinking about everything my mind could conjure up as the perfect way of life.
I should have known that alone was the first sign of my body telling me to open to a new level of perception. One that puts ‘little me’ aside and allows the real ‘I AM’ to step forward.
And of course, the Greater Wisdom has found her way right through the very place we as women tend to listen to last – my body.
What is the Body Wound to me?
As I am initiated into the next archetype of the Feminine Spiritual path, I am asked once again to strip away all that I believe I need to hold onto and reveal to myself what is possible when I trust in the Wisdom of the Unknown.
Inevitably when moving from one phase of life to another, our body will respond and not always in kind ways. This is when many women see major shifts in weight, with their period, in their serpent/kundalini/shakti force, in their wellness, relationships, etc.
Since last year, I have been working on some heavy generational clearing and my body has found a way to have alot to say about it, showing me how deep these templates really go. As I released ancient programs and belief systems, my body rashed, I experienced aches and pains and I felt consistently tested with the perfect circumstances to see if I would deepen into trust or collapse into fear.
If I hadn’t known that my body was serving as my compass, I would have easily fallen into fear.
And this is the dilemma we are faced with in an age where we have forgotten the true role and wisdom of our bodies.
The Body Wound made itself clear when I realized that it was my very disconnection and lack of trust with my body that was holding me back from stepping into the next level of my life.
The Body Wound shows up in the parts of ourselves that we’ve closed off from and that don’t allow a greater wisdom to come through. This body wound is created through cultural expectations, marketing, thinking were too much or not enough, seeking validation, self judgment, etc.
Any part of your life that causes a contraction in your somatic body is a portal to your body wound.
What’s my story with the Body Wound?
When I first started on the feminine path, I thought I was embodied.
I grew up as a professional dancer and later became a personal trainer and fitness educator. I received a master’s in holistic nutrition and my world revolved around understanding my body. Everything outside of me had classified me as an expert in the field of the body. So I figured I had that box checked.
Come to find out, I was so disconnected from my body I didn’t know where to begin.
A lifetime of discipline, training and analyzing every single ingredient that came into my body, trained me to have extreme control over my external circumstances. As long as I had control, I could feet safe and healthy.
But it was this very control that was keeping me disconnected from the wisdom of my body. The more I walked the feminine path the more I realized that I had never learned how to listen to my body. I never listened to its cravings, never learned how to properly rest and I opened my eyes to the severe eating disorder I naturally accepted as a way of life.
The relationship between me and my body was that of pure judgment and distrust. The perfect recipe for the Feminine to come in and sweep me out of the hell-hole I had created!
Where am I today with the Body Wound?
The feminine path has helped me soften and see the wounds of separation created by my external circumstances. My life depended on the judgment of others and therefore I learned how to inevitably judge myself. If I could learn how to judge myself first, I could shrug off any judgment outside of me. This kept me safe and confident in my control.
In the process of realizing, seeing, and grieving these patterns, I slowly returned.
I returned to the essence of the feminine.
I returned to the beauty of my curves.
I returned to the wisdom of my inner compass.
I returned my body to where it belongs – at the center of my life. As a true source of power and a portal to aspects of life the mind will never understand.
This year, a new kind of body wound presented itself to me. One that allowed me to see the connection between my body and my wealth, which I didn’t think was possible.
My body and my freedom.
My body and my future timelines.
I don’t believe body wounds are meant to be fully erased or healed. I believe they are meant to be exposed one layer at a time, so that we may continuously learn how to expand who we think we are in ways that are embodied and accesible to the mind.
What I’ve learned so you don’t have to
I’ve learned that our culture creates a tremendous amount of expectations for a woman in her body. I’ve learned that no matter how liberated or empowered the marketing may seem, the average woman that I work with and speak to does not feel comfortable in her body. She does not feel safe, in love or guided by her body.
I’ve learned that the only way to let my body become the center of my life is to forgive myself.
To forgive myself from believing the external.
To forgive myself for denying my intuition.
To forgive myself for thinking that what I see on the screen is what is expected in real life.
I’ve learned that the more confident I feel in my body, the more energy runs through me.
The more I feel still and trust her, the more I receive feedback that confirms it.
The more I feel a need to control, the more I hold on to fear.
The more I overanalyze and constrict myself, the more I create a prison of lack and contraction.
I have learned that when I deepen into the compass of my body wound I experience wealth, nourishment, and love in ways I didn’t think were possible.
I’ve learned that if I don’t trust my body she can hear me and she responds in kind.
But when I decide that she is my trustworthy confidant in this world, I can turn to her in my fears, in my vulnerability and in my own judgment and she will always, always, always, steer me back home.
My invitation to you
I invite you to:
give your body a place to speak, to be seen and to be felt.
let your body unspiral, one layer at a time, so that you may find out who you really are and all that you are made of.
soften the outer edges of your heart and womb, so that you may experience what if feels like to be nourished by your inner fountain of pleasure and joy.
and most simply put, to be present with all of your body right now, and give her a chance to help you feel how worthy, gifted, wealthy and powerful her curves really are.
JOIN ME in Healing the Body Wound: A Self-Love ceremony
Most women’s greatest desire is to feel fully present in their bodies. Alive, vivacious and confident in their skin.
I know I’m not alone when I say I grew up with a very dysfunctional relationship to my body and food. On top of being a professional ballerina, I was in the pageant world and participated in many bikini photoshoots. Needless to say, my journey back home to Body Wisdom has been a long one.
The feminine path has taught me that the Wisdom of my Body is the guiding force for my life, my relationship and my wealth. As long as I am disconnected or in a dysfunctional relationship with my body, the fertility and wealth in my life will mirror that back to me.
But another very important thing I’ve learned is that we’re not here to HEAL everything. I don’t have to release, forgive or even become someone who is in a perfect relationship with my body.
What I need to do is gift her my deep presence, and in that space, all that needs to emerge will be seen.
In this month’s ceremony inside The Membership, we sit with the gaps in our connection to the most Sacred – our body, and reclaim our journey back to wholeness.
Join me in circle with the medicine of the Great Mother, Sacred Cacao, alongside conversation, guided visualization and gentle movement to explore what parts of yourself are asking to be reclaimed and loved once again.
This Ceremony is perfect for any woman who:
- struggles with eating or body disorders (or has in the past)
- has experienced womb trauma
- feels disconnected from her body and/or pleasure
- is on the spiritual path and feels ‘out of the body’
- desires to awaken her shakti force, increase her confidence or strengthen her self-confidence
Sacred Cacao is a medicine of the Heart. Please arrive on an empty stomach. It is strongly recommended you have NO dairy, meat or alcohol 24-48 hours prior to the ceremony.
Sacred Cacao recommendation is given on the registration link. Sacred cacao is not required to attend but suggested.
May the Rose guide you through every petal of your Body Wounds,
Celeste Gluz, Creatrix & Divine Feminine Guide
Lemuria Rose Temple – A federally recognized ministry devoted to Divine Feminine Ascension
This Blog is all about the other side of the Body Wound.
Our body wound as a source of Power, Love, Magic and Wealth
Divine Feminine Energy: The Ultimate Guide
What is Womb Wisdom?
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