The 11:11 portal and 1111 as an angel number are widely used and spoken about these days. But many of us wake up to this energy without knowing what or why it is calling us.
Over 10 years ago, during this Sacred holy-day season portal, I experienced a life-changing moment that would forever change how I see and move through this world.
I was unaware of what portal energy was at that time and was certainly unaware of what ascension frequencies and 1111 were. I can say now that If I had known, it would have been a much different experience.
So today, I want to share some updates on how 11:11 is a portal to the ascension mysteries and how it may be calling you forward to activate dormant aspects of your soul.
11:11 A Portal into the light
My experience during 1/1
The 11:11 portal opens in November and goes through January. It is not just one day or one week. It is a numerological correspondence between our body and the stars. Now if that seems odd for you I want to tell you one thing:
I would have never believed it unless I lived it.
And I guess that’s why I’ve had to live it before I could say it.
They say we come in with destined moments that are meant to ‘awaken’ us and get us ‘on track’. This moment I experienced over a decade ago was undoubtedly one of them.
It was a regular day during the holiday season when my husband was off of work and we were resting at home. There were a few experiences that led up to this moment but here’s the gist of it:
We were hanging out at home my husband went to take a shower. In that moment I began to watch a video that activated my DNA and soul memories. Again, I wouldn’t have been able to explain that in that time, but I know this now.
As my soul memories turned on, a flush of cosmic information came over me. This was the beginning of many years of similar experiences.
My body had aligned to portal frequency for the very first time which shifted the trajectory of my human experience – more like aligned it to my soul destiny.
Our life would never be the same from that moment, having to not only integrate a multidimensional experience but also learning how to navigate the world I was once a part of with this new world that opened up for me.
I’ve been tracking and working with Portal Energy ever since this moment.
Led by the wisdom of my body, I was naturally attuned to the energy of the stars for years before I understood what a portal was and before the talk of portals became popular. Much of my earlier work was related to fasting with portals and understanding how to integrate this energy.
Listen to the Podcast:
The Galactic Woman – the birthing of a new Cosmic Womb
Embodiment of Star & Portal energy
What is a portal and is 11:11 the only one?
The 11:11 portal is NOT just one day. Anytime you hear of a portal as a particular date, know that the energetic alignment is felt way before and way after that one calendar day.
In my case, I start to feel portal energy days or weeks in advance and you may be the same, especially if you consider yourself a star seed or feel very connected to cosmic energy. So the first thing we should do is get clear on is:
A portal, in my experience, is the alignment of the above and the below. When the earth, our human bodies, and the stars, all align. I call it the cosmic puzzle.
We are all part of this cosmic puzzle that clicks in from time to time and when it does things can happen.
But here’s the thing, if your body is full of toxins, distractions and other blockages, you are less likely to feel these energies. So, first and foremost, I feel it’s very important to note that our physical body is the 1st entry point for this energy to be experienced.
There are many powerful portals throughout the year. The ones I usually connect with are the solstices and equinoxes, the galactic new year, and a few other newer portals which will later be mentioned in future work.
Again, portals work with our human body which means they work directly with our DNA. So if you’re interested in connecting to more portal energy, I would strongly suggest starting to make note of these powerful moments in time, detox your body and mind, and consider joining communities or groups of people who are celebrating and creating ceremonies during portals.
11:11 – A portal into Ascension Frequencies
This 1111 portal that has opened in November is an opportunity to anchor into the dark fertile matter of consciousness, which in fact is the soil for the light of our soul.
This notion of darkness and light is found throughout our human history and is reflected in the external reality by daytime and nighttime. We must balance our external reality with our internal plane of existence and the portal that we are living in at this time, from 11/11 to 1/11 Is the perfect time to do so.
This is a long time passage that has been celebrated and honored by all ancient civilizations. There are secret sites all over the world honoring the solstices and the equinoxes and it’s not out of coincidence or synchronicity. This is a gateway that opens us up to the ascension frequencies – to the light that lives within our soul and guides us back home to the wisdom of our heart.
If you are drawn to the ascension mysteries or guided by the crystalline light of consciousness, the 1111 portal it’s certainly a time for you to be in ritual and ceremony in order to receive the higher frequencies they’re coming in from the stars to speak to your soul.
Think of it this way, the 11 creates a pillar that resembles our body. As we clear our body to become a stronger pillar of light we can receive the energy that comes from above and anchor it into the earth below us.
To become this pillar of light requires discipline and devotion – this is part of what we call developing the inner body of light.
Rituals for 11:11 and portal energy
Here are some rituals/ceremonies to try for portal energy:
- Fasting
- Properly fasting is key – I started fasting naturally with these portals since the very beginning not because I wanted to but because my body forced me to. I later learned that fasting with portals is an incredibly powerful way to quantum leap our consciousness our physical healing and so much more. Learn how to properly fast and enjoy the detoxifying effects on our DNA and soul.
- Consider an alternative way of fasting from stimulation. After much fasting my body was requiring a different level of detox. I’ve created 𓆃 3 Days of Darkness 𓆃 as a way to reset and recalibrate our bodies during portal energy without having to abstain from food and continue our daily requirements.
- Embodied Meditation
- I’m a huge proponent of embodied meditation for women. This means clearing the mind and dropping into the wisdom of the body. During portal energy, it’s important that we ground the higher frequencies by focusing on the technology of the heart and womb. Create space upon rising and before going to bed meditate, go within, and be still. It will feel amazing.
- ceremony in groups
- ‘where there are two or more you will find me there’ – ceremony and groups helps us activate each other. Ourselves come alive and our DNA wants to remember. Find groups that resonate with you or join me alongside other women who are actively doing this work inside 𓆃 The Membership.
- nature time
- nature helps us ground the higher frequencies so that we do not frazzle out. This is very common amongst women who are doing spiritual work and this is something that I’ve had to learn the hard way. Nature is key for grounding this energy so make sure to spend plenty of time the trees and the bees. 🙂
- learning new skills
- this is the perfect time to follow the guidance of your soul and remember the gifts that you came in with. Learn how to work with energy
JOIN the Quantum Healing Training program online and remember how to work with energy!
- Explore the ancient technology of sound – consider the Sacred Sound Immersion as an exploration of what Sound, DNA and the Universe have in common
- Find other multidimensional or soul gifts that call to you and explore them! Dive into them at this time it’s so easy to remember the gifts that you came in with because the veils are so thin and our soul is asking us to do this work.
- this is the perfect time to follow the guidance of your soul and remember the gifts that you came in with. Learn how to work with energy
- getting creative
- creativity is key when it comes to receiving and grounding this energy. Allow yourself to play and see what comes through!
- developing a gratitude practice
- our heart is the key to ascension and will noticeably be felt during portal energy. Learn to expand it via gratitude if you don’t already have a gratitude practice. Find more reasons to feel grateful and express your gratitude to others. Feel it in your heart and expand your ability to hold the sensation of gratitude.
Whatever you decide to do for the 1111 portal or for any portal for that matter, the most important thing to remember is this:
if you keep seeing the number 1111 or your body starts to feel different at this time, pay attention. The unseen realms are calling to you and asking to awaken to something new
This is the magic of life beginning to speak to you, so listen. Pay attention to what is asking to change And know that it’s time to answer the call!
Don’t Forget:
Sending you much Aloha,
Celeste Gluz,
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
11:11 A Portal into the light
Taurus Full Moon – Divine Feminine Ascension Guidance
Integrating Crystalline Light
All you need to know about Quantum Healing