The order of the blue rose has been a part of my awakening process since day 1 without me realizing it. I see now how that was perfectly orchestrated for my path and for what would inevitably unfold in the decade to come.
Today I want to share my experience with the order of the blue rose. I do understand there is now a lot of information on the internet about it and I want to be clear that I have not read nor researched what has been said about this order. I’d prefer to keep it that way for 2 reasons:
1 – the order of the blue rose unfolded for me naturally, without me looking for it or being aware it was ‘a thing’. I believe this is the best way it could have happened for me. When something resonates with your soul, it should feel like it is coming through you, not that you are looking for it and wanting to ‘plug into’ it.
2- Because I am not familiar with what has been shared about the order of the blue rose I wish to say the following; we are all on a very unique soul journey, reclaiming fractals of Source that have infinite expressions. Just as my experience with the order of the blue rose is deeply intimate and unique to me, so I would assume of all others who speak or share this frequency.
Basically, trust your intuition. I am here to share with you my story because these lineages work via myths and energy, not through the logical mind. There is no “ONE RIGHT order of the blue rose’. Just as there are infinite shades of Blue, there may be infinite shades and paths toward the blue rose priestess path.
What I do wish is that there would have been more guidance on what this path was to give me a sense of ‘landing’ so this is what I wish to share with you. A sense of internal ‘confirmation’ if you will.
order of the blue rose ; signs you are called
my awakening to the order of the blue rose
The blue rose order oversees the higher celestial frequencies coming onto the planet. It has been here since the seeding of our planet and is responsible for the evolution of consciousness. Many of the higher frequencies, ascension practices and higher timelines are associated with this lineage of light.
If you are called by this lineage, it’s important you to pay attention. There will be breadcrumbs of your path but it’s up to you to do the work that is required to follow this path.
I’d like to share 2 stories that confirmed to me this lineage was undeniably the path I was meant to walk.
I was guided online to purchase a blue rose crystal. It was large and truly way outside of my budget but I knew without a shadow of a doubt I had to purchase it. I didn’t purchase it because it was a ‘blue rose’, I don’t even remember thinking about it that way. I just purchased it because it was a rose and I felt strongly pulled to it.
A long time later I was hosting a Lemurian Women’s retreat with 2 of my lemurian sisters. I bring out this rose for a sunrise chant and my lemurian sister yells at me ‘OMG! You’ve brought the lemurian rose!’ in that moment, both of our bodies became full of chills. I had never heard of the concept of ‘the blue rose lineage’ but in that moment it clicked. I had been following the blue rose since the day of my awakening and it had led me to the path of the lemurian rose priestess (which I haven’t been able to put into words until way way way later).
The other happened while listening to an ascension talk. The woman mentioned in just a brief moment how this blue rose has been a symbol of ascension initiates upon meeting each other. In that moment, I wept and my body recalled it’s memories. It clicked in again. All that I had been walking, remembering and being initiated into was indeed the order of the blue rose.
Notice that in these 2 moments, it was my body that told me this is it. The rose priestess is about reclaiming body wisdom and being able to fully trust it. I believe this is the best way to ‘know’ you know. Your body will tell you.
If you feel disconnected to your body or feel you’d like more clarity with what that process looks like, consider reading: Reclaiming Body Wisdom – The Seductress Path
These 2 circumstances happened years apart and I believe as more of us wake up to this path, the time it takes to remember and click into our path is meant to shorten.
So now I ask you, how has the blue rose come into your life? What’s your story with the blue rose? Take a moment to breathe into your heart and ask for the beautiful synchronicities to come in to your awareness or life.
Signs you are called by the blue rose order
I remember the first time I heard this word. My entire body lit up. I had no idea what it meant but it called me. If you are called by the ascension process, by Crystalline consciousness, or by supporting in the process of spiritualizing matter, the blue rose priestess path calls.
Lemuria Temples existed at the beginning of human historty for the sake of grounding and embodying the order of the blue rose. If you are called or remember your lifetimes from Lemuria, Atlantis or Egypt, you may have been a part of this seeding in human consciousness.
Connection to the divine | Spiritual development
The Divine is at the forefront of your existence and you can’t deny it. I’ve tried to plug into a regular life or deny the fact that my soul work is intertwined with the Divine and it simply doesn’t work. If you are strongly pulled to working, embodying or endeavoring on a spiritual and humble path of Divine & Spiritual Expansion, the blue rose order is likely in your field!
A life of devotion and service to Crystalline Consciousness
Similar to the above where somehow the divine is at your core and there’s no doubt about it. No one has to teach you this. It’s ingrained in you. You don’t have to be told to have faith or believe in the divinity and possibility of humanity. You know it is inevitable and in fact you don’t desire to entertain ideas of ‘mass extinction’, politics, division or negative nonsense. It’s not that you deny the existence of it. It’s simply that you know where your energy and life most serves the highest good of ALL.
You are naturally ‘turned on’ to at least one skill or gift
If you are naturally inclined to spiritual gifts or feel highly sensitive to the world around you, you are likely in tune to a more subtle field of awareness. This is required when walking on the priestess path of the rose because you need your senses – literally and metaphorically. You need to be attuned to what others may not. So if you’re called to explore your natural healing gifts or skills go for it!
I’ve developed a quantum healing training that supports women just like you to remember their gifts. This modality has shifted my life in incredible ways, one of which is helping me use my sensitivity as a gift and also refine it.
Explore the Online Lemuria Rose Quantum Healing Training
Crystalline or Sound technology
You are not only called to crystals but by all that is related to the crystalline and quantum! Meaning, crystalline consciousness, crystalline DNA, sound technology, sound as creation and crystalline technology! This stuff is fascinating and it is our job to remember how to use it in order to embody and integrate this incoming flow of energy!
The Light-bearer Path inside the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is all about exploring the crystalline fields of awareness.
You can dive into the reclamation of SACRED SOUND as a way of living HERE!
Divine mother
Divine Mother calls you! For YEARS I just naturally felt called by her essence. Again, I knew nothing about her nor was I trying to figure it out. I just knew she was with me. Not in a religious way but in an overarching, spiritual journey kind of way. If you know, you know.
Divine Mother oversees a large part of the blue rose order.
Natural Healing
You know inherently your body is meant to heal naturally. Perhaps you are already on the natural healing path, exploring ways of alternative healing or you are a natural energy healer. Somehow, you are using or exploring alternative healing modalities as a normal way of living. Blue Rose Lineage Keepers always worked with the quantum and unseen realms as ways of healing themselves and those around them.
In fact, you don’t even consider other modalities. You just know natural is the way to go. This will open up a wormhole of quantum ways for the body to activate, heal and awaken!
Sacred Union
Your Heart is D E E P…I mean, deeeeeepppp. Like, if it’s not REAL, you’re not into it.
There’s a very spritual and significant eseence of the Heart that many are now awakening to. This is calling us to Sacred Union, whether in partnership or with The Beloved/God/Source.
Your Heart is devoted to Sacred Union. Noone has to explain it to you nor convince you of it. In Sacred Union, you will (or currently are) exploring the INIFITISIMEL UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS that is ONE with you. (did I just make up that word? That’s how inifinite sacred union will take you!)
Body Work
You know there is a soul destiny with your body, whether it’s healing from trauma, reclaiming the Sacredness of your body or working with body-based healing modalities. Because the Order of the blue rose is very celestial in it’s essence, one of it’s signs is that it’s leading you back home – to you and your body. All that is explained above will somehow lead you back to the here and now divine physical body that houses your celestial frequencies!
Called to explore the feminine lineages and understand the bigger story behind what this path is all about?
It took me over 10 years to put this all together, and I’ve created a workshop that breaks all down.
Reclaim your Feminine Lineage and remember the Path your soul is destined to walk.
JOIN ME inside
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
The Lemuria Rose Priestess
I have been asked to reclaim the Initiatory Path of the Priestess, also known as the High Priestess of the Rose, in order to embody Ascension in a practical and nourishing way.
Since the times of Lemuria/Mu, we gathered to receive the teachings of Divine Mother in Goddess Temples.
While living in Hawai’i, I felt these temples come alive.
It is time for the Priestesses to remember our very important and powerful role in birthing the new.
We are not here to just hold the light. We have a real job and are needed in the world.
Today, the S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts is here to walk you through this Ancient Initiatory Priestess Path so you can reclaim your gifts, have support during the Initiatory Process, awaken the Wisdom that lives within you and share it with others!
SHARE this blog with other sisters! Every time you share an article, It supports the awakening of our Sacred Feminine.
I am deeply passionate about sharing the Priestess Path with women as we reclaim and embody this role on earth.
With much Aloha,
Celeste Gluz,
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
This blog is all about signs you are called to the order of the blue rose.
Highly recommended:
Reclaiming our Feminine Lineage; Lemuria Rose Priestess Path
FREE: Feminine Foundations Course
Learn everything you need to Yoni-steam with this EASY DIY Course!
Why Feminine Lineage is Key on the Feminine Path
Reclaiming Body Wisdom – The Seductress Path
Top Signs it’s time to do Womb Work