I believe all women who are walking the feminine spiritual path at one point or another will be called to awaken their spiritual and healing gifts. Sound has been a large part of my awakening and spiritual process and only until recently did I consider it a gift.
While remembering my connection to Mu/Lemuria, sound was a portal to so much information that I couldn’t understand it all. Today, my life has been rearranged so that I can consciously approach sound for the sacred gift it is. She continues to teach me so much every day and I wish to share some of this with you.
Sound as part of the Feminine Spiritual Path
“The future of medicine is Sound.”
– Edgar Cayce
Upon remembering my lifetime in Lemuria, the first thing that was shown to me was the role of sound. I didn’t fully understand it at the time but through the years it continues to show itself with more clarity and teach me so much about life, our body, this universe and our relationship to it.
I’ve been using Sound healing in my private healing practice and in group experiences for many years but this past year there was a major shift in my relationship to sound as a part of daily life which I deeply wish to share with more women.
Not only did I experienced a profound communion with spirit while studying sacred sound but I have experienced things that I believe all women desire to experience and share. Things like internal harmony, easier transmutation of past events, a tool to move through difficulty, and a place to return daily for focus, devotion and alchemy are just a few incredible gifts that sound is waiting to share with you.
The Feminine Spiritual Path
The Feminine Spiritual Path is a complex one, full of twists and turns, initiation after initiation, reminding us that we’re walking through fabric of life that is much more complex than what we can see with the naked eye.
As we reclaim our gifts, we are reminded of our sacred duty:
To use these gifts wisely.
To share them with those who are ready
To help others remember these very same gifts in their own unique frequency.
In my study of the feminine lineages, sound has been a huge part of the story that has been lost. Because sound is such a powerful technology, it had to go into hiding until we as a collective consciousness could hold it within the sacredness of our hearts.
Sound to me is like a mother, a lover, a teacher and a friend.
What I desire most is to share with you the profound knowledge and wisdom that sound has shared with me so that as you walk the feminine spiritual path and are faced with the inevitable initiations, you have a tool that holds the power of worlds, right there inside you. In your voice, in your cells, in your womb. It is something that is waiting to be activated within you, and with it comes a liberation, an expression and a healing of the feminine like we have yet to see in this world.
I’ll be releasing a new course soon, the Sacred Sound Immersion, where we will explore sound as a healing agent, a technology of creation and a portal to the divine.
Sound as part of the Feminine Path
Sound works directly with our subconscious mind, which represents the feminine body.
When we work with sound, we’re tapping into a different dimension outside of this physical time-space reality. This is why it feels so good and may sometimes be hypnotizing. It releases us of the heaviness and constraints of this 3D life.
Sound was always part of the feminine lineages and is a large reason why women have so many issues with their throat. What I have found since working with sacred sound is that my wound-throat connection has strengthened and the expression of my higher self has come through with more clarity than ever before.
When we reclaim sound as part of our feminine spiritual path, we’re reclaiming something much more ancient, profound and mystical. Women are called to work with sound in one way or another because we are attuned to the esoteric and the spiritual. Sound is a portal to that realm. It cuts through all the noise of modern day life and takes us the place of realness, on oneness, of the Divine.
If sound is calling you, it’s for a much bigger reason then you may initially understand. Trust the call.
Know that sound is an ancient modality of the feminine and we have gifts within us just waiting to be remembered that remind us how to heal, move, create and magnetise with the power of sound.
Sound as a healing agent
Sound has a way of collapsing time and space and traveling into spaces and places that are mind perhaps cannot fathom. This is why sound can heal traumas from earlier years or past lifetimes. I have seen incredible healing experiences just with sound alone, often without the mind even understanding what is taking place.
Sound is not just a healing modality, it is a Being with intelligence, and it’s our job to communicate with it.
And if that sounds at all far fetched to you, I highly suggest joining my Sacred Sound Immersion Where you can experience this for yourself.
Sound is here to heal us. To help us remember. To help us return to who we truly are. I see sound healing popping up everywhere and it’s beautiful but I do believe we need to reclaim the true Power of Sound in order to carry it’s the deepest medicine.
If you’re called to include sound in your practice, your healing rituals or as part of your daily life, this is a clue that you’re walking the feminine spiritual path of reclaiming at the Heart of humanity through ancient healing technology.
Since including sound in my private healing practice and group experiences, everything has shifted. It’s like the room is filled with a new frequency that has its own intelligence, constantly teaching me and guiding me forward. There is less to ‘do’ and more to ‘receive’.
Read you need to reclaim the Power of Sacred Sound – here’s why for a background sense of why sound is so fundamental on a feminine spiritual path.
I tune into sound and notice how she wants to be touched by all the souls that are ready to hold her. I just realized the other day that almost everyone in on my team when I had a woman’s Wellness space in Hawaii is today working with sound. I find this incredibly beautiful magical and synchronistic. They didn’t come to me asking about sound nor interested in learning it, but somehow, their souls were called to pick it up. And now I see them spread out throughout the island sharing this profound medicine of sound.
This is because sound has a ripple effect and if you are resonating at a similar vibration, it will carry you up and into your unique frequency. It will release all vibrations that are not in tune with this higher frequency and shapeshift those around it to meet it.
Women, Womb Healing and Sound
I have to say, using sound for women is absolutely divine. There is so much historical art work that shows us how music and sound was the realm of the feminine. Again, this is because sound is a gateway to the subliminal. It takes us into the dimensions that we so desperately seek and are thirsty for, yet somehow have so many excuses to not prioritize.
Think about it this way, we as women are thirsty for the well of wisdom that comes from the Great Mother, and Sound is like her fountain! It is a way to wash ourselves clean internally and externally, so that we may return to her and remember, receive and replenish with the essence of the Divine.
Sound has a bathing effect – hence the term sound baths. It bathes us in frequency which is essentially what we are made of, and vibrates us into healing.
Women, womb healing and sound go together like peanut butter and jelly!
When women remember how to use sound vocally, they immediately begin to call forth their womb-throat connection. This connection is PIVOTAL on the healing path of the feminine.
One of my FAVORITE things lately is hosting these womb-voice activation events where women get to experience this connection first hand. You don’t have to believe anything I say. Just try it! You can join me online, in-person (NYC or Hawai’i) or catch a recording under the workshop section of the S.O.F.I.A. School.
Once we reclaim the power of sound in our lives, we create eternal ripples of change which is felt by those around us, especially our lovers, children and coworkers. Anyone we are spending alot of time with will notice a shift in your relationship, because as you devote yourself to the practice of creating internal harmony and beauty, everything outside will transform to meet it.
Sound as portal to the divine
I would like to add one of the experiences I enjoy most with Sound and that is connecting to the Divine. Most women are easily connected to the spiritual, but there is a place with Sound that takes us to a slighly different, more pristine frequency of the Divine. I believe this is becuase Sound is essentially the force of the Divine. I remember waking up one day in hawai’i and the message came in sharp and clear:
God/Goddess speaks to use via Sound. The question is, whether our internal landscape is equipped to receive it.
As women on the feminine spiritual path, it is our sacred responsibility to align the inner and outer worlds. When we do, Magic is possible. A connection to the part of us which we so desperately crave to be intimate with comes alive. There are few words that explain this but the sensation is undeniable. My body either weeps or taps into spaces and memories that refine who I am and why I am here.
Since finding this connection with Sound, I have been asked to support more women in doing so.
I believe that as more women commune with sound in this way, there will be ripples of change woven in to the fabric of existence that we’ve all been waiting for, and that my love, is the Great Awakening and Transition we’ve all been hearing about.
Interested in going deeper into these topics and incorporating sound as a spiritual practice that can help improve your well-being, create harmony in your relationships and be an agent for feminine magic?
Learn how to use sound in daily life as a powerful healing tool. Join me inside the Sacred Sound Immersion and reclaim the ancient feminine art of sound as a healing practice.
We will discuss:
Connect to your Higher Self Expression, speak your truth, awaken your Womb-Throat connection and so much more! Join me in this amazing opportunity to explore the ancient feminine art of SOUND.
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I am deeply passionate about supporting women in reclaiming and embodying their gifts. I hope this has sparked some interest in the power of sound related to walking your higher purpose and mission on earth.
Mahalo and thank you for being here.
Sending you much Aloha,
Celeste Gluz,
Creatrix S.O.F.I.A. School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Author I AM Lemuria
This blog is about Sound as part of the Feminine Spiritual Path.
4 ways to use Sound Healing daily and increase your frequency
you need to reclaim the Power of Sound – here’s why
All women should take an energy healing certification – here’s why