After almost 10 years of working with the womb and womb wellness, today I’m sharing the top womb health tips I haven’t heard others talk about. These are womb health tips but also womb health bits of wisdom that I think you will really enjoy!
Let’s get into my top womb health tips for your holistic wellness journey of healing or reclaiming womb vitality!
12 womb health tips you haven’t heard
Womb health
There’s nothing more beautiful than a woman who trusts the Wisdom of her body, and more specifically, the Wisdom of her Womb. Our womb health is the KEY to our Vitality, Creativity, Magic, Power and so much more! Womb health is ESSENTIAL for every woman but unfortunately not talked about enough.
The more I Surrender to the Path of the Feminine, the more I realize how much WEALTH and KNOWLEDGE is held within the ability to create a womb wellness routine and tap into this Ocean of Magnificence that is our womb. Now more than ever we need women to educate themselves and share the power and knowledge of womb health.
The generation in their late teens and early 20’s is faced with extreme bombardments of technology, screen time and app-focused measurements that take them away from connecting to their body’s wisdom. When a woman is disconnected from her body, she is disconnected from the Beauty & Wonders of the world, leading her far from experiencing womb health and womb vitality.
Today, I want to share my top tips I’ve learned along the path of reclaiming my Body’s Wisdom and reclaiming womb health, which is now a large part of understanding Womb Health and Wealth inside the S.O.F.I.A. School.
All I will be covering today is inspired by my latest course: Menstrual Magic.
Here are my top tips for womb health:
Womb health tip #1: BIRTH CONTROL
I have to start here because it’s the reason the Feminine Path opened for me.
I remember not knowing about natural birth control, thinking the only way to deal with the fear of pregnancy was to cross my fingers and pray (I never liked the notion of taking artificial birth control).
And somehow even that felt wrong because I felt guilty for ‘not wanting it to happen’. So many women pass it off as ‘if it’s meant to be, then it’s in God’s Plan for you’ as if I shouldn’t consider my personal desires as a serious part of this life.
That’s like saying ‘I’m not going to work today. But if it’s meant to be, I’ll get paid anyway and that’s how I’ll pay my rent’. It’s a very naïve and immature way of going about life. It’s normally the way we go about dealing with things when we don’t have an answer so we just do the best with what we have.
After experiencing womb loss, I was left with an immense amount of grief and a debilitated body-mind that no one had answers for. I had no idea that taking the ‘morning-after’ pill would have the effect it did on me. I was never given a heads’ up about the real side-effects of this pill and so many women and nurses speak of it as if it’s a vitamin you take and move on with your day.
Well, it knocked me out of my body and it took me over a year to stabilize (not even come back to vitality). Needless to say, I learned the hard way about what women have always known for centuries, how to work with herbs and other home remedies to support us in a natural form of birth control and fertility awareness.
So point of the story, use natural herbal contraceptive INSTEAD of any ARTIFICIAL anything (pill, hormone, man-made item). Trust me, your relationship with herbs, mother nature and your body will GREATLY appreciate it and your hormones, libido, natural glow, energy levels and so much more will be so HAPPY and GRATEFUL for it!
I’ve heard horror stories and worked with tons of women who have suffered DAUNTING circumstances from having to not only be on birth control but deal with the WOMB STAGNATION that accumulates from Years of birth control use.
Womb health tip #2: UTI’s & PERIOD PAIN
UTI’s & PERIOD PAIN have been made to be NORMAL and the truth is, they are NOT NORMAL.
If you have consistent UTI’s, Period Pain or Serious PMS symptoms, it needs to be addressed and treated at the root level. After so many years of working with Quantum Womb Healing, I am 100% confident in telling you the following:
There is ALWAYS an emotional or physical connection with your experience or belief system around the Feminine (your womb, your sexuality, your past experiences, etc.) for these imbalances. The sooner you figure out the REAL reason you keep having UTI’s, Period Pain or other symptoms, I promise they will quickly fade and soon disappear from your life!
Womb health tip #3: LIBIDO AND OVULATION
LIBIDO AND OVULATION are far too often connected, leaving women to think that if they are not ovulating they have to use lube and or other substances to get aroused or that it’s normal to have a low libido outside of ovulation.
Although this is something that is very case by case basis because there are many circumstances in a woman’s life that will drastically affect her libido, I do want to make it a point that your vitality is connected to how naturally wet you can get (without substances).
Our libido is a natural reflection of our WOMB HEALTH AND WEALTH. I will leave it at that in this blog. This is discussed further inside the S.O.F.I.A. School.
Womb health tip #4: PERIOD TOXICITY
I remember being out traveling and having to stop by a local drugstore because I had forgotten my panty liners. They didn’t have any organic brands so I just chose the best one I thought would do the job.
Well, within 24 hours, I started to feel nausea and have womb pain, and my period was on it’s final day (meaning for me, I couldn’t be having those symptoms). I tuned in to figure what was going on and realized the only thing I had changed were those panty liners. So I took a look at the ingredients. Low and behold, they were synthetic!
The craziest part?!
As SOON as I took off the liner, everything went away! I felt fine!
I later found out that most of the general women’s hygiene products release FUMES into our bodies (sorry to be the one to tell you this, but better me than having to live it yourself) that are incredibly toxic and harmful to our health.
So needless to say, CLEAN UP YOUR ACT. Stop using ANYTHING that is not organic and start finding ways to keep it CLEAN!
Womb health tip #5:6-Pack ABS
This is coming from a former professional athlete and master trainer, so trust me when I say I was once fascinated with abs as much as anyone else.
6-pack ABS are for men, not for women.
Women are meant to have a higher fat percentage than men. There is a reason why 6-pack abs have been heavily pushed on women but for today let’s keep it to the following:
Extremely lean female bodies suffer from:
unhealthy or missing periods (which is a sign of ill health)
imbalanced hormones
low immune system
little to no womb vitality and libido
organ shrinkage
and for the sake of this conversation – connection to their Feminine Wisdom and Self-healing abilities
So stop killing yourself over the abs-thing and find Beauty in balance.
Womb health tip #6: CYCLICAL LIVING
I remember not knowing about Cyclical Living. Boy is that awkward just thinking about! I would give myself such a hard time about maintaining the same fitness routine week after week or not understand why my mood and energy levels would change drastically (especially growing up in a high-performance environment where I worked, studied and trained full-time).
I thought there was something wrong with me because I often felt exhausted, overwhelmed and like I was just living a LINEAR life, doing what everyone expected me to do. I just kept pushing myself to exhaustion time after time thinking it was the only way to ‘excel’ in this world. Come to find out decades later, our superpower and self-healing capabilities as women begin to reveal themselves when we drop into our natural rhythm, aka, Our cyclical body rhythm.
Womb health tip #7: FERTILITY & VITALITY
I remember the first time I learned about cervical mucus and how it not only determined my fertility but also my vitality and health as a woman! I was so mad and enraged that I had never heard of it before! How could no-one have taught me these basic things about my body? And even worse, if no one was teaching them, did that mean they didn’t know either? The lack of information was absolutely unacceptable in my eyes and it still surprises me that girls are growing up in a culture where apps TELL you more about your body than you could know for yourself. I believe it’s up to the conscious women in our communities to take ownership of this education and guide along our future generations so that they feel empowered and in LOVE with their ORGANIC Body consciousness.
In a world where social media, screens and virtual reality is becoming a larger percentage of a young girls daily routine, I can’t imagine how the role and understanding of body intimacy will evolve in the coming years.
I remember growing up and never thinking ONCE about how my BODY felt. I was my Mind. If I had a strong mind, my body was strong and I could excel in life. Not once did I consider my body separate from my mind.
Today, I allow my BODY to take the lead in most of what I do. The Mind is the Civil Servant of the Body, but we must awaken to our Body’s Wisdom first and create intimacy with it before really embodying that. And when I mean intimacy, I’m not talking yoni eggs and self-pleasure. Intimacy has also been distorted and highly se#ualized.
Intimacy on the Feminine Path is considered the ability to DEEPEN into, FEEL and Instinctively KNOW what is best for you at any moment. It is based on CONNECTION and AWARENESS.
Womb health tip #9:YONI-STEAMING
Oh, this one has got to be one of the best-worst findings for me. When I first learned about Yoni-steaming: A part of me wanted to CRY the other wanted to YELL with ANGER.
You mean to tell me women have done this for THOUSANDS of years to prevent all kinds of illness and womb imbalances like cysts and endometriosis and the BEST our medical system can do is just SURGICALLY REMOVE THE WOMB and hope nothing else manifests in the body? (surgical trauma is far too common from not only hysterectomies but labor and other invasive procedures dealing with the vag*n#.)
I couldn’t believe one of the most healing practices women require (because I now see it as a requirement for women’s health, not a luxury) has been not only hidden but shun in the medical field.
I’ll leave it at that. You can assure yourself we’ll be setting you up with a yoni-steam throne from the comfort of your own home inside Menstrual Magic.
Yoni-steaming is certainly becoming a trend and you have to be careful with all the misinformation that is invading the online space. Steaming with the wrong herbs or the wrong amount of time can create more problems than help. Steaming is specific to your body makeup and requires individualized support, organic, high-quality herbs and the proper setup that allows to DEEPEN into BODY INTIMACY.
Who else remembers when they were grossed out by their bleed and thought it should not even be looked at because it may give them some bad energy? Maybe you feel this way now?
It’s hard to believe that women have had to live like this for so long. Reconnecting with my bleed and seeing her as the most sacred part of my cycle has not only shifted my relationship with my body and womb, it has even supported my husband in understanding and honoring my menstrual cycle as well.
When we reclaim our bleed, our loved ones do so as well as a natural ripple effect of what the natural way of life is.
We all once knew how sacred menstruation was to the community and when we begin to remember it once again, it’s like things start to click into how they were always meant to be, in FLOW! Lol
It wasn’t until I started working consistently with womb quantum healing that I realized the womb has it’s own energy center that determines so much of our life. And it’s not ENOUGH to just have a healthy womb.
If you have a healthy period, are not prone to UTIs, have no imbalances (cysts, endometriosis, etc.), and feel fairly secure with your lower 3 energy centers, then congrats, you’re ahead of it! But you’re not complete. The next step is to actually CHARGE this powerful Energy Center! Replenish her and feed her LOVE like you would anything else that holds so much power.
If you do have any of the previously stated qualities, I highly suggest joining Menstrual Magic where I break down everything you need to know about womb wellness, charging your womb, natural fertility tracking and cyclical living.
A healthy womb is a wealthy womb.
A wealthy womb is like an overflowing well.
She quenches the thirst of those around her because it’s in her nature.
An unhealthy womb is like a dried-up well.
Those around her will go thirsty and everyone will dry up.
Wealth is something we go far deeper inside other courses and archetypes within the S.O.F.I.A. School but I wish someone would have told me how the HEALTH OF MY WOMB dictates the WEALTH OF MY LIFE.
What I have found through the years is that as I place my womb health and vitality at the center of my life, all other parts of my life begin to spin in effortless ease and magic. But when I decide that my mind has a better idea about how I should use my energy and creativity, well, I often end up in a hamster wheel of overdoing and never landing.
If this conversation lights you up or sparks a new level of awareness and curiosity about how to overcome these fears or circumstances, I invite you to join me inside Menstrual Magic!
We will be covering each of these points because I wish someone would have given me this manual at the time of my first bleed! I would have not only felt a lot more comfortable with my body and bleed, I would have started my path of arriving and unfolding my Body’s Wisdom at a much younger age, never having questioned my body’s ability to steer me in the right direction.
Let’s empower other women and younger generations.
Share this BLOG or post it on social while tagging me @celestegluz1111 and/or @lemuriarosetemple.
Sending you many womb health blessings!
Celeste Gluz, MS
This blog was all about my top 12 tips for womb health you probably haven’t heard!
Listen to the Divine Feminine Ascension Podcast:
The power of aligning to your Cycle
Yoni-steam and Quantum Womb Healing
The Role of the Womb Workshop