Quantum healing is a relatively ‘new’ modality for people who are open to alternative healing and one that is certainly worth looking into. As the frequency on the planet continues to shift, our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies shift accordingly. This shift is precisely why quantum healing is so important to understand and get involved with!
All you need to know about quantum healing
In this Blog, we will discuss:
~ My experience with quantum healing
~ how does quantum healing work
~ quantum healing and spirituality
~ quantum healing and adjusting to the new chakra system
~ signs you are ready for quantum healing energy
~ quantum healing vs reiki
~finding a quantum healing practitioner
(Please note, this article takes into consideration my experience with Quantum Healing as a student, practitioner and teacher of it. As with all information, it is up to the reader to take what resonates and leave the rest. I am not a trained reiki healing practioner and what I know about Reiki is what I have learned from many reiki healers who work with me or have joined my energy healing trainings in person and online.)
Quantum healing
Quantum Healing is a type of energy technique that has come about in recent decades with the collective consciousness shift of the planet. Until 1987, the planet was in a lower vibrational frequency and therefore not ready to receive new ways of healing or increasing the collective consciousness. There were certain higher frequencies that could not be distributed to the collective because we simply were not ready. The Physical and Spiritual human body at the time had a cap to what it could hold in terms of energy and spiritual consciousness.
Since 1987’s Harmonic Convergence, and most especially, 2012, there has been a massive uprising of consciousness. Stargates have aligned and the earth has been prepared to move forward in her evolution. We can see people all over the world interested in wellness, healing meditation, self-development, and so on.
How does quantum healing work
As the collective frequency rises, it creates a Domino effect. Higher Frequency requires a platform for holding that frequency. That is to say, if 100 people are now conscious about their daily food intake, there is now a demand for healthier food in that community. This is just a simple physical representation of what happens energetically.
If 1000’s people begin meditating (as they have all over the world) a new energetic foundation is created. Because of the collective ‘move’ toward this new practice, a new ‘foundational base’ is created. This new energy is now the new ‘ground zero’ if you will for this group of people. Their mental field, or mental bodies, will now be receptive to integrating a new level of consciousness because the ground floor has been set. In essence, they are receiving an ‘energetic upgrade’ (for lack of better words) which allows them to hold meditation as a daily practice and set a new standard for the frequency that can be maintained.
Just like working out. In the beginning, it may feel difficult. As you continue and build a habit it becomes a routine. And at some point, that routine is the foundation of your lifestyle. You no longer think about whether to work-out or not. Instead, the question becomes, what workout can I do to work on XYZ? In other words, the foundation has been set and you now need a more skilled approach to your workouts because your body’s foundational needs have been met and are ready to level-up.
In fact, it is the leveling up aspect that quantum healing is all about when it comes to the energy healing world.
When enough people in the world ask for this energetic upgrade, (and enough people are already doing so) there is a Collective shift of consciousness that happens and a new downloadable software becomes available (again, for lack of better words).
…. what I was taught just 3 years ago as an energy healing practitioner quickly became outdated. We must build on what we know and adapt to the current energy. This is our job as energy intuitives, energy healing practitioners, and sensitives alike.
Quantum healing and adjusting to the new chakra system
With all of that being said, quantum healing is fascinating. It takes into consideration timeline shifts, DNA activations, your Soul’s Blueprint, your Star Family or Multi-dimensional Presence and the updated chakra energy system that is coming online.
Yes, the chakra system is changing! It’s gotten an upgrade and it’s shifted the way our energy body works. This is all very important for energy healers and practitioners to understand and it is something I discuss in the Quantum Energy Healing Trainings but the most important thing to understand as a client or someone receiving this energy is that we are in the Greatest Time in Human History and things are certainly requiring an upgrade!
…the chakra system is changing! It’s gotten an upgrade and it’s shifted the way our energy body works.
𓂀 Signs you are ready for quantum healing
Besides all the reasons you would normally seek support via energy healing or reiki healing, quantum healing sessions can take you a few steps further if the practitioner is given permission to do so, meaning your Higher Self or Soul is ready for it.
So, aside from spiritual guidance, physical and mental wellbeing, healing and clearing, quantum healing can be supportive if:
~ Your spirit is yearning for something New. Sometimes, clients reach out just because they feel stagnant and know there is something more around the corner. It’s like desiring a recharge, a reset, or an upgrade for your mind, body, and spirit.
~ You simply resonate with the words quantum, energy healing, and the notion that a Frequency shift for the collective consciousness is required (it gets to be that SIMPLE and it was for me at first! I knew nothing of the following signs before I became completed in love with quantum healing. I just simply KNEW it was for me).
~ Your brain requires new connections and receptors for new thought forms and possibilities to occur. Your meditation practice is not developed or needs a boost or perhaps you are finding the same patterns repeating. The Higher Mind is ready to be plugged in fully and create new neural receptor capabilities.
~ Your Nervous System needs a recalibration. You may feel extreme fatigue, tired-and-wired sensations, extreme creativity with times of extreme lackluster energy, or other emotional swings that are not very explainable. This is normal and many times it is your nervous system specifically your Vagus Nerve needs to adapt to the increase in energy or consciousness shift.
~ Your energy field feels flat. You want to express, share, and be your unique self, but your energy field feels like it’s heavy and coming down on you. Oftentimes, the physical body is unable to keep up with your increase in consciousness. There needs to be recalibration so that they are both in a state of Divine Harmony.
~ Higher Spiritual concepts or laws are ready to come in. You can feel your Heart, your Mind, your Pineal gland, your belly, and your centers in general, one by one, are changing. This is because what you grew up with or your immediate environment and what resonates is drastically different.
Things like:
heart sensations
consistent headaches
libido shut down
expansion or contraction in creativity
change of jobs, home location, or partners
~ Your Heart field begins to strengthen and widen. The ability for you to hold LOVE, as a PURE frequency, for those before you and most especially for yourself, increases. This is the activation and consistent skill of Heart Coherence.
~ Your solar plexus is getting an upgrade. (The spiritual anatomy of the solar plexus is changing, along with other energy centers) You must move and express through the world differently and for some reason, you feel hesitation or uncertainty around it. There may be a connection to Source that needs to be strengthened or refined.
~ Your metaphysical or Spiritual connection is getting stronger. Your connection or awareness to Star Lineages, past lifetimes, Multi-dimensional awareness, or communication is getting an upgrade or you are simply interested in exploring these topics.
~ Your DNA is ready to activate or yearning to ‘turn on’ a new set of skills. You will know or feel this from sudden shifts in your behaviors, through patterns, interests, belief systems, or daily routines. You may even be attracted to a completely new set of people, information, or environments.
~ You feel frazzled, overwhelmed, or overstimulated by the energy shift or the changes in your life.
This list can go on forever because Quantum Energy Healing simply meets you, and your spirit, exactly where it is. Quantum healing can connect you with your Higher Self and your Soul Blueprint to accelerate and ease these transitions so they are aligned to your Highest Good.
Quantum healing by nature must adapt to the current energy, which is consistently shifting. Just like your computer and iPhone require software maintenance and updates (it seems like every week!) so do our bodies and spirits.
This is why quantum healing exists. To meet our changing collective consciousness as we walk through the most transformative times of human history.
quantum healing vs reiki
So what is the difference between reiki healing vs quantum healing?
This is a question I come across all the time and was also really curious about. The following answer comes from many of my students who come from a Reiki healing background and my interpretation of what quantum healing has shown me.
Reiki healing goes back about 2500 years and the latest method comes from the 1920’s. As I’ve mentioned before, between 1987 and 2012, there have been significant global recalibrations of our energy field, our Quantum DNA, and our collective consciousness.
As previously mentioned, the original chakra system is changing and many people are already experiencing this shift. I am finding many clients come into sessions because their energy centers are ready to leap into the new chakra system and they need a boost of support to complete this transition.
With this new Chakra system, there are multi-dimensional functions in our energy bodies that are also being switched on. It’s like turning on a switch that can light up a whole new dimension of awareness. This new system is required to receive and integrate the newly incoming rays of light.
Just as our body is shifting, the energy points and sacred sites of the earth are shifting, which creates ripple effects and changes for the people of the area. The current energy and multi-dimensional realms we are experiencing have not been available before this time.We are in a completely different place within the universe as our Solar System continues to travel in space and this has real effects on our human bodies and the magnetics of the Earth (it is all ONE Energy system. It is all quite simple because it works in a ripple effect).
Meaning, our body system interacts differently with our immediate environment, stimuli, and routines. Our nervous system, vagus nerve, brain, spinal cord and heart center are all working differently.
Certainly different than 2500 years ago and even 100 years ago. In fact, as practitioners, we must be able to move with the shift and acceleration of the current energy. If not, it’s like using a car or a computer from the 1920’s. We are simply working with a different software system that no longer resonates
Quantum healing allows for the energy healing practioner to use their own Akash, their Soul Lineages, and technology to update to the current times. This is how the Lemurian Rose Energy Healing Technique was developed for me. I began to receive so much information because I was allowed to receive it within the original modality.
From what I’ve learned, reiki healing is a lot more structured and there are many more rules to follow for the energy healing practitiner because of how it was initially created or downloaded. This modality tells the practitioner how to do the healing as opposed to supporting or training them in receiving what resonates for their soul work or clientele in that moment and trusting the new energy.
Lastly, in reiki healing there is a lot more structure to stick to, meaning there is little wiggle room to be receptive to the changing and upgrading shift of the collective consciousness. You cannot receive the changes in the lymphatic system, the vagus nerve, or the Ascending collective blueprint. This was not originally built into the energy healing modality to begin with so how could energy healing practitioners support themselves or others with these energetic inevitable shifts?
I want to be clear, neither modality is better or worse. I simply believe that you will likely resonate with one or the other according to what you require at the moment. Many people will jump back and forth between them and that’s completely acceptable. My job with this blog is to make it okay to point out the difference between these modalities and bring Quantum Energy Healing Modalities to those who resonate with them.
finding a quantum healing practitioner
Finding a quantum healing practitioner that resonates with you is very important. DO NOT simply google quantum healing practitioner near me and book a session without tuning into that person’s work.
There are many quantum healing trainings and quantum healing online courses available. Just like anything new that grows in interest quickly, it is a double-edged sword. There is no ‘official’ certification for this training and hence there are many practitioners who may or may not suit your needs.
I strongly recommend the following:
- look into the energy healing practitioner’s website
- make sure you resonate with their energy, mission and general work
- see if they have any work online, whether social media, youtube, etc.
This will help you decide whether you feel like a match for this energy healing session. Just like dating, you wouldn’t want to just date anyone who is open and available. I would suggest having the SAME (or maybe even STRICTER) conditions when you work with an energy healing practitioner.
REMEMBER, the energy healing practitioner can only meet you as deeply as they have met themselves. So make sure whoever you work with feels like a guiding light and someone capable to hold you through whatever it is that you desire to move through, integrate or upgrade to.
My quantum healing invitation for you!
I am currently based in NYC and can also work with all different time zones for long-distance sessions.
If you are interested in becoming a practitioner, I am so excited for you! I have created a 3-part training program that is accessible and doable from the comfort of your home!
I host yearly energy healing trainings in NYC and Hawai’i, so if you’re interested in joining me in-person, I strongly suggest joining the LOVE LETTER below so receive the updates on my schedule.
Lastly, it would mean the world to me if you shared this with others who resonate! I am deeply passionate about quantum healing, the collective shift we are living and finding ways of supporting each other through it.
Every time you share an article, It helps me spread this knowledge to more people like you.
mahalo and thank you for being here with me today!
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings,
Celeste Gluz
This Blog was about everything you need to know about quantum healing.
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