The #1 Symptom I see when it comes to womb healing is Womb Stagnation!
Womb healing requires us to look at womb stagnation straight in the face and figure out ways to deal with it! Most women are held back from anchoring their full creativity, abundance and juiciness just because of this #1 womb healing symptom.
I see it FAR too often in womb healing sessions so today I’m going to break down what is this #1 womb healing symptom called Womb Stagnation, where it comes from, what are some signs of having it and what you can do about it.
The #1 symptom of Womb healing: Womb Stagnation
This article is all about Womb Stagnation as part of your womb healing journey
Identifying Womb Stagnation as part of your Womb Healing Journey
Womb Stagnation is when we have an accumulation of old, dense or heavy energy in our womb. It looks like a clogged womb in my quantum womb healing sessions and it feels pretty heavy. Imagine not having swept the floor of your house for a few decades. Yup, that’s what it feels like in there.
Sorry to cut it to you but most women, unless they come from a lineage of healers or conscious communities, haven’t done much womb work. So it’s up to our generation to figure it out and clear our wombs of all the trauma, belief systems, relationships, repressions, anger, grief, pain and suffering that our wombs have had to carry.
What are Womb Stagnation symptoms?
In quantum womb healing sessions, it normally takes a good amount of ‘work’ with other parts of the body to receive clarity on where specifically this womb stagnation is coming from. This is because the womb holds so much information and it is connected to major points in our bodies.
Some of the major symptoms related to womb stagnation I commonly find in women are:
– Throat blockages
– Jawline tension (TMJ is VERY COMMON here and caused by the accumulation of Womb Stagnation)
– High Heart and Heart Blockages
– Brain Fog / Mental Overuse (overthinking, over analyzing)
– Pineal & Pituitary gland stagnation
– Mother line – Feminine Side of Body Injuries, blockages and/or stagnation
– Nervous system overwhelm
– Breath/lung compression
In turn, this can often manifest as very common conditions that are commonly seen today. The following are the more intense symptoms of womb stagnation and the reason I am writing this article – to bring awareness to this topic before it has to get to this point.
Some of what I see too often is the following:
– Reoccurring UTI’s and/or proneness to infection
– Painful intercourse
– Dryness
– Breast or Ovarian imbalances (such as Cysts, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Cancer etc.)
– Menstrual Disorders
– Loss of Period
– Extremely Heavy or Painful Periods
– Hormonal imbalances
Now, I’m not saying Womb Stagnation is the ONLY cause for these conditions.
That’s not the way the body works. What I am saying is that everything is related and connected. So if you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, chances are, there is stagnation in your womb.
Where does Womb Stagnation come from?
As mentioned in the previous blogs, the womb holds several generations into the past and into the future. The Womb holds all of your life experiences, traumas, fears and insecurities and it holds all of your previous relationships!
Womb Stagnation can come from:
– previous relationships or current relationships
-high-stress from personal or work life
-grief, hurt or pain not fully processed
-womb loss (miscarriage, abortions, etc.)
– old belief systems that are holding you back from your greatest and most divine expression
– your generational line, meaning our parents or their parents
– past lifetimes / soul karma
-birth control or other artificial hormonal substances
-suppression and repression of energy, emotion, creativity, sexuality
-inability to integrate your Dark Feminine
-disconnection to your womb
-inverted or distorted relationship with nourishment (food, sensuality, energy intake)
-lack of awareness, understanding or honoring of your Feminine
I’ve seen women carry the pain, trauma, and belief systems of their past lifetimes and/or their ancestors in their wombs and it creates a tremendous amount of blockages in their current life.
Why Me?
Please note, that all of this is meant to be for a reason. Sometimes, when we find this out it is easy to fall into victim consciousness. This is not supportive and in fact will lower your ability to stay strong and move through the necessary shifts.
So if you’re asking, ‘Why me? Why is nothing working out for me?’
The truth is (from the way I see energy) it all serves as an Initiation or awakening to the Power and role of your Feminine. It NOT about you. It’s about the soul lessons and gifts you are here to bring. If everything were fine and dandy, you would continue on with your old ways. So the body will find ways (sometimes drastic ways) to wake you up out of an unconscious emotional, mental or generational pattern and redirect your life in this way. I promise you, if you follow the thread of what we call a ‘healing journey’, one day you will turn around and say to yourself ‘WOW. If that didn’t happen I would have never overcome XYZ.’
Symptoms of Womb Stagnation
The following are signs that you may have Womb Stagnation and not necessarily have the ‘conditions or side-effects’ mentioned above.
This is how the body communicates with you at first to start tapping you on the shoulder and say ‘ Psstt.. Look over here. We need your support…’ If you leave these things unattended for an extended period of time or just cope with it by taking painkillers or other numbing agents like alcohol, caffeine or other substances, then eventually the little nagging pain can turn into a more serious condition.
–Serious PMS
If you have pain or serious discomfort around your bleed, you likely have womb stagnation. Remember it is our responsibility to cleanse, clear and nourish our womb on a monthly basis because as women we are constantly picking up and filtering the energy of our environment.
–You feel lackluster.
Life feels heavy and hard. You don’t want to deal with waking up every day. Life feels monotonous and you’re just slugging on by. The ‘vitality’ is hard to tap into and hardly ever there. This of course has ripple effects into all aspects of your life.
–You’ve lost your libido or you’re simply not excited about life and what it has to offer or what you are here to create
This is an immediate sign that it’s time to give your womb some care and attention. If you’re feeling depleted, overwhelmed, constantly tackling stress or other big life issues, chances are it’s affected your libido or excitement for life and it’s creating womb stagnation. Time to return to your Center of Body Wisdom!
How to get rid of Womb Stagnation
It is so important to clear this womb stagnation. If we don’t clear it, it will have everlasting ripples on your life, emotions, wellbeing, finances, creativity, magic and so much more. Besides potentially manifesting as what has been previously stated, remember that the womb represents the following 3 energy centers:
– root chakra (safety, finances, survival)
– sacral (sexuality, creativity, sensuality, nourishment)
– solar (expression, outward movement, Divine Will)
So Womb Stagnation will have a direct blockage around any of these themes, depending on what else is happening in your life or what you carry in your Soul Blueprint.
–Get the energy moving
Book a Quantum Womb Healing Session or work with an energy practitioner to Move that energy! Stop letting it just sit there and do something about it.
–Implement Feminine Self-Care practices aimed at clearing this energy.
This looks like creating a Yoni-Steam practice from the comfort of your own home, having a womb abdominal massage done or doing some castor oil packs which are incredibly potent and healing for the womb! These are all ancient feminine practices that women had at their fingertips to release womb stagantion and treat all kinds of womb conditions. I teach you step by-step how to do all this and more inside Menstrual Magic!
–Understand where you are DENYING your Inner Feminine!
If you are NEW to your Feminine Energy, make sure to get the Feminine Embodiment Checklist so you can understand where you are denying your innate Feminine Energy! The denial of our Feminine is one of the MAIN reasons why women experience womb stagnation!
Also, consider getting to know your cycle! if you are unfamiliar with the different phases or are only familiar with your ovulation and bleed, take my FREE course : Learn your Cycle, LOVE your Period, where I teach you how to start tapping into the beauty and magic of our cyclical nature.
So much of our repressed feminine force is happening because of the lack of education in our society. I find when women start to learn more about their own body’s wisdom, they begin to self heal and find more joy and pleasure in their lives!
–Understand the Importance of your Womb!
Most women subconsciously negate or deny their womb and their inner-feminine because they are simply not educated about it. This lack of awareness has substantial repercussions which can easily be fixed by the simple learning (or remembering) of our Feminine Womb Wisdom.
Listen in: Divine Feminine Ascension Podcast #44 – The Role of the Womb Workshop
-Stabilize your body, brain and nervous system
Get support in training the Breath, the brain and the nervous system to move and integrate the discordant energy. Implementing a practice of Embodied Meditation is great for this! Try listening to this sample meditation I’ve created on YouTube.
– Get individualized Support
If you have womb stagnation long enough, you are likely dealing with physical repercussions. Some women have bad periods, low libido, physical pains on the left side of the body, or mental over-stimulation. These are minor compared to other women I see who have had breast cancer or uterine cysts and then have to deal with the repercussions of not having understood the ROOT CAUSE of these conditions when it started off as simple stagnation in the body (yes, this is how energy works).
You cannot SURGICALLY REMOVE the root cause because ENERGY does not DISAPPEAR. There are many clients I have seen in the years of working with women who have been told to get surgical procedures done only to find out the underlying problem was left untreated and the body has found a NEW way to manifest it.
The only way to TREAT an imbalance in the body is to ALCHEMIZE the energy. You have to FACE IT, and DEAL WITH IT. So stop running away from your emotions. Get help and find a support system that will help you LOOK STRAIGHT at what is eating you up.
I PROMISE you, facing that FEAR will be the most liberating thing in your life! Giving you a little tough love here because sometimes we need it. 🙂
– Get clarity as to WHY the stagnation is there in the first place (don’t get caught up in the stories. Just understand the why and then DO SOMETHING about it.)
Inside the Womban Wisdom Mentorship (part of the Seductress inside the S.O.F.I.A. School) we go deeper into Womb healing and the reasons behind it.
My Invitation to You
Aside from the above recommendations of Booking a Quantum Womb Healing Session so you can receive very clear, direct and personalized feedback about your current situation, and taking a look inside Menstrual Magic which is catered to women who need a simple and practical approach to reconnecting with their body, their period, their womb and most specifically, implementing sacred feminine practices that help reduce and get rid of womb stagnation, I am developing a new course which will be out later this year.
This New Course will be catered to the women who KNOW they have an imbalance in their womb and require support in going deeper.
Maybe you know you are held back. It’s obvious. You have physical symptoms, your life does not feel good, you don’t feel like you are your fullest self and you are READY to receive support in DIVINE deeper into the ROOT CAUSE of this womb stagnation. This upcoming course will be for you!!
Join the e-mail newsletter at the bottom of this page to stay in touch and please support our non-profit mission by sharing this article with others or tagging me on social media with some of your AHA moments and insights! It lights me up to share this with more women!!
More Happy Wombs in the World will undoubtedly create a Happier, Juicier and more Loving World. I can guarantee that.
Sending you many Lemurian Rose Blessings!
Celeste Gluz